(IR) Preparations for the 3rd IR - Thread 4

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Edena_of_Neith said:
Bonedagger, I do care.
The first submarine was used in the United States in the mid 19th century, during the Civil War (it was a pretty crude piece of work ...)

Tell me more ... because if they had primitive torpedoes in the mid 19th century, the Powers of the IR will have them when they reach a certain point value in the Technological Arms Race.

And a lot of mariners are going to cry.

- - -

At least, the above is my opinion.

Ok. The first u-boat war I know of started in 1914. Landminés was first seen under the american civil war (knowen as 'Infernal Devices') but not developed into what we know before 2ww. In the 1300s the chinese used gunpowder to fire multi-stage missiles. The nazi V2 had a max range of up to 180 miles. In 1958 sattelites where sent into orbit for use as an anti-longranged missile defense as well as offence (ICBM... Yes they could carry nukes).

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I have added you, Sollir Furryfoot, to the Lists.

However, I have not listed your Planar Claims, other Claims, or Power Level yet, because I don't know what those are.

I urge you to work with the other players on claiming nations (and understanding the claiming process period.)

I posted a long post to you above on this thread, and it is on this page or the last one.

Again, welcome to the IR, Sollir! :)



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Bonedagger, tell me more.

I am adding everything you are saying as Addenda to the Technological Arms Race Rule.

This is the kind of stuff that will give all of us (me too!) a better understanding of what technology was developed when, and thus what those numbers mean on the Technological Arms Race!

Thanks for the help.



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Lets first clear up the thing with the u-boat :) From what I can find the first u-boat that had any real potential was launched by an amerikan Simon Lake in 1894 (age 27) But they didn't see 'official' military use until 1902 when the Royal Navy got the first military model. Actually the first recording of a u-boat goes back as far as 1620 when Cornelius van Drebbel demonstrated 'The Turtle'.
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1ww: Flamethrowers, 2ww: Gass warfare, The cost back in 1943-45 for the Manhattan Project 76 mill. dollars ( It takes more than know-how), 1960-70 Chemical & Biological research into warefare reaches new hights... Inviromental concerne appears, 1990s ICBArtillery a real threat from Sadam Hussains enginers. Looking for anything specific?
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I'm having trouble emailing you; not sure why. But I've looked at the LGG map, and come up with some measures.Looking at the LGG map, Greyhawk is 1495 miles from Asperdi in the Sea Barons, 1105 miles from the Barren Wastes, and around 975 miles from Ulakland. Maudlin's map puts Grehawk 1365 miles from Asperdi, 813 from Barren Wastes, and 1050 from Ulakland. Hmm, not perfectly helpful, as the two maps don't coincide accurately, but I think the scale for Maudlin's map is close to 230 miles per inch, maybe a little higher.


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Maybe nukes should be limited through cost as we in our days have the potential to create a nuclear missile that singelhandedly can kill all life on earth and send the planet out of orbit... in pieces..
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Bonedagger - I'd guess you're looking for Das Boot by Klaus Doldinger(?), unless that's a derivative already.

magic upheavals - I can understand the rationale for it, and I accept the changes. I sort of regret that the rate of growth is again tied to the power of your country, though. I've done the math, and I will never possess even 10th level magic. Can't happen. The people who claimed up to 100 are the only ones with real potential for industrial or magical development. Sort of makes me wish I'd been more agressive in claiming nations, but I was happy just having more powerful magic :) Ah well, we'll see how long I'll last (with all my alliances voided :))

And I'm quite sure nobody hates you, Edena, tsss..

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