INTO THE MOTHERLANDS Publisher Cancels Plans

Andrews McMeel Publishing, which also publishes Daniel Fox's Zweihander tabletop RPG, and was going to publish the Afrofuturist game Into the Motherlands, is apparently no longer going ahead with plans to produce that game. AMP also publishes the OZ and Neverland campaign settings (which will continue to be published by them). While Andrews McMeel itself has not made any kind of...

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Andrews McMeel Publishing, which also publishes Daniel Fox's Zweihander tabletop RPG, and was going to publish the Afrofuturist game Into the Motherlands, is apparently no longer going ahead with plans to produce that game.

AMP also publishes the OZ and Neverland campaign settings (which will continue to be published by them).

While Andrews McMeel itself has not made any kind of announcement, the Into the Motherlands creators confirmed the news on Twitter:

We come bearing some disappointing news for you all. Despite keeping up our end of the bargain and doing all of our work in good faith to get AMU a final manuscript by their deadline; they informed us they are no longer publishing RPG's despite having a contract with us; and terminated it during a meeting to inform us of shutting down the RPG division. We've been searching for a new publisher, and have another meeting this Thursday.

Pending the outcome of that meeting we will either have an announcement soon or we may have to turn to self publishing. It's unclear what this means for delivery of the printed books but a PDF should be in hand before the end of the year. We had budgeted for self-publishing from the beginning and have the money set aside, but our goal for working with a publisher has been to make the game available far and wide, in as many locations and outlets as possible.

This is not news we'd hoped to give, but we wanted to keep you all up to date with as much info as we can provide at this time. Thanks for understanding.

Andrew McMeel was announced as publisher for the game in May 2022. The game itself funded successfully on Kickstarter, making over $360,000, in June 2021.

Daniel Fox, creator of Zweihander, announced his departure from Andrews McMeel in December but indicated that AMP would continue to publish Zweihander. This week, Fox indicated that "my former employer wound down RPGs", so reports right now appear to be conflicting. The company is currently advertising Blackbirds, a Zweihander powered game, on its front page.

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Daniel D. Fox

Great article, Egg! Some quick clarifications:

Grim & Perilous Studios was sold to Adam Rose before I joined AMU. I have the distinct honor of being their GM on Wednesdays, however. 😉

Before I left AMU, they had 2 new titles for 2023: To Be or Not To Be The Villain (an author/pub relationship with Rudy Basso and James Introcaso) and Fever Knights RPG (the last project I wrote set in Adam Ellis' world of Fever Knights, with Gabriel Hicks and Anna Goldberg as quest writers). Those are still being published.

I own the Zweihander IP. Ryan Verniere owns the Blackbirds IP. Richard Iorio owns the Flames of Freedom IP. In eseense, no IP ownership is in jeopardy as far as I know.

AMU is still my publisher, and the publisher of Zweihander.

Ryan Verniere confirmed that AMU will still publish Blackbirds.

While I cannot speak to the reasons why AMU left RPGs, rest assured it wasn't due to flagging revenues, missed projections, or personelle issues. Their board would be the best resource to consult with l on that front.

It's terribly sad that they didn't agree to satisfy the contract with Tanya and B Dave. I am frustrated for them, and with them, on AMU's decision.

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Anon Adderlan

How is "we're looking at systems, and because we're unsure of the status of Cortex Prime at this moment, we've got people on the team that can do game design" damning?
Because "everyone involved in Into the Motherlands has been professionally involved in gaming for quite some time now". So not having a system is unusual at best, and incompetent at worst. Also does anyone have any idea of what system they're using now? Have they provided any previews for it? Have they demonstrated how it supports the setting and themes of #IntoTheMotherlands?

These are not the kind of balls dropped by people who have been involved in gaming for quite some time. So yeah it's pretty damning at this point.


so does anyone have any idea of what system they're using now? Have they provided any previews for it? Have they demonstrated how it supports the setting and themes of #IntoTheMotherlands?
Yes. They announced they were developing they own system in December of 2021. They've been releasing playtest previews to backers starting almost a year ago for a limited group and to backers as a whole last August. The streamed show has been using the new system since the latest system starting in October so non-backers can see it in action since then.

Even prior to announcing their own system the state since the Kickstarter had always been as timbannock said "we're looking at systems, and because we're unsure of the status of Cortex Prime at this moment" so it wasn't a complete shock to me to hear they were making a new system

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