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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 6)

Zelda Themelin

First Post
PP aka Story hour...

Ergoth-Nog had thought, that finally, even while some disturbing things Katha had told him were haunting his thoughts, that
matter with The Taraakians had turned for good, it took turn on the worse. He so wished he misundertood these powerful alien's
intentions, but such easy way out was nowhere in sight.

There was reason, why these united very different people who trusted Ergoth-Nog to lead them, had mostly liked his decision to wage not war on anyone, but against true plague to nature, representers of disease and oblivion. Nothing made him more sad, than to see these creatures of good purpose misundertood them all so horrible. And so they all started to walk the Dark Path that day, even those who did not choose to do that personally. Everyone was dragged along.

And it was not path leading to Realms of Terror, but realms of cold oblivion. But wait... but would be later, unless... Well, one can always hope.

Ergoth-Nog had been a young man, but he felt very very old today. Elvor's heritage he had failed to uphold. Alliance crumbling.
forces of corruption and decay ever-returning and getting stronger. Forces of light following more the ways of Law, than Good. Tyrants and true believers of freedom singing the same song, for so different reasons. Everything Ergoth-Nog believed felt so twisted it sickened him. He was too tired to actually fall asleep. Weird mood is that. Few things managed to uphold his good mood, gave him reasons to endure it all.

Katha walked into his tent, passed a litte strange smile at Ergoth-Nog, while silently mumbling

"Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock...."

Without saying anything else Katha left.

Wearan, one of Ergoth-Nog's trusted warriors entered soon after...

"Prince, our mages are ready to cast the spells of war... do I give them a signal?"

"Yes, do that. However..."


"Never mind."

Wearan gave certain look of concern for Ergoth-Nog while leaving to pass the message.

Being more tired than he thought he was Ergoth-Nog fell into slumber later on. He didn't know how long he had slept, than some unpleasant feeling half-awaked him. Something was not right...

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"Are we sure we want to do this, Loew? We know how strong they are, and that they'll kill everyone in the Republic if we fail." Aurican asked as he stared at the Prime Minister from across the War Room table.

"That's exactly why we need to give everything we have, my friend. Everything." Loew replied.

EDENA: My attack/defense routine is en route.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Forsaken One: Why don't you use your diadem of dreams to put out the taraakian's home star? That might put a bit of a dampner on their attack plans ;)

EDENA: I'll email the attacks/defenses for the Union very soon.

The rectifying

In the now cold darkened world of Athas it was stirred awake once more.
Under the darkness invisible to the eye billions moved towards their primary hive clusters.

The ground trembled as innumerable minions crawled over the surface of the cold desert world.
The air filled with a deafening noise as thousands of creatures seered through the pitch black skies.

The darkness covered a activity truly staggering to the human mind.
Billions preparing for war and gathering in clusters in perfect unison.

In only a few hours the world had been organised.
The civillian natives been safely guarded in the warm hive brood clusters beneath the surface of the cold and barren planet.
The ravenous swarms gathered in their primary hive clusters, preparing for the onslaught.

The call had been given, the words delivered.

The Queen was ready and she knew what she was taking on
She had planned many ways the future might become
The power she had and wielded
She wasn't just able to dream
She dared to dream, and a lucid dream it is

Now her minions had gathered and her foe was comming for her
But she was ready, she was prepared.
She would face those who dared and come and take from her what belonged to her.

Soon the emotion roared through the entity
the emotion fed by a single feeling
no command was given
no order stretched
all she needed to do was to feel and they obeyed

The surface of Athas sprang alive as a purple light once again crackled through the skies as a symbol of the power being summoned.
The swarms were set in motion and the skies now dimly purple lit turned black once again as the Swarms filled it with their numbers.

The Queen summoned all the psionic energies her minions had to provide and she shivered.
Trembling with the power she now held she felt her physical form wither and fail beneath the radiant energies of which she now consisted.
She turned a bright purple enigma and she took of.

As the broods left the atmosphere and headed for the warpholes the purple star joined them.

Now as the warpholes open the Swarms move towards what will be their biggest trial and test yet to have come.

Fed by a single emotion
Driven by a purple light
Enraged with a single command
They now answer the summon of destiny
Time to wither and fall or to be grand

As the broods entered the warphole the purple shifted it's color as other colours mixed with it, she felt her power grow, she felt it escalate, she felt... the ability to make a difference and the power to fuel that ability.

The time of her ascension had come.
Fueled with a ever growing power she now answers her summon
Tempting fate and battling for her existance and the future she was born to have.
She feels the power building, the energies flowing into her.
As she extends her growing power over the Swarms she knows her pleed for help was answered.

Soon the Swarms would batter the hulls of the Taraakian ship and Vaeregoth would unleash the power she held within.

Soon she would be the focal point of the answer they, we had to these destroyers of dreams.
Soon would she and her swarms face the peril that threatened them all.
After that they would have to deal with others threatening her existance but now was the time to act together against a foe that cannot be denied or taken on alone.

United the powers flowed through the Pulsar that seered through space between the massive swarms.
United we stand.
United we shall overcome.

It seems I'm getting the taste of IC and descriptive posting :D

Good luck to all of you when Edena resolves the comming battle and thanks to all of you that I was able to convince and that are rallying to my side to fight for our own destiny and future.

To my regrets today we have to fight to be able to fight once again.

If we don't act now and destroy those we are going to take our rightfull futures from us we shall be hearded like cattle beneath our Taraakian sheppards.

My best wishes to all of you who stand united, let us come through victorious and fight for the future we saw in our vision.

United we shall overcome, devided we shall fall.

We have washed onto the shores of destiny my fellow players.

May fate be kind to you all.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Indeed Vaeregoth, let our forces survive this day victorious! The taraakians are in WAY over their head. Let's show them just how tough Oerthians really are! ;) Hey, we were the ones to send the elder ones packing, right?

EDENA: I sent the revised day 6 template, did you recieve it?
Also edena, the Lightning 'X' weapon/construct project will be used fully against the Taraakians in our major assault against their ship. Also, Kas and the God-Emperor will use the power they have available from the microbe project during the fighting onboard and against the Taraakian ship.

William: Hazen, these beings of 'good,' these Taraakians, have just committed themselves to offensive action against the free and independant people of these spheres. Thus, in forcing our hand to defend ourselves, they leave us no choice but to wage war. May history forgive us for the lives that will be lost in this conflict due to the stupidity and arrogance of the Taraakians. Should the Union be wiped out in battle now, I ask that you do me a favor: remember the dream of enlightenment. If we are crushed now, do not let the Cydian race die out. Please.


First Post
Now THAT is the Forsaken One I allied with!

All right. What the hell. One last hurrah, everybody! Let's show the multiverse that there is a new Empire in town, the Panspecies Armada, and we will not be slaves to any other.

I have no hostilities with any other country aside from Melkor and Phibrizzo. Let's take them down and wrap this puppy up.

Edena, no change to my 11th level actions, but I change my mind regarding the Taraakians. They're welcome to help us thwart the psychotic monstrosity that is Phibrizzo, but after that they will have no further say in governing our affairs unless we agree to it. I do say, however, that I will always welcome their advice and guidance, being a species easily equal to the Illithid in stature.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Hmm, what the heck, things are going down. I'll let out a secret. The Union of Worlds has been allied with Forsaken One and Anab for a while now. The taraakians just forced us to make it public. :)


First Post
Iuz watches the development with mild interest, as he paces a gentle rolling valley... a glowing orb showing him all that transpires in Greyspace... "interesting... very interesting..."

Talindra followed him, "The world is beautiful..."

Iuz didn't even look up, "It is still far from complete... the seeding will commence soon... and then the people will have a bounty to live off of... and it could not come sooner... this universe has gone mad..."

Talindra smiled placing a hand on his shoulder, "You have done well..."

"I have not done nearly enough it could all be dashed at the whim of madmen.... we must escalate efforts..." Iuz paused... "the end of the world is coming soon then any of us would like..."

William Ronald

Lord Ronald speaks. (Hazen is busy trying to figure a way out of this mess for everyone. Edena tries to find a way for the IR to continue without a bunch of dead worlds. I come back and see someone threatening to destroy Oerth, Krynn, and Toril.P

"I ask people to stand down and explain their actions."

"Vaeregoth, you tried to hold Oerth, Toril, and Krynn hostage by your threat to destroy them. This is an evil act by most philosophies. Your destruction of three worlds was wrong as well."

"Try to convince the Taraakians that you are not a murderer who cannot handle power responsibly. Explain why we should believe you will not try to conquer all."

"Lord Kas offered a compromise to the Taraakians. I ask the God Emperor to coment on it."

"It seems that a lot of peope are unwilling to compromise or permit any limits on their power. It seems some people are deciding, no one can limit me."

"Well, I would like people to talk and propose a solution to this crisis. Hazen is trying to convince the Taraakians that there is some good left in the Union of Worlds and Vaeregoth. He asked me to address you while he deals with a near impossible task. The Taraakians may think some of you are genocidal madmen."

"It is said that people are known by the company they keep. Everyone consider whom you are allying with."

"Vaeregoth, explain why the Kevellond League should side with someone who just threatened to destroy Oerth? Explain why any should side with you after your murder of three worlds?"

"Or is it true that the lives of the people of Athas, Krynn, Oerth, Toril and Mystara mean NOTHING to some of you and that the only god you have ever worshipped is your own power! Hazen thinks you are better than you seem to me. Prove me wrong and prove him right."

OOC: Edena brought in the Taraakians because he saw the IR ending with mutual destruction by all of us. Some of us don't want the IR to end in Armageddon, with no survivors. If the Taraakians are being a littlle heavy handed, so are some of the PC factions.

The Forsaken One, I do not like being threatened in game or real life. So, explain your threat to destroy Oerth.

Voidrunner's Codex

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