(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 5 (thread 2)

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Mr. Draco

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The BB agents we have under oath are questioned about the BB activities and everything they know about that organization and other factions.

(could you email me what they say?)

Also, i think maudlin still needs your permission to color in the remaining areas we gained Union Purple. This includes Rauxes, Hempmonaland, Tilvanot Peninsula, etc...


First Post
Yeah, and the Black Brotherhood agents tell the questioners that the Black Brotherhood stands tall and proud, does not stoop to stealing gold, and that the world shall end in darkness and flame.
Then they tell their questioners that nothing more will be gotten out of them.

This turns out to be true.
They have turned to Loviatar, and gained immunity to pain.
They have special defenses against mind-scanning.

They DO, however, say a lot of interesting things about the God Emperor, concerning his anatomy, or lack of anatomy thereof.
And they say a lot of other things about the God Emperor I'm not going to repeat, on this message board.

- - -

I am fairly sure Maudlin is not online currently.
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William Ronald

We try to ascertain who might have stolen the treasuries other than the Black Brotherhood. (Mind you they stilll spread Red Waste about recently, so they are executed.)

Hazen sends letters of support to The God Emperor of the Aerdi, Lord Kas (maybe you and Serpenteye can work up a title), and Aurican of the Northwestern Crescent.

Nice to see that the Black Brotherhood jumped from Tharizdun, to Vecna (they were tight with him), to Tharizdun, to Loviatar. I guess they are in the world menace of the month club.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Thank you kindly, o mighty Kas! Much appreciated! :)

Our diplomats politely inquire with all Torilian powers that we have contact with (Alzem, Forrester, and the Eternal Empire) what Loviatar is (if we know of her existence, that is).


First Post
A public post is found in the Kevellond League.
It reads:

From the Black Brotherhood!

Join the Worshippers of Loviatar.

You shall be the master of pain, and never it's victim!
Your tyrants will never be able to coerce you with threats of pain, and you will laugh in their faces!
Your tyrants will cringe before you, pathetic weak men who cower from pain, which you have embraced!
You shall know pain as a pleasure, and what sensation is more powerful than the sensation of pain?

You will be freed of your mortal limitations.
You transcend the weaknesses of your flesh.
You will be masters and mistresses of your bodies!
You will be masters and mistresses of your destiny!

Rise, O People of Oerth, and join the Lady of Pain.

Her religion spreads like wildfire, for the wise are joining!
Her religion, stands against the tyrants and overlords of this world.
Her religion, will grant you your freedom forever from the horrors and terrors your masters have inflicted on you!

Join Loviatar, and be free!

- - -

Signs like this are found all over the Flanaess, and in the Alliance of the Crescent, and everywhere else.

And what's worse, they are listened to.

Very quickly, Cults of Loviatar spread throughout the land.


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
Yeah, and the Black Brotherhood agents tell the questioners that the Black Brotherhood stands tall and proud, does not stoop to stealing gold, and that the world shall end in darkness and flame.
Then they tell their questioners that nothing more will be gotten out of them.

This turns out to be true.
They have turned to Loviatar, and gained immunity to pain.
They have special defenses against mind-scanning.

They DO, however, say a lot of interesting things about the God Emperor, concerning his anatomy, or lack of anatomy thereof.
And they say a lot of other things about the God Emperor I'm not going to repeat, on this message board.

The Rod of Oaths is a mind control device. The Black Brotherhood agents were not sworn to the truth on the rod but to complete and utter obedience to the God Emperor. So is anybody who is bound by the Rod (all Union burocrats and officers, anybody in a decisionmaking postion).

Very quickly, Cults of Loviatar spread throughout the land.

These few cults are tracked down by the Church of Aerdi and the population of the Union of Oerth (who are, in an overwhelming majority, fanatical in their devotion to the God Emperor and the Church of Aerdi).
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Do we find these things within the Capital? Everyone has stayed there, none have been moved out of it yet. If they are within the Capital, we burn all the signs.

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