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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 4)

Mr. Draco

First Post
Pulling out all the stops...


This mental sending is sent to every faction not a part of the Legion of Dread with a large container (about 1000 gallons).
The Union of Worlds has come to the descision that, due to the rather desperate situation we are now in, one of our secret research projects must come to light so that it can benefit us all, and perhaps save lives.

Encased in the container are microbes. These microbes were designed by the Union in our early stages of experimentation with controlled gravity/electromagnetism.

These microbes are symbiants and have no negative effect on their host at all.

They however do give their host several abilities. These are:

*Gravity sight- the ability to perceive gravatic fields as through sight.
*Electromagnetism sight- the ability to perceive electromagnetic fields as through sight.
*Gravity control- the ability to manipulate local gravatic fields (can change nearby gravity fields with about as much force as someone with 5 strength can change their environment. this can be used as a form of telekinesis)
*Electromagnetism control- the ability to manipulate local electromagnetic fileds (can change nearby electromagnetic fields with about as much force as someone with 5 strength can change their environment. this can be used as a form of telekinesis)

These microbes are extremely quick at self-replicating. All that must be done to gain their use is to spread (by air) the container throughout ventilation systems/open air/etc. The microbes sustain a slight telepathic net among themselves. This allows them to coordinate themselves within a host (basically allowing each microbe to assist a different nerve/etc). Even creatures as sensitive to telepathic nets as illithid are not bothered by it in any manner.

Also, these microbes draw a very slight amount of energy from their host. However, this energy is miniscule, and as tested, poses no danger to the host. (think one ATP molecule per hundred microbes)

This of course is your choice if you wish to use them.

-The Union of Worlds
The main benefit for the use of the microbes would be in fighting. For instance, you could manipulate the gravity fields and knock/slow an adversary's sword slightly, leaving them open for an attack they would otherwise have been able to guard. It could also be useful for deflecting bullets off of their trajectories/etc. However, i must stress, it does not allow you invulnerability/matrix-like ability/etc. If you choose to use it, it will help. It won't help an extraordinary amount, but it will help somewhat. Right now, i think we can all use all the help we can get.

EDENA: the Union of Worlds will begin spreading the microbes throughout every world we have reached and our own population.

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First Post
With regret, I must state that, although the microbes will most certainly affect any manner of warfare below 11th level, they will not affect the course of the Attack/Defense Dueling or Coup de Grace Attacks by an 11th level Power.
11th Level Magic is too strong, too overwhelming. It can be used to stop the microbes dead in their tracks.

However, if you Disarm an enemy of 11th level magic, THAT is another matter.
Your microbes could be used to devastating effect then.

However, as long as your foe has 11th level magic, well ... you need to get RID of that 11th level magical capability first.
Thus the Dueling.

- - -

Forsaken One, bad news.

Agent Oerth is a REALLY GREAT idea, but there is not time to spread it before the current round of Attacks and Defenses goes off.

Furthermore, as with the microbes above, it cannot stop 11th level magic.
11th level magic is just so (deleted) powerful.
You need to Disarm the foe, get rid of his or her 11th level magic.
THEN you can be free to use Agent Oerth to purify the world.

- - -

I think this point needs to be made again, because everyone seems to be missing it:

You need to deal with the 11th Level Threat FIRST.
Only THEN is the danger from Ravenloft potentially averted.
Only THEN are all your other Projects safe, and you can continue them in peace.

That is why I am concentrating what energy and strength I still have, as DM, on the 11th Level Dueling.
Because 11th level magic is a supreme weapon.
If your foe has this supreme weapon, NOTHING you build, and nothing you create, is safe.

I have ardently advocated, openly and subtly, that people should concentrate on Attacks and Defenses, until the matter of 11th level magic was resolved.
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First Post
Kaboom, you could automatically destroy one (and only one) enemy Power of your choice.
You would select the means of destruction (you could just imprison them all.)

Or ...

You could bring back one (and only one) Power that has been destroyed by 11th level magic.
This Power would be fully restored.

Either way, your Power, Kaboom, would be totally annihilated, your Player Character would be permanently killed, and you would be restricted back to your Sky-Sea League only (which does not have 11th level magic.)

Since your Power is the Nations of the Chosen of Mystra, it could have major repurcussions across all of Realmspace, if your Power self-destructs.
It could seriously harm Mystra, or cause massive damage to the Weave.

Mr. Draco

First Post
EDENA: so you can't conduct normal warfare along with 11th level warfare? I was assuming that if my mages and my enemies mages were busy conducting 11th level duels, then our non-11th level armies could fight without using 11th level magic.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Edena: i think i forgot to mention in the attack/defense email that our (union of Oerth/HA/corrupted allies) method of attack is imprisonment.


First Post

We can stop.

We can stop now.

If we stop, all that you have created in 3 IRs will remain, preserved.

Alyx will have his Sunrise Alliance and the Dragon Isles.
The Church of Toril will stand tall.

Anabstercorian will have his Penumbral Hub, in all it's glory.

Alzem will have his shining Celestial Army and his two Hope Isles.

Black Omega will have the Faerie and the wondrous Underworld Forest of the Vesve.

Creamsteak will have his Mana Fortress, ungodly in it's incredible might.
The Church of Mercy will stand tall.

Dagger, loyal ally of the Alliance of Oerth to the end, will retain the Kingdom of Ulek.

Although Darkness is no longer with us, the Baklunish-Esmerin Alliance will remain, along with their unique and ghastly discoveries about necromancy and self-defense.

Mr. Draco and Serpenteye will retain their mighty Union of the Worlds, and the Pantheon, and their colonies, ruled over by the God Emperor and Kas.

Festy Dog will still play the money-hungry Scro Star League.
And his Under-Oerth Alliance will still be searching for ancient secrets under the Sea of Dust.

Forsaken One's Hive Cluster will grow stronger, and create more Broods, and all his creative inventions will come to light.

Although Forrester is not with us now, the Humanoid Alliance will stand tall, knowing it defending it's leader, champion, and hero, and probably they will reconcile with the UC, and perhaps even there will be peace between UC, HA, and the Union of the Worlds.

GnomeWorks Lortmil Technomancy will continue to uncover incredible secrets from the Second City of the Gods.

Kaboom's Chosen of Mystra will continue to grace Toril (some might not call it gracing Toril, I suppose) and his Isle of the Phoenix will yet rise tall and proud out of the Solnor Ocean.

Kalanyr's Alliance of the Elves of Dneiper, the Drow of Oerth, and the Yuan-Ti, will flourish (and, with the Yuan-Ti, give a new definition to the word French-Kissing.)

Maudlin is no longer with us, but Acererak will happily blend in with the Negative Material Plane.
He won't bother Oerth anymore ... he has achieved what he sought.

Melkor will find that Ravenloft has indigestion with Lord Melkor, and spits him out.
The Shade will remain, along with their gigantic city (the size of New York, and growing), and the Church of Shade will endure.

'O Skoteino's great cube city (ala the Borg) will be completed, and the assimilation with the Hive will be completed.

Mina will return to Krynn and it's affairs, leaving Oerth in peace. I am betting Paladine will return to deal with her (I don't know until the book comes out, of course, in June.)

Reprisal's creation, the magnificent United Commonwealth of Toril, the cumulation of all the efforts of the 2nd IR, will remain, slightly smaller, but nevertheless vast, powerful, enlightened, a nation at peace, a paradise for it's people, a beckon of tolerance and civilization.

Rhialto's Black Brotherhood will remain, to everyone's grumbling.

Sollir's deadly forces will remain. If you stop, that is a prerequisite, of course.
However, Sollir can state he is halting the assault on the hundreds of Crystal Spheres.
THAT would be a prerequisite for stopping.
The damage Sollir caused CAN be cured, and the deaths he caused can be reversed, given enough time, 11th level magic, and a willingness to work hard to accomplish this end.

Tokiwong's fiendish and clever Empire of Iuz, and the magnificent Eternal Empire of Oerth, will remain, much to the annoyance of many, and the delight of others.

Uvenelei's very staunchly good Power - staunchly ethical, and a very loyal ally of the Alliance of Oerth - will thrive and grow, and the secrets of Arlon will be theirs.

Venus's Emerald Order will grow and flourish, and Oerth will be a green-blue world again.
All the harm caused by the war will be repaired.
The Blood Waste will be healed, and the Welkwood and Wild Coast returned to life.

William's lofty and altruistic power, the Kevellond League, will recover from all the war, and Hazen will find peace at last.

Zelda's Thillronian Alliance will finally know peace, too.
Erg-Noth (I hope that spelling is right) will finally be able to take a rest.

Although Zouron is not with us, the Eternal Order will forge true friendship with the people of AnaKeris and Aquaria, and perhaps one day true friendship with the Union of the Worlds and the Alliance of Oerth.

All of this could be, if we stop now.

- - -

If we do not stop ...
If we continue ...
I must resolve the Attacks.

You will see mass destruction.
You will see Powers obliterated.
You WILL see your creativity and your projects destroyed, all your work ruined.
You will see war on a scale that dwarfs anything that has happened up until now.

I know. I have the completed list of Attacks and Coup de Graces in front of me right now.

Prepare to be hurt.
Prepare to see your efforts wiped out.
Prepare to be angered.
Prepare to see it all go down the drain.

I'm not joking, folks.
I have seen the declarations, and they are bad.
I'm not kidding about 50 billion deaths.

Prepare to remember the IR as the game in which you built up a beautiful conception, built many creative things, then saw them all (probably, in your mind, totally unfairly) destroyed.
Just destroyed.

- - -

I need a vote.
Do we stop?
Or do we continue?

The choice is yours.

I wanted you to appreciate what it means to go on.
You already appreciate what it would mean to stop.

I am not offering this because I am tired.
I am not offering this because I am burned-out.
I am not offering this because I am angry.
I am not offering this to protect any one person.

I am offering this because I know what is about to happen.
What is about to happen, is staring me in the face, on this computer screen, right now.

I know how people may well react, after what is about to happen, happens.

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First Post
This is the age old problem. Can players die?

I say that they can. I say that that is war. I say that the purpose of the game is to win or lose, and if you're still alive at the end of the session, then you've won.

For that is the game. And I'm not talking about the IR, or DnD. I'm talking about LIFE. The REAL WORLD. Everything comes in pairs. The positive and negative charge of the universe balancing out to a net of zero. The Yin and the Yang. Without life, nothing can ever truly die.

And without death, nothing can ever truly live.

I am prepared to die for glory. I am prepared to stand defiant in the face of oblivion. I am prepared to fight through the storm of destruction and press through, press on, press higher and higher until I touch the face of God. I am prepared to be crushed by foes whom I could never have truly defeated, scattered by the winds of fate, until the name "Anabstercorian" becomes little more than a smudge in the books of history, and is at last forgotten.

I have my Yang. Let's see some Yin.

Let the End begin.
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