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Invasion. Gathering of Heroes (February 1930)


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George Wilkinson 25/36

George ponders a moment. "Well, I wouldn't know where to begin looking for Jasper. I don't think he's done anything wrong to my knowledge, so I assume we can't have the police go looking for him. Maybe we could leave messages with phone numbers here at the hospital and at the police station to have him contact us if he comes looking for us."

George shifts in his seat and looks toward the recovery room. "Search Andrade's house and car? Yes, but I think we could send some of your men along with the inspectors that helped me search the other infected police officer's house. They know the types of things to look for now."

He looks back at Dr. Charleston and continues. "The creatures are probably parasitical and may not live long outside a host body. So we probably need to get them to some biological specialists as soon as possible. We also need to find a way to test people to see if they are infected. Otherwise, we have no idea who we can trust. We need to have the biologists try to devise a test to use on people as soon as possible. Something quick and easy would be preferable. X-ray, flora scope, urine, saliva, blood, even eye color, anything. If we capture someone else alive with one of the creatures in him or her, I'd like to take some readings before the doctors operate. You know, I should probably take readings on the creatures also. My tests may not be strictly biological, but there may be something in lights or other physics that may lead to a test we can use. What do you think?"

"Yes, we will have questions for Andrade but I suspect we'll have even more as we learn more about the creatures. Till he wakes, I think we should have at least 4 guards on him because we don't even know if any given one of the guards are trustworthy." George ponders the situation a moment more. "I really think I should get started on the research for a test now. We have no idea how many of those creatures exist."

George waits for Dr. Charleston to respond.

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As one of his background tasks, Percy has been given a watching brief on Germany. Therefore, although not part of his current investigation, this is actually part of his wider role. So Percy is busy scribbling notes as the Germans talk. "I'll have to talk to my boss about political asylum, I am sure that he will be interesting. But first a couple of questions. Firstly, what makes you think its the government that is carrying out the attacks and not one of the other paramilitary organisations. Secondly, is there any common elements in the attacks or are they seemingly random?"


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Vincent closes the distance between himself and Paulo and grabs him by the throat with his right hand while pushing the Tommy into Paulo's gut with his left. "Call them off or the next breath will be your last."

Vincent attempts to grapple. If he succeeds and Paulo doesn't call off the guards he will let his hidden blade extend into Paulo. If he misses Paulo or Paulo escapes his grasp, Vincent will not let the blade extend. [sblock=OOC: ]Rolled the following as a surprise round with grapple being succesful, and the initiative for the following combat round. If you want me to roll something different let me know. grapple and possible damage. (1d20+6=19, 1d4+2=5) Initiative (1d20+3=10)[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
London Docks (Percy and Waller Ackerman)

Airwalkrr? are you still with us?

New York Hospital (George Wilkinson)

Charleston agrees with George, and they move to the university, to the biology department. The biologists are amazed by the creature, and instantly they begin their tests. As George knows many of these men, they ask him to help them investigate this worm-like being.

OOC: I'll need some skill checks from you: Knowe (Life sciences), Craft Chemical, Craft Pharmaceutical, Know (Behavior Science), Know (Phy. sciences), Research. Two of each.

Fetuchi Club (Jasper and Vincent)

All happens too quickly. As Vincent and Jasper approaches Paulo, the man presses a buttom under his desk. In that precise moment, a trap door activates under Vincent's and Jasper's feet. The agents are not quick enough (14 and 10) to dodge the trap, and they falls in a black pit. You hear Paulo's mocking from above.
The tunnel gives a few sideways and then, the hard floor. The room is dark, and you can't see anything.


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George Wilkinson 25/36

George reports as accurately as possible everything he knows about the creatures and what the hosts did while inhabited.

When it comes to their respective specialty fields, he lets the biologists take the lead. When the tests and research moves to the fields he has more knowledge in, he asserts himself more. Even so, when the other scientists express an interpretation or opinion, he listens.

Know (Life sciences), Can not use - untrained.

Craft Chemical, Craft Chemical (1d20+8=25, 1d20+8=12)

Craft Pharmaceutical, Can not use - untrained.

Know (Behavior Science), Can not use - untrained.

Know (Phy. sciences), Know. (physical) (1d20+13=28, 1d20+13=26)

Research, Research (1d20+14=32, 1d20+14=16)


Waller keeps in character, using his English accent despite having been outed by Gunther as a German national. In his mind at least, it's the proper way to speak the language. He didn't spend all those years studying languages abroad to speak them poorly. "Before we answer any more questions, I'd like to speak with your boss. This is not the kind of place to be discussing such business. I can also see you have your hands full with some unsightly matters in the harbor. We are content to wait a short time so that you can take care of it. But if you are able, I would very much like to speak with your superior, or at least be taken somewhere a bit more safe. You see, I had the distinct impression that we were being followed on our way out of Germany. It is possible someone is waiting until we say the wrong thing to make his move. I'd much prefer we have this conversation elsewhere."

[sblock=OOC]As indicated elsewhere, I have started a new job so my posting won't be very frequent from this point forward. I'll do my best to post at least once a week.[/sblock]


First Post
Percy moves to the phone but holds it so that the two Germans can only hear his part of the conversation. Calling "T" he says. "Sir. Agent Ambleton-Smythe" Percy knows that the formal introduction will alert "T" to the fact that his part of the conversation can be overheard. "I'd tied everything up here and was just about to leave when I encountered two, recently arrived, German nationals. They say they are prepared to provide intelligence on the current events in Germany in exchange for political asylum." Percy pauses as if listening. This is more for effect than that "T" is actually talking. "Yes sir. Although they feel its unsafe to talk here. I would take them to my club but they're not really dressed for it. Can we use one of the safe houses?" Percy listens to T"'s response and continues. "Actually sir. They want to speak to you. I think they want reassurance that I can make a deal." After listening to "T"'s response, Percy turn to the two Germans and, assuming that its OK to use the safe house, says "Would you be happy in one of our safe houses. The alternatively would be a rather poky hotel?"

Voda Vosa

First Post
London Docks (Percy and Waller Ackerman)

T tells Percy that he can use safe house number 7, and that he'll meet him there to speak to the germans.

The trio sets in move, and Percy leads the two friends to his car, and drives until he reaches House 7, a small, apparently common house. Percy rings the bell, and an old woman dressed with a pijama and questionable hygiene steps out and looks him with few-friends face. Percy gives her the password, and her attitude changed completly.
She hastily made you pass. The hose was in disrepair, and the stench of the woman is stronger inside. The house looked completly normal, nothing out of place.
"T is waiting for you; here, watch your step." She says and folds a carpet, uncovering a secret trapdoor that opens to an apparently new staircase of concrete. She walks to a picture and pressing the upper left corner of it turns on the lights in the stairs.
Percy has only heard about these houses, never actually been in any.
The trio descends into the basement.
At the end, and behind a metal door that a guard opened once verifieng Percy's badge through an armorer glass, the find T, a sturdy man, of small hight and slightly fat, bald and with a big mustache, and a short pointy beard; sitting on a table with another three chairs. Behind him there are two "guards" sporting black suits, as the one on the entrance.
"Welcome Agent Ambleton-Smythe; and welcome to you two. Sit please." he offers you the chairs.

University of New York (George Wilkinson)

George and the biologist are able to discover this creature has a different cmposition than the rest of the livin creatures of the earth. Apparently it is the first scientific record of an "Alien", and estraterretrial creature. However, it has many similar structures of a parasite flat worm. However it seems to be able to exhert control of the host's neural processes. While the host is conscious of what is he doing, he can't move or speak or anything, is like if the host is watching his actions from a TV screen, unable to interact. Apparently the worms are sensitive to ellectrostatic fields and react positively to some wave lengths of transmissions. Perhaps it is related to the box George found?
Anyway, George is able to create with the biologist's help, two different devices:
On is able to detect this strange parasites on healthy unsintomatic people (An invention with 50 charges of detect evil, but instead of detect evil it detects alien parasites. A bit more limited =P).
The other is able to mess with the controlling wave lengths, effectively blocking the hypothetical commands that activate the parasites and controls them. (An invention with 50 charges that generates a filed of static of 20 ft radius, wthin which any transmission is made impossible. It last for 2 rounds/charge spent at activation time. Once activated it needs 1 minute/expended charge to recharge and be useful again) [/I]

Voidrunner's Codex

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