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Inscrutable monkisms needed!


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OK, I've just started a new monk character, and am playing him in a slightly stilted, slightly humorous way.

This includes tossing around almost-relevant "fortune cookie wisdoms"; here's some examples:

"The longest and shortest journey alike start with a single step in the dark."

"The more you travel, the more you stay where you are."

You get the point.

Any similar ones to suggest?

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Hand of Vecna

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"Let your anger be like a monkey in a pinata, hiding with all the candy, and hoping the kids don't come with the sticks...."

[[ shamelessly stolen from Kung Pow! Enter the Fist ]]

What is most useful of the cup; what is there or what is not?

Petting scorpions with a compassionate hand only gets you stung.

The most difficult act in the world is to sit still.

Be more concerned with good actions than great ones.

Friendship is tested when it is time to share the burden.

Distant thunder tells of present danger.

See obstacles as they truly are, not as they appear to be.

The mountains never learned to step aside.

“What is the deepest truth?” The Emperor asked Shinsei.
Shinsei smiled and said “Everything I have taught you is wrong.”

Every moment has a lesson to learn. Learn to listen.

Choosing between two evils is still choosing evil.

Even a goblin is beautiful at eighteen.

While you rest, your enemy practices.

Enemies you threaten make armies. Enemies you destroy make graves.

Those who choose to stand alone, fall alone.

You can never bake the same cake twice.

The only true test of courage is the last one.

If you eat poison, don’t forget to lick the dish.

The box is open, until it’s closed.

A gift is given for the purpose of receiving one.

Be more afraid if an army of sheep lead by a wolf than an army of wolves lead by a sheep.

Suspect that all men are liars and that it will rain tomorrow.

Truth and peace never live under the same roof.

A courageous man has no need of weapons.

One must bow to offer aid to a fallen man.

Brave deeds may be forgotten; brave men never so.

The only box that can hold a secret is a coffin.

The nail that sticks out is the one that gets pounded first.

Kharma and shadows follow us all.

Don’t trust a man who doesn’t know how to smile.

Fear is the measuring stick of ignorance.

Life is not fair. That doesn’t mean you can’t win.

Don’t use two hands when one is good enough.

Criticism is kindness in disguise.

Kindness is criticism in disguise.

In all the world, man is the only creature that has taught itself to argue.

Many hands make to much work.

The simplest questions are the hardest to ask.

Not all blooming flowers bear fruit.

Do not look for life’s meaning, look only to live.

No one is offended by praise but many are fooled by it.

Always be ready to wait.

A patient man learns quickly.
An impatient man, not at all.

He who speaks with anger makes his anger heard, but his words forgotten.

The wise man knows he is weakest when he thinks he is strong.

You must be like the wolf pack, not like the six pack.

Patience and persistence can bring down the tallest tree.

You cannot vanquish the enemy until you face the enemy within yourselves.

The most frightening truth is gained from the mirror.

Do everything as if you have nothing else to do.

Remember: No matter where you go, there you are.

If the well is bad, the village will die.

You cannot speak of the lion’s wrath until you have been under its claws.

No enemy is beneath notice.

If a bird doesn’t sing, kill it.

I kill Chinese like I kill dogs! They are worthless to me!

The two most wonderful things in the world are a woman’s smile and the motion of mighty waters.

I list I keep for when I play L5R or a monk. Pulled from all over, some serious and some more comical. Good luck and have fun.


My favorite but from a movie:

What is life, what is reality in a dead cat's head!

Babylon 5's kosh is a good example for someone speaking in mysterious ways.
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Teflon Billy

Take any item from Roland's list and suffix it with

"....such is the way of the (Belief system), and when you understand this, you will know that you understand nothing."


This is from a Chinese poem:

"In the ocean of the holy dharma
There is neither movement nor stillness.
The essence of the wave is like a mirror;
When something comes, the reflection appears.
When there is nothing in mind,
Wind and waves are both forgotten."

And here's some words of wisdom from Lao-Tzu...

"Heaven and earth are everlasting because they do not exist for themselves."

"The sea of desires is difficult to stay - if you cannot rid yourself of desires, you will surely drown."

"Understanding the good and the bad in other people is merely intelligence, while understanding one's own nature is true enlightment."

"To be able to overcome others is to have power, but to be able to overcome oneself is to have real strength."

"Our souls are transparent, like mirrors. Through judiciously wiping away the blemishes on our souls, we will naturally come to understand the things around us."

"The ocean is the king of all rivers and causes them all to come running into itself because it skillfully stays below them."

"Language is like a finger that points out the truth, but most people see only the finger, instead of looking deep into the direction the finger is pointing..."

And one of my favourite sayings is, "It is better to have the world suspect you to be a fool, than to open your mouth and confirm it."


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