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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 4)

Mr. Draco

First Post
William, so basically you're calling for all out war against the factions with red goo? What about Melkor's allies in the Twin Empires (eternal and iuz) ?

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First Post
Mr. Draco said:
William, so basically you're calling for all out war against the factions with red goo? What about Melkor's allies in the Twin Empires (eternal and iuz) ?

OOC: If that is the case I guess Iuz and company won't be agreeing to that peace treaty.... if not well maybe we can do business


First Post
I have a twelvth Declaration of Attack.
I have a twelvth Declaration of Defense.

I have a thirteenth Declaration of Defense.

- - -

I also have a major disaster.

Reprisal, after returning, is leaving again.
Reprisal, has just left the IR.

- - -

This has left me with a grim, painful decision to make.
I have made said decision.

I do not like having had to make the decision I made; the decision has left me rather sad.
A sad decision, and a dark day.

The result of that decision, is given below.

However, understand something:

If I abandon being DM of the IR, what happens?
Mostly likely, the IR ends.

If a player in a game walks out of the game, what happens to his character?
Most likely, that character is removed from play.

The two people who played the biggest parts in creating the United Commonwealth, both volunteered to play the United Commonwealth.
Both of them have left the IR.
Although I am not arbitrarily removing the United Commonwealth of Toril from play, I do believe harmful IC consequences are in order for the UC.

Nor do I believe these consequences should be mitigated by another player being forced to shoulder the burden of running the UC, when they have responsibilities and burdens aplenty already.

- - -


OOC concerning the United Commonwealth of Toril:

It is not appropriate that another player take the United Commonwealth of Toril.
I am disallowing this.

In Dueling Terms, the United Commonwealth cannot launch an Attack.
The United Commonwealth may still mount a Defense, and is automatically considered to be doing so.

For now, the United Commonwealth of Toril has no player.
It will continue to have no player for a long time.


IC concerning the United Commonwealth of Toril:

Erika Lesage has disappeared.
So has the entire governing cabinet under her.
So have most of the UC's top generals and government officials, including a great part of the parliament.

The armies of the United Commonwealth are suddenly leaderless.
The people of the United Commonwealth are completely without a government.

When the realization hits the public that their government and military leaders have disappeared, there is PANIC across the United Commonwealth of Toril.
All civil order collapses.
The military assigned to maintain civil order, abandons their posts, retreating to defendable points against an enemy attack - abandoning the civilian population to their fate.

Order is maintained in the military.
The military, in an act of sheer self-preservation, stays together and elects temporary officers to lead them against the many enemies now threatening.

In very short order, the Church of Mercy is overwhelmed by panicked and terrified people seeking shelter.
By the millions, then tens of millions, then hundreds of millions, they attempt to cram into the refugee centers the Church is providing.

The Church of Mercy is forced to use 11th level magic to create space for all the refugees, to grant adequate protection to them, to ensure they are not arbitrarily massacred by the enemies of the United Commonwealth, to even provide adequate food and drink.


OOC for the Church of Mercy, run by Creamsteak:

This limits the Church of Mercy to an Attack Category of 3, and a Defense Category of 3, on day 1 of Turn 7.
After day 1, the Church of Mercy may launch Category 4 Attacks and Defenses again.
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Mr. Draco

First Post
I'm sorry to hear that reprisal has left us.

Edena, is there any particular time that you need the templates by? I was going to email the Union's in an hour & 15 min.


First Post
On that dark note, I am going offline for now.

The onset of Turn 7 is 12 hours off.

Everyone who has not yet sent me their Templates for Turn 7, please do so now.

Everyone who has not yet sent me their Attack and Defense Declarations, please do so now.

If even one person (say, GnomeWorks or Zelda or Melkor, for example) with 11th level magic does not make Declarations of Attack and Defense, it will make a crucial difference in the upcoming war.

After the Turn starts, it is too late to make Declarations for Day 1.
Anyone who has not made a Declaration by the start of Day 1 of Turn 7, must wait until Day 2 to do so.
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First Post

A number of you have sent me, along with your Templates, vast amounts of instructions concerning what you intend to do on day 1 of Turn 7.
Indeed, some of you simply cut and pasted everything possible (or, at least, a great part of the list of possibilities) from the 11th level list of possibilities, and placed this with your Template.

This will not do.

I ask that you take an alternate approach.

Please wait until Turn 7 starts, then repost your actions publicly to the board.
If I can, I will then react to your posts.

Obviously, your allies will then now what you are doing.

Your enemies will not know what you are doing, unless they successfully scry you, which is a 1 in 3 chance that I get to roll for.

If they insist on metagaming, I will simply overrule their posts.

However, I cannot run the IR in my Inbox. Sorry, but it cannot be done. I have said this before, repeatedly.
All that will happen is I will be snowed under by all the e-mail, and simply be unable to respond to any of it - at all. In fact, this has happened twice already in this IR.

Cmon folks, let the foe have it. Be in your face about things.
Let them know you're coming, and coming hard, for them.
If you are healing and restoring, do it proudly.
If you are destroying, do it in dastardly fashion.
If you are summoning hordes of monsters, let all tremble as the earth itself trembles under their myriad millions of feet!

The only things that should be kept secret - because I can handle these secrets successfully with e-mailing - are your Attacks, Defenses, and any misinformation you hand out about your Attacks and Defenses.
Heck, there will be e-mails aplenty and to spare just concerning those!

There are special exceptions (such as letters sent to me by Kaboom and Alyx - you know what I'm talking about, you two) where secrecy is appropriate.

But if you dump a page or more of secret instructions on me, and then someone else does, and then someone else (and yes, it has already happened, just like that, this Turn) I cannot handle that.

I am stricken by the departure of Reprisal, someone who I admire greatly.
I am rather quite sad and down over this.
The loss of Reprisal is a disastrous blow to the IR, to our legacy, and to the fun in general.

However, I will persevere, and the IR will go on.



First Post

Zelda, forget the Template.

The Template for your Power, the Thillronian Alliance, is of only secondary importance.

The really important thing is that you send me your Attack and Defense statements.

If you do not understand the Dueling Rules, then simply:

State a Category 4 Attack
State a Category 4 Defense

State you are Defending yourself

Then pick who you are Attacking, and e-mail me the name of the player under Attack.

Then, during day 1 of Turn 7, perhaps I can help you learn the Dueling Rules.

If you do understand the Dueling Rules, then I need your Attack/Defense Declarations above all else.
Zelda, the Attack/Defense Dueling Rules are set up so that the effort of a single player will make an enormous difference (for the rest of you, consider an 8 / 0 Attack versus a 4 / 0 Attack.)

The Alliance of Oerth needs your help, Zelda.

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If I have a strength 3 attack launched on day 1 at someone who is building a strength 4 defense do I go vs the strength 4 or the strength 0?

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