(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 5 (thread 2)

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Melkor- I know I'm not all powerful unless it involves cleaning up after mess of some kind I tend to have an effective -50 PL, but since Melf has by your words/posts been on Oerth cleaning him up is an option. You brought him there for the conference among other things.

Edena-If 10th level magic could have made the Shadow Throne merge with the Plane of Shadows,can I merge it with the Positive Energy Plane instead? If so I do so.

My NPC's and PC's and Tarrasque all protected by mighty 10th level defences (Anti-Psionic Armour,Prismatic Armour, Beyond Foresight, Illithid Repulsion, Protection from Soul Draining,Protection from Necromancy,Protection from Elements(All)) and 10th level buffing magic (White Blade of Redemption (Like Black Blade of Disaster except instead of disintegration it causes an alignment change,Strength of the Titan,Dexterity of the Quickling,etc,) appear to aid in the fight against Acererak and Anabstericon. If their is time we buff the other people fighting Acererak and Anabstericon.
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Silver Phase, Khelarque Stonechoke, Obmi, Durgrim Dragonaxe, Kcyldyei Baelrun, Lenaurae Latriael, James Hale and Bobo all appear to assist in the fight against Anabstercorian and Acererack.

This is a PL 20 force.

I also don't like the idea of a simulcrum race.
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Thayadon, Heward, Gofban, Hilsir, Finea, Sadias, Silror, and Thayadon's Simulacrum (only PL 1 though) will join the fght on the side of Alzem.
This is a 15 PL Force.


Heh Ace can eat someones soul without me being able to interfere and you think teleport will save you from someone who can use Dimension Lock on a huge area? (dreaming)

Though you are probably right since only bad guys can ever do anything of any use at all and they get really impressive things when they do too(when you get 10th level magic you will be far more powerful than me since you are a bad guy *sigh*).

Mr. Draco

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Kalanyr, why don't you cast a 10th level timestop effect, followed with all the 10th level buffing you want, then a 10th level dimensional anchor effect? That way, Acererak is trapped, and everybody attacking him is that much more powerful!


My force was buffed when they arrived, so it goes like this:
Dimensional Seal,Timefreeze,(Buff,Buff,Buff( our allies),Summon,Summon,Summon,blast,blast,blast,etc,Time Unfreezes), Lay waste to our foes.

You are complaining Kalanyr!? Look at the Lists, and compare pl of mine, Anabstecorian, Acerak against Oerth Alliance and Dark Union(which don`t considered lost to Darkness for sure)! Bad guys really need some handicap!

Mr. Draco

First Post
hmm, turns last for 2 threads right?

and edena hasn't shown up for a while (read: many pages). hmmm...

Well, the Union of Oerth will continue the construction of the base & city in Polaris. Once again, as a symbol of peace, we offer to let other factions establish fishing/port/mining outposts on our territoy (the continent of Polaris) of no more than 1 square mile in size, and our requirement of no military forces (police forces are ok) greater in number than 50 humanoids stands.

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