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Interesting traps for a temple devoted to greed?


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So, I'm building a 4e adventure involving a temple dedicated to greed (you know, the deadly sin, greed). I was hoping to involve a lot of traps and encounters along the same theme, but I'm drawing some blanks. Can anyone suggest any monsters or traps that would make sense? For example, traps that tempt players into taking something valuable, or something like that.

Any tips would be most appreciated!

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On Puget Sound

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My first thought was along the same lines, to tempt people and have their greed be their downfall. But... this faith worships the concept of greed, and encourages it? Then punishing people for being greedy would go against their message.


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How about greedy traps that affect the PC with the highest level magic item, or the most gold/treasure/etc? They would obviously be magical in nature, and maybe they function like magnets, attracting/affecting the correct PC from across the chamber?

Or how about traps that cause the PCs to become envious of one another's possessions to spark up some infighting? The trap could force the PC to move to his nearest ally and restrain him/her while trying to take one of his items?


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Well, the PCs are fairly low-level (at the moment, they're 3rd), so they don't have too many magic items, but I will keep that in mind.

I know it may sound kind of counter-intuitive, but if it helps, think of it this way- this temple was made by people who were masters of their greed, and so only someone who was a slave to it (that is, someone less-invested into their faith) would fall victim to their traps.

One idea I had (though not necessarily for a trap) was something along the lines of a slot machine- the PCs have to put money into it, and whenever they do, something happens (possibly beneficial, possibly harmful, possibly neither), but I haven't put any mechanics into it. Any thoughts?


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Personally, an interesting trap for a temple of greed would be a doorway that shoots arrows at someone who walks through without taking something from the donation plate next to the door. Not a main passageway trap, but still, nice and low leveled.


Gabe, I made use of these in the Dungeon adventure I recently wrote. I didn't use all of my ideas there, though.

- Inside the temple, everyone looks wealthier, healthier and more attractive than you do. Their voices sound more mellifluous, and yours sounds scratchy and warbling. Their clothes are nicer and they smell better than you do.

- A large pit separates the congregation from a pile of money and treasure. They can see it, they just can't get to it.

- Tapestries on the walls show people standing outside of restaurant and mansion windows, or staring at lovers they can't have -- emphasizing isolation, longing and desire. Greed.

- In my adventure,
the treasure itself turns into a coin golem.
I always liked that idea.

That any help?


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Nice ideas, guys! I'm pretty sure I'll use the collection-plate idea, and the image of a heap of treasure on the other side of a pit gave me a great idea of a trap (I'll work it out and post it if I think it's any good). The temple I'm making has been long-abandoned, so it might be difficult to work other people's appearances in, but I think I can find a way to do it. And I absolutely love your last idea, Piratecat. That should be fun... :devil:

By the way, what's the name of your adventure? I'll keep an eye out for it.


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Coins with contact poison.

Pressure plates under treasure which control traps, either triggering when all the treasure being taken or disarming the trap if all the treasure is taken.

Molten gold.

Slot machines could have a sign saying that after x pulls there is a chance of disaster, but the door won't open unless the lever is pulled x-1 times. Or just slots must be used x times either before passing, or if an attempt is made to continue before x pulls a trap is sprung.

A thought for running slots: after x pulls roll a D10, if you roll a 1 "Jackpot!!!" A flow of molten gold is released from the machine.

A weak floor covered by gold coins covering a pit trap.

Healing shrine that grants temp HP. If more than surge value in temp HP is taken then bad stuff.

Able to charge magic items, If items are overcharged they are destroyed.

When things are thrown in hole gold comes out. Anything put in hole is lost permanently.

Grant the midas touch. Anything touched turns to gold. This includes food.


Have an obvious shiny item sitting on a pedestal in the middle of the room. If someone touches the item or tries to leave the room without doing so, all squares in the room *that aren't adjacent to the item* get blasted with fire.


I forget what they're called, but I remember seeing an interesting minion in 'Open Grave'. Basically an animated severed hand.

Fill a false floor pit trap with those. When a character falls in, the hands attack. But instead of doing damage, they attempt to steal coins, potions, jewelry, etc, and scurry through hand-sized holes drilled in the sides of the pit. See the Spiretop Drake's 'Snatch' attack for the mechanics of this.

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