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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 4 (thread 2)

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Forrester, your army sent to fight the robots is reporting overwhelming numbers of men and women killed, and more wounded.

Are you sure you wish to continue this, going after Acererak?

- - -

There are at least 40 million fatalities across the Flanaess (out of a total population of 200 million.)
80 million people are wounded. Either blinded, flash burned, injured by flying debris, or injured in the many battles.
Cities are burning out of control.
Firestorms are raging in every forest.

Wild magic storms and bizarre phonomenon are occurring world-wide.
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Mr. Draco said:
"Forrester, then I will travel with you."

Your company will be welcome, for we may have to deal with Acererak in a face-to-face battle.

However, note that this is a mission the UC takes on behalf of itself, not the Dark Union.


We are pulling back asessing our casualties healing the wounded,ressurecting those we can and basically trying to avoid any unnecessay loss of life.

After my forces and any of my allies wounded & dead I can gather are on board, the Mountain shifts to the Astral plane.


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Kalanyr, the Flying City has been too badly damaged by the battle.
It is breaking apart, and soon the Mythal is going to collapse.

You will need to create a new Flying City and a new Mythal.

Flying isn't a good idea in any case.

The atmosphere is thick with smoke.

Indeed, the stratosphere is thick with smoke.
That smoke is spreading, cutting off the sunlight, cause a preternatural darkness to fall over the Flanaess, then over the rest of the world.

And after it becomes dark, it starts to become cold.

The light from burning cities lights the gloom, since nobody has stated they are doing anything to fight the fires.


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Edena_of_Neith said:
Forrester, your army sent to fight the robots is reporting overwhelming numbers of men and women killed, and more wounded.

Are you sure you wish to continue this, going after Acererak?

- - -

There are at least 40 million fatalities across the Flanaess.
80 million people are wounded. Either blinded, flashed burned, injured by flying debris, or injured in the many battles.
Cities are burning out of control.
Firestorms are raging in every forest.

Wild magic storms and bizarre phonomenon are occurring world-wide.

Edena, except for in the last battle, I honestly don't see how I've taken severe losses.

I've been involved in four conflicts this turn.

1) The City of the Gods/Lyrn.

I took minor losses, and just as things were getting heavy the Uber-Sandstorm hit the robots. Then they were hit by two big-ass 200megaton missiles. Overall, I didn't lose much.

2) Against the Shade

The Shade had about 200PL (at best) of forces spread out over their domain. I landed there with 100PL of forces that were roughly twice as tough as they were, in attack/defense value.

And Kalanyr landed with 100PL of force.

And Kaboom moved in.
And Dagger.
And the solars/planetars/etc.
And everyone else.

I am thinking I maybe lost 20-30PL there, and so did everyone else. That's assuming the Shade did extremely well, and killed as many PL as they lost. Which they shouldn't have been able to do.

3) Against the Demons

28PL of Demons. ~100PL from Kalanar, ~100PL of my forces. Maybe I lost 10PL. If that.

4) The Final Battle
Here, I probably took heavy losses.

200PL of my forces against 150PL (at best) of robots. And I had the solars, faerie, Iuz on my side. Maybe I took a huge loss here -- 100PL or so. That seems reasonable, if heavy.

Total losses: around 150PL, 200PL on the very very very VERY outside, and that's a huge stretch. Else, having a tech advantage/10th level magic/overwhelming numbers just aren't worth much.

That leaves 350PL to 400PL to play with.

Less than half of this will finish off Acererak. Don't want him causing armageddon next turn.

The other half will do what we can to stop the forest fires, and in other ways heal Oerth.

. . .

You gave me an overwhelming force, Edena. With a tech head start. And I got 10th level magic.

Which means that numerically, my forces are three to six times as powerful as most defenses they face. They're even-up against their most feared opponents, the City of the Gods, and in the biggest battle against THEM, I both personally outnumbered them and had copious allies.

I tried to turn it this force down, tried to come up with some reason it should be lessened, and you refused me.

That's your right.

But if you're going to give it to me, let it do what it's supposed to do. Don't let them die in "heavy losses" like they are a group of farmers wielding pitchforks. They aren't Iuz's evil humans with flintlocks.

They're genetically modified humanoids with the best tech on the planet (robots excepted) AND 10th level magic.

I'm through playing games. We attack.


NOTE: Going to be away for an hour or so, I think.
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First Post
Heedless of the situation behind them in the Flanaess, the Torilians go to war in Hempmonaland.
They are taking on forces entrenched in a tropical rainforest, who have had decades to prepare for this, and who know the land.
Of course, the Torilians come from a tropical land themselves, but THIS tropical land is not a paradise.
It is a deathtrap.

The Scarlet Brotherhood fights back furiously against the greater might of the Torilians.
The Hempmonalanders fight back.
Acererak and his undead whelm any Torilian force they can, using hit and run tactics.

The forests are ignited by the conflict, fires racing out of control; set deliberately or accidentally, these firestorms consume vast areas of the forest.

As the stratosphere fills with dust and the sunlight is cut off, a gloom settles over the tropical land, and within days a deep chill settles into the region ... an unnatural chill.

Still the two sides are fighting.

Acererak, his Undead Minions, and his Scarlet Brotherhood allies are completely overmatched, so they are resorting to guerilla tactics, which in this maze of swamp and jungle are easily accomplished.
It turns into a very nasty war, with hard deeds and harder death on both sides, where the front line could be well behind you, and death lurks around every tree trunk.

The war rages on.
The Torilians get unexpected help: The Yuan-Ti Empire is coming up from further south yet, and joining them in the hunt for the badly outmatched Scarlet Brotherhood.
The Torilians and their allies are now deep within Hempmonaland, in the trackless equatorial forests.
It is quite chilly now ... the temperature has dropped into the 50s (the lower 10s, Celsius.)
It should not be this cold, in Hempmonaland.

In the Flanaess, where it is late summer, the first frosts are destroying what crops remain intact.
In the northern parts of the Flanaess, it is starting to snow.
Hurricane force winds are buffeting the coasts of Zeif and Tusmit, and it is stormy and unsettled all along the southern and eastern coasts.
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First Post
Forrester, the most advanced force in the world can be defeated by men wielding machetes if they blunder and don't think things through, persist in massive assaults based on unrealistic expectations.

And don't try to figure out the goals of the people they're fighting...


My forces & I are doing what we can to halt the spread of the smoke and to extinguish the fires.

A speech
"Our glorious city is no more. Let us enure this does not happen to Oerth entire. "
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First Post
Forrester, I am not going to argue.

Trust me when I say you've lost an enormous amount of PL.
More than 300 PL.

Either you have lost that PL, or the Flanaess lost that PL.

One way or another, that PL was lost, fighting the Robots, and in the Armaggedon brought down on Oerth by the City of the Gods.

If you did not lose it, they did.

They also lost a very large amount of PL (200 PL) fighting the Shade, and they lost a large amount of PL in the Armaggedon brought down on them by the City of the Gods (over 100 PL, at the least.)
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First Post
We are dealing with the fires. I just thought it was too obvious to post. Burning cities are evacuated and the fires doused. Some of our occupation army in the south moves north do deal with matters the military way. Our wounded are healed by the many clerics of the church of Aerdi. Our druids change weather to cause strong rainfall in all burning areas.
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