iPhone App - Power Card Viewer

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First Post
It works on my iTouch; they use the same software as iPhone.

I'm loving this app so much its unhealthy. Care to post a tutorial about how to add powers? I'm unfamiliar with the code, but I wouldn't mind putting in some time to add more stuff to it *cough*swordmage*cough* :)

My one beef with it is the "sliding" animation that goes from right to left. I know its in the iPhone style but over the web it looks really choppy; personally I'd rather have the transitions between powers quicker.


First Post
user contribution isn't quite ready, but I'll be sure to let you know when it's ready. I'd *love* to see the powers for swordmage and barbarians make it into the app.

The sliding animation will be *much* improved with some updates that I'm working on. The choppy behavior is because i'm listing far too many powers at once. I'm going to make the app more performant by using AJAX calls to only load the powers you're viewing when you need them.

Thanks again for the feedback!


First Post
Awesome - getting an ipod Touch soon; super excited about the app! Once it's up and available for user contribution I'd love to help out with simple data entry.


First Post
Actually I don't know if this is by design or by accident, but I can use the site offline. Basically what I do is load up the power cards website in my iTouch's browser where I have wireless access. Then I turn off the iTouch and then I go wherever I'm gaming that doesn't have wireless. I turn back on the iTouch and the entire power card site still works even though I'm not connected to the internet.

However, if the power cards website is not the last thing I access before going offline, or if I try to access another website while I'm offline, I lose the power card site entirely. (And I have to dip back into a wireless access area to get it back)


I crit!
I have not tried that... cool.

Have you tried to open it as a 'new' page and then kept that? I think I'll just do that...


First Post
While I'm not interested in the iPhone aspects of this, I am very interested in the open-source aspects of this, and therefore interested in seeing if this can be applied to the upcoming Android phones.

I checked, and the website can be viewed using Chrome, which means (hopefully) that the site will be viewable using the Android phone, and thus the various Android devices will be able to utilize it.

Which means that developers ...
a) wouldn't have to go through any mediators or hoops to get approval (i.e. the Apple Store)

b) could have their apps talk to other apps and exchange information ... such as having a dice-roller app feed off the power card currently viewed, read variables from a character sheet app, and spit out a finalized damage result. (which is what Android's "Apps without Borders" is all about)

I think that this is a good first step, and a good proof of concept, and I appreciate what you're doing. I also think that there is a future in other apps out there, which (due to Apple's perspectives) might not be on the iPhone, but that doesn't mean that such apps won't exist or can't exist.

Your work provides a good proof-of-concept for that vision to start from.


First Post
I'm going to be jumping in to help on this soon (probably within the next week or so), and if there isn't a functionality to allow users to enter power cards yet, I think that'll be my first task as that needs to get going so that we can have a complete database quickly.

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