(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 2)


First Post
'o Skoteinos said:
Scince the Unseelie are contested, I will put a claim for the Eternal Empire.

OOC: Well the Eternal Empire is contested as well since I claimed them... as an aside thanks for the replies Edena.. 4 hours wow you are dedicated... hey go for Mina those have yet to be chosen...
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Originally Posted By Black Omega
Edena: Talking with Anabstercorian is dangerous. He might just reach out with that Dictum, and seize the speaker as his slave forever.

But then I'd get Mordenkainen back! Yay!

If Kal had actually heard that one it would go something like this:

Kal sweatdrops: @_@; "Glad to know I'm useful for something."
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Zelda Themelin

First Post
I did have time, after all. :)

Edena said:

ANSWER: A voice speaks to Ergoth-Nog. It is fatherly, it is kindly, and it is stern:

Look around you.
Behold the fields that were.
Behold the tall trees that stood.
Behold the clean rivers that once flowed.
Behold the majestic mountains that once stood.

Now, behold what is.
Those who did this thing, continue in their destruction.

Who will stop them?
Who will choose to stand and fight for the world?

You must fight the fight.
You must win the battle.

The Pact was to defend.
But when life loses it's value, and is taken for naught, the Pact is: to avenge.

- - -

In his mind, Ergoth-Nog answers:

"True is that, and truth you speak. But what is this enemy to avenge?

There are many kind of enemies and we don't have power to fight these enemies. We fully intend to support efforts here on Oerth against those that would spread the red curse. Like Melkor and his ilk. People are supposed to live and die, be greedy, yes, and spread and survive. But now balance has been disturbed and it is getting worse. If we don't heal damage done to earth and nature itself, any fight would just be meaningless road to oblivion. Natural cycle of life and death has been disturbed already, evil from beyond is spreading and twisting this reality into state of corruption, which ultimately could become so bad, that 'void of beyond' could just happily devour everything. We have to pick our fights very carefully now.

These people of my brother-tribes were lied to and abused by Iuz the Evil. Still they lived 40 year in peace when war ended, without
ever getting personal revenge for that humiliation. It is not sane to seek revenge for revenge's sake, even when it would be seemingly deserved by some. We will fight, and we will heal lands, and we even will ally those distasteful to us, to give us surviving change. Fighting is surviving, healing is surviving, time for finer points of avenging and lessons later. We will not forget what has passed here. But yes, before we can truly heal, we must root out few rotten flowers and get rid of red goo."

To himself he then says:

"But how do I do this? I know I am lacking in wisdow and experience. I wasn't expecting this responsiblity this soon?"

Then shakes his head to himself:

"Then again, one never expects this kind of destruction. Cataclysms are not exactly every-day either."

He gives himself a dry laugh. It makes him feel somehow better. There is much to do.

Those brave men and woman, who've joined into quest to 'get their home back' are suffering for different troubles. Druids and shamans of Barbarians and and magicians and priests of others (especially those of Storm riders) are doing everything they can to make small areas livable. Their magic is not strong enough to do it as efficiantly as would be needed. They summon elementals and storm spirits to clean small areas of dangerous toxins and lava and rubble that seems to be everywhere.

At the same time they start to organize small groups, almost in the sense many adventuring groups are formed, for their military. New tactics in this new kind wilderness are trained feverenly and various *monsters* are picked and magically enchanted to work better in this new apocalyctic place Oerth once was.

Diplomats, mostly from Ratik (the city gone *poof* recently) are sent to various allies to ask help in fixing earth with Oerthblood or magic.

Everyone does not agree with Ergoth-Nog and other leaders with similar views. Some go berserk and start seaching for enemies responsibe for killing their 'family' (or add whatever reason it is) lusting for blood, not caring if they live or die, and why should they. Most of these people can't die anymore. Some just go mercenary, or decide to join with other here.

Most of these leavers are among barbarians or people
from Ratik. Storm riders and others are feeling secure with one of their great leaders still alive. Legedary son of their king, their Chosen One.

Some go mercenary.

Few take Anabstercorian's offer, though it is not very popular. None join Aedri, since there is so much old dislike at stake.
Few join armies of Iuz, evil lot all of them, because of old history.
Many of the good folk find other folks more likable, their places filled with light and good, and power to make them feel safe..

There are few personal fights, few curses thrown, leaders try to keep many from leaving with different motivating ways, but none are actually forced to stay. "If they don't like how we do things, they are better off elsewhere, anyway", many say.

((In terms of PL, I don't consider this being anything major, Edena's choice however))

Time of hope, time of changes, time of choices. This is how I feel, this time is about.

Elvor, late Lord Baron of Ratik
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First Post
Reprisal, you're more then welcome to take the UC off my hands. I was aiming for the Church of Toril in the first place, in any case; I doubt I could play the UC as it should be played. The same with the church of Toril, but that prospect matched my character concept a wee bit more.

Excellent -- my home computer is back online. Might be able to keep up to this war, for a change...


First Post

Hey there, Zelda.

My pardons, but I am totally exhausted.
I cannot answer your post above as it deserves.

Therefore, I am reserving this space, and when I come back online I will give your post the kind of answer it deserves.

- - -

Alyx, I understand not wanting to play the United Commonwealth of Toril.
That is an enormous responsibility. Even ... I ... have refused to play the UC.

I genuinely hope Reprisal can join us.
The United Commonwealth was heavily his vision.
The United Commonwealth is a thing of beauty, for it was created by all the posts and efforts of the 1st and 2nd IRs.
The United Commonwealth is the product of all the wars, all the deaths, all the sacrifice, all the pain.
It is an enlightened nation; a place of equality, tolerance, and goodwill between all the races, a place of incredible diversity.
It is a tropical land, a place where technology and magic have created a paradise for it's people.
Even it's government officials are unusual - they are not ordinary politicians, but tend towards enlightenment and altruism - the United Commonwealth could be considered a strongly Good nation.
The leader of the United Commonwealth is a visionary woman, the daughter of Ian Payne. Intelligent, eloquent, and a very fine diplomat, she has lead her people in peace and prosperity for 40 years, since the passing of her father.

Forrester has been the hero of the United Commonwealth for the past 40 years.
He is the defender and champion of the United Commonwealth, it's greatest general, it's most cunning and dangerous strategist.
He is the will of the United Commonwealth when it must exercise military might, a will that has made itself known in dramatic fashion whenever danger threatened the UC.

The Lady and Forrester are close friends, and work together altruistically to produce peace and safety, and prosperity, for the United Commonwealth.
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Edena, I assume IR takes place after the time Rajaat was defeated in Ur Draxa, and only remaining Dragon Kings are Hamanu, Gallard and Oba?

Anyway I tell them that I will accept proposition of alliance if given considerable territories on Athas- including Tyr, Ur Draxa, realms of halfings, Lost Sea. However they will be able to take part in my conquests on other worlds- Krynn and Mystara will be first targets, then we might be strong enough for bigger ones-Oerth and Toril. I also try to convince them that they will get MUCH power by merging with Red Goo and Hellmaster is an worthy ally.

Sollir, I didn`t steal your idea, I considered getting Athas involved just after powers from Krynn appeared on Toril, not to mention it was slightly involved in first IR.

Zelda Themelin

First Post

Edena_of_Neith said:
Hey there, Zelda.

My pardons, but I am totally exhausted.
I cannot answer your post above as it deserves.

Therefore, I am reserving this space, and when I come back online I will give your post the kind of answer it deserves.

I deserve... something very evil? :D

Don't stress over it. You can aswer my posts and my e-mail whenever you have time. Rest, Edena, rest. Sleep, sleep, sweet dreams and so on. May Forsaken One grant you sweet dreams too. Ups, was that taking it too far? ;)

I don't have quick and flashy magic at my command, so all my plans take time anyway. :)

Yep, I have few plans.. well I probably need to mail to about them. They are part of my new and improved template. Heheh, one I still have to write.

I am just getting back time I missed playing in prior rounds. I think it is kind of interesting to have both weak sides and strong. As long as it doesn't ruin anyones fun of course.


First Post
Question to everybody

Zelda Themelin said:
Few take Anabstercorian's offer, though it is not very popular

How is your civilian populace looking on Anabstercorian's offer? Here it is, summarized:
You get enhanced intelligence, strength, wisdom, and charisma, psionic power, and a free palace staffed with ectoplasmic servants in the most glorious city in Oerthspace, the Penumbral Hub.
On the other hand, you have to turn in to a slimy squid thing with tentacles.

How many of your civilians are accepting this offer?
How many of your civilians would like to accept this offer but have obligations?
How many of your civilians would like to accept this offer but are too oppressed?
How many of your civilians would not and will never accept this offer?


First Post
OOC: Just want them damn Eternal Empire folks... anyways... Edena when you get a chance to reply to my insane email... that would be much appreciated I think you might be surprised with I am doing...

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