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Into the Dragon's Maw (Adventure)

[section]Pell jumped when the drow she-elf crept up behind him and whispered in his direction. He hadn't seen her coming, and her words startled him. "Wha---? Um, going well? Not particularly? Look over there, Faera. That's a ghost. We are talking to a ghost. That thing could go off and destroy us all at the drop of a hat. Let's just hope Gunny keeps him in line. Seems like he's doing ok so far." Pell nodded toward Lakeover. Then whispered at Faera, "Don't pick it up just now, but see that shiny shield? It's magic!" [/section]

[sblock=Crunch]hp 20/75
AC 15
Initiative +6
Darkvision 60’
Speed 30’
Passive Perception 17
Investigation +8
Perception +7
Stealth +9
Action: Shortsword +2 (“Flick”), 1d20+10, 1d6+6 piercing, finesse, light
Bonus Action: Shortsword (“Swish”), 1d20+8, 1d6, piercing, finesse, light

Spell save DC 16
Spell attack modifier +8
Cantrips (4): mage hand, fire bolt (10), minor illusion, prestidigitation
Spells Known (8): sleep (3), color spray (3), grease (3), silent image (4), invisibility (7), spider climb (8), blur (10), disguise self (11)
1st lvl (4 slots)
2nd lvl (3 slots)[/sblock]

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A voice softly rings out from the feathered serpent. It's volume is only a whisper but all of you hear it as clear as day. "Be at peace, noble dwarf. Your thirst for justice clouds your judgment. These are the ones I saw so many years ago. The fate of this valley is to be decided soon. I think it's fair to give them the benefit of the doubt. Welcome, heroes. We who have suffered under Chlorothra's vile tyranny have long awaited your coming. How may we help you?" The serpent coils in the glass cage and unblinking eyes that glitter with rainbows stare at you through the distance between you.


[section] Turning his attention to the encased creature, Ignis studies it intensely while it speaks.
"Perhaps, an explanation of your imprisonment, a summation accounting of that which has transpired herein," he motions with his hand around the room, "and more importantly what manner of beings, and an assessment of what is awaiting us in there... " he points with his staff up the the sloping passage. "This knowledge would be of an immense support," the genasi then bows to the creature in the glass, "for which we would be considerably obliged."

[roll0] to see if I know anything about this type of creature
[roll1] to see if I can gleam if the creature is honest

[sblock='Mini-Stat Block']
Ignis (Wizard) 12th level
Initiative: +2 Perception: +0
Darkvision 60 ft.
Speed: 30'

Str 10, Dex 14 +2, Con 18 +4,Int 20 +5, Wis 10, Cha 8 -1

AC: 19 (Elven chain(Chain Shirt+1)=14+Staff of power+2, Dex+2, Cloak of protection +1)
HP 65/98

In Hand:Staff of Power(15/20 charges)
Off Hand:
Current ongoing spells
Rary's Telepathic Bond cast on everyone​

spell slots: 1st 2(4), 2nd- 3(3), 3rd 3(3), 4th 3(3), 5th 2(2), 6th 1(1)

Character Sheet


[sblock=Ignis:] You have never seen such a creature before, but you recognize it from your studies. It is a couatl. Couatls are rare and often live solitary and secluded lives. They are said to be creatures of powerful magic with an origin from beyond this plane. As it speaks, you find no reason to doubt it.[/sblock]

The serpent sways its head gently behind the glass towards Ignis. “I can share what I know with you. There is no compulsion that prevents me from doing that. What Thorovar has said is true. You walk in the lair of the dragon Chlorothra.”

“After the slaughter of Thorovar’s clan…”

“Whose blood still calls out for justice!” the ghost interjects.

The feathered snake continues undeterred, “the dragon came to lair in this remote valley and subjugated those who dwelled within, the Xulmec tribes. He forced the tribes to worship him and placate him with offerings. Decades passed as the wyrm grew fat from feasting on the people’s larder and his hoard grew with the spoils of their labors. The people chafed under his tyranny, but fear of his power kept them in check until a warrior rose who rallied the disparate tribes together to slay the beast once and for all.”

“During those years, I dwelled with the Xulmec tribes taking on the form of a blind and elderly shaman. They knew me as Xitlacotl and I was asked to bless the warriors before they left to hunt the dragon. The years had long before taken my sight so I cannot share what they looked like gathered there in the open clearing. The best and brightest of their generation had all gathered together to free their people. The air smelled sweeter as the people felt hope stir in their hearts in a way that not even the eldest among them could remember.”

“It was all for naught. Chlorothra feasted well that night.”

“His vengeance was as expected as it was cruel. He forced the people to build a pyramid above his lair where every year the five tribes would send their best to compete against one another. The winner would get to live another year while the other four would be slain and dropped down to Chlorothra’s lair. The following year, the prior victor would be sacrificed to begin the next round of competition.”

“Too many years passed while the Xulmecs gave up their futures a child at a time. I sought a sign for hope for the tribes. I received a portent of the dragon’s fate. Ninety-nine years would pass before fate would bring about an opportunity for the dragon’s death. I knew in my heart that the tribes would not survive to see the dragon so I set out to buy them their freedom.”

“I traveled here and revealed my true form to Chlorothra and offered my life in exchange for one hundred years of peace for the Xulmecs. My kind are rare and the dragon’s greed to possess me as a trophy for his hoard prompted him to take my offer. After all, what is a century to a dragon.”
“Ninety-nine years have passed and fate has brought you here. The blood of countless innocents cry out to each of you. Will you end the terror of Chlorothra once and for all?”


'So, the dragon does survive after all. Make no mistake, even as skilled as we are, it will be the battle of our life to best this creature and, should we fail, our lives will no doubt be forfeit to this beast.
'Should anyone feel that the are not prepared, they should leave. Now. I, for one intend to do my best to end this. Not only for myself, but for the Xulmec and the dwarves and all else whom this creature may have tortured.'

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Lakeover stands, dusting the back of his surplus as he does so to dislodge any dirt or moss that has hatched to him as he sat.

"I'm ready."


The dwarven ghost reacts to Cade's words, "If you truly fear that your strength is not enough, then you must accept my bargain. You promise to slay the dragon and return the anvil to my people and I will join my strength to yours!"

[section]Pell gaped at the colorful reptilian birdlike creature. Its plumage and scales were brilliantly hued. He gazed with awe, his mouth flapping open. The history largely went over his head, but Pell found himself persuaded--if only by the sheer magnificence of the couatl--and was soon enough nodding his head, agreeing with Gunny and Cade. When he realized several beats later that he must look like a buffoon with his trap hanging open, Pell snapped his jaw shut with an audible click. He felt outclassed. Again. This group had fought wrymlings. And found several powerful magic artifacts, all in a short amount of time. Pell wondered how he'd managed to land amidst such heroes. His mind flicked to the Court, and he began to piece together the oddments of motive that might have resulted in the Court sending him on this mission with these heroes. He sucked in a breath of air and nodded twice firmly, deciding something.

"I'll go," he offered sheepishly. [/section]

[sblock=Crunch]hp 20/75
AC 15
Initiative +6
Darkvision 60’
Speed 30’
Passive Perception 17
Investigation +8
Perception +7
Stealth +9
Action: Shortsword +2 (“Flick”), 1d20+10, 1d6+6 piercing, finesse, light
Bonus Action: Shortsword (“Swish”), 1d20+8, 1d6, piercing, finesse, light

Spell save DC 16
Spell attack modifier +8
Cantrips (4): mage hand, fire bolt (10), minor illusion, prestidigitation
Spells Known (8): sleep (3), color spray (3), grease (3), silent image (4), invisibility (7), spider climb (8), blur (10), disguise self (11)
1st lvl (4 slots)
2nd lvl (3 slots)[/sblock]


The couatl nods at each of you. "I have been locked away in this cage and do not know what you may face ahead. I can share what I have heard. There was a time that Chlorothra had taken a mate. I believe you have already met their children. However, Chlorothra fathered other children during his wanderings and one came to see her father decades ago. Shortly after she came, I heard no more from the dragon's mate and I have not heard his child's voice either."

[section]Pell paled. "Two dragons?!" Air rushed out of the half-orc's lungs in an audible oof. He gulped and cast a glance at Gunny. "Maybe we should make a plan. Or something. Also, I don't feel so good after that last fight." He shuffled his feet, toeing the small puddle of blood that'd dripped from wounds in his shoulder down his arm and fallen to the floor.[/section]

[sblock=Crunch]hp 20/75
AC 15
Initiative +6
Darkvision 60’
Speed 30’
Passive Perception 17
Investigation +8
Perception +7
Stealth +9
Action: Shortsword +2 (“Flick”), 1d20+10, 1d6+6 piercing, finesse, light
Bonus Action: Shortsword (“Swish”), 1d20+8, 1d6, piercing, finesse, light

Spell save DC 16
Spell attack modifier +8
Cantrips (4): mage hand, fire bolt (10), minor illusion, prestidigitation
Spells Known (8): sleep (3), color spray (3), grease (3), silent image (4), invisibility (7), spider climb (8), blur (10), disguise self (11)
1st lvl (4 slots)
2nd lvl (3 slots)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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