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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 6)

OOC: Okay I am back! What a mess! Edena, I didn`t want to attack United Commonwealth, but nevermind, now Shade shall stay with Alliance of Dread.

Edena, you remember my posts about sending agents to the past, to obtain 12th level magic from Karsus? Was it succesful?

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'o Skoteinos

First Post
Taraakian, we have accepted your laws, laws which seem fair and just, but can you return our people from Ravenloft? Can you protect us from the Red Goo, from the Mists and from other powers who seek our destruction?

Please, save Mystrara, save my people and try to safe as many of these people as you can...I beg you, safe us all from Ravenloft...

Rom, ik ga eerst es effe kijken wat er allemaal te halen valt en wie wat allemaal gaat doen en hoe het ontvouwt.

Ben benieuwd, toegeven aan de gasten is beetje definitief dus ik ben efe opstandig aanhet doen.. merken het zo wel wat er gaat gebeuren... terug erop komen kan altijd.. naja nog wel een x....

Ennuh.. dromen werken niet tegen 12th zoals je had kunnen lezen.
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William Ronald

EDENA, PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAIL. I have composed a reply based on what I read late last night. I want your input on it, as Hazen has asked the Angels to help him. (I want to know if the speech meets the high standards of an Angel. This is a heck of a role playing challenge, but an enjoyable one. Some of my concerns have been addressed, but I believe the speech stlll has relevant elements.

Hazen bows low before the Ambassador.

"You are truly a kind and loving people. I applaud your decision to save billions of lives and allow our people to live. I have hoped someone would take action, even if it was to stand down and not attack. I feared for the fate of worlds."

"However, you seem to decree the same fate for all, regardless of their actions."

"I ask you to consider our actions. The Oerth Alliance and its allies have turned aside from the path of destruction. Have we disappointed you so greatly that we and the UC of Toril are viewed the same as the Alliance of Dread. I have heard the warnings and issued them. I have continued when reason told me there was no hope left. Yet I have never abandoned hope."

"I understand the actions of Angelika and Aurican as well as those of Kalanyr and Siobhan. Should the former be preserved and the latter destroyed? There is an alternative, to join with those who would fight the Alliance of Dread. There may be other battles, but I would prefer to stand with you as an ally not as a subject. I believe that political arrangements should be entered into voluntarily. Do some of us deserve freedom?

"I love your people's compassion, it is to your credit. However, I must ask if there are other alternatives. Not all of us want the destruction of our worlds or power at any price. I would willingly die to save Oerth, Athas, Krynn, Mystara, Toril and the other threatened worlds."

"Are all of us equally guilty? This seems to be implied by the decision to treat us all equally. I ask that we be judged individually."

"I know that you are in pain, and I fear for you. Yes, you do have an obligation to protect your allies. I understand this, as I would be dead without my allies. Are their not other alternatives? I cannot see the sense of a war between the Taraakians and Lord Kalanyr and Siobhan. Such a war would be a tragedy."

"Before you just spoke, I prepared a response to your government's decision. I am not sure if it is still relevant. I know you seek to preserve life, but are all of us truly the same as the worst of us?"

"Do you wish to hear the speech? You have answered some of its concerns but I am still concerned. For all of us, including the Taraakian people.
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Posted by Edena:

However, our subjects are not free to kill.
They are not permitted to commit murder.
We do not tolerate rape and other such grim crimes of hatred, harm, and brutality.
We do not allow our subjects to force their ways on our other subjects.
We do not permit theft ... we do not believe that ownership is nine tenths of the law.
We do not permit corruption. If our subjects must pursue petty feuds and hatreds, if they must select biased judges and officials, if they must enforce their local laws one way for one people, and another way for another people, then that is where we step in.

Melkor seems to be bored by this speech:

-Well, it seems we might have a problem here, for I DO enjoy all these things not permitted by your law, things thare nothing but abstract concepts, created so those like you can be sure of their rightousness. For there is no abstract morality that makes you right Mr Taarakian, only certain points of view, everything that matters is POWER, for those that posess it can force their beliefs upon others, weaker than themselves. Tell me, do you believe, like our deluded friend Hazen, that there is a single omnipotent, all-powerful being that is "Good"? I find this theory laughable, for even if such a being exists, wouldn`t it be completely alien to us and our concepts of morality? But there is a force in the mulitiverse that will claim supremacy upon all- The Eternal Void, that shall take everything, sooner or later, this is the only power that I consider to be superior upon myself. But while waiting for Entropy to claim me, I intend to have FUN, I want to see my enemies suffer, I want to see their pain, to hear their screams, I want them to submit to my WILL, willingly or not. If I fail in doing this... let it be, at least I will try to make as many of them as possible embrace oblivion alonside myself.
So, do you have anything to add, Mr Ambassador, or shall I return to my Domain, to do things that you dislike so much, or will you try to make me stay?
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Black Omega

First Post
Siobhan casts a weak smile over to Zelda and Auricon. The little fae offering a slight nod to the two before she speaks "Auricon, you have nothing to apologize for. We follow the path of freedom. You must make the choice you think best for your people. As must we. Freedom sometimes means even friends disagree. I can not hold that against you."

Then Siobhan turns her fiery gaze to the Taraakian and she stands as tall as the little fae can manage.

"I've heard what you have to say. And there is much truth in it. A great tragedy was taking place. A great war between the OA and many others against those who had been killing and tainting so many worlds. We might very well have destroyed each other. We still might. But if that did happen, it would have happened because we would not surrender to the fiends committing these atrocities. It would have happened because we thought stopping what the Dread Alliance is doing is worth dying for. You can not speak of this place as one people." Siobhan states firmly.

"We are not. -We- did not destroy your friends and allies. -We- ddi not destroy a hundred worlds. We've been fighting to stop guilty of these great crimes. We did not embrace the red goo, though others did. We have not changed reality, we have not corrupted the minds of others to force them into our service. We fought against that, and we argued against it. Look into my mind and you can see this is true."

"I pledge we will not attack you. Our war is against the Dread Alliance and they alone. When that is done we are content to retire to our own lands. We have a forest to replenish. We have a new Highfolk to build, a living city among the trees. We desire peace, freedom, and nothing more. If we were the type to simply give in and surrender our freedom rather than face attack, we would not still be here. We would have been destroyed long ago. We fought Vecna because it was right. We fought Melkor because it had to be done. We fight to Dread Alliance for the same reason. We desire only peace with you. But if you attack us, we will defend our freedom. You said "If we turn our backs on you, and you destroy yourselves, your blood is on our hands, and we will never be free of it. " If you invade us..try to conquer us, our blood will still be on your hands. Do what you must, um..I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't know your name. Do what you must, Taraakian. If war with you is the price we must pay for the defeat of the Dread Alliance, we will pay it. If there is anyway a war with you can be avoided, aside from abject submission, then I'm willing to listen."

Then Siobhan steps aside, taking Kalanyr's hand in her's as she lets Hazen speak.


First Post
Alzem listens to the laws of the off worlders. They are the same laws as those that were enforced on Hope Isle.

“Yes, my people and I will agree to your terms. What you propose is no different than the UC of Toril. All countries were allowed to rule themselves but still had to answer to the UC for their actions and universial laws.

As for removing our magic and technology while that is a hars term we will agree. While we have done great wonders with our magic, during the last war we were tempted to use it to destroy our enemies, but in the end we did not.

I have only one condition. Restore my Isle on Toril to how it was before it was destroyed, allow us to use our magic to strengenthen and protect our lands before we give them up.

That is my one condition. I also ask that in time grant us the right to use our magic again.”

Alzem will stand and wait for the answer

To all the other here:

“What has been proposed is no different than what you have enforced upon your people. Hazen do you allow your people to kill each other? Aloow gangs to fight for turf and control in your lands. Do you enforce you people treat all fairly? This is no more than the Taraakian will do. The only difference is nolonger will you be the ultimate ruler. You will have to answer to someone for your actions, and the actions of your people.”


" Alzem, I see that we stand differently on this, I expected no less. Your choice is your own. I think your reason for accepting their proposition is perhaps one of my own reasons for rejecting it, they come here and they offer to enforce upon us what we already do and in return for making us do as we already do, they will take from us, our freedom of choice. I certainly do not expect others to see it my way. It was good working with you all, members of the Alliance of Oerth and may your paths be well-lit and the grace of the Light be with you. They tell us that under their rule the elves and drow will not wage war on each other, but I doubt that such a war would occur even now. I will make no move against you unless you strike those I hold dear first, even if in time it becomes necessary for you to destroy us, then such is the way. Your choices are always your own and you have made the choice you believe best.

As one other has said, peace by point of the sword is not true peace, the peace of fear is simply time for hatred to fester. Behold what happened after the Mists came, there was peace, a peace of fear and while we held this peace, the Hellmaster bred his puddings and the Eternal Union spread their balls of hatred far and wide. Perhaps such physical acts will not be permitted by the Militant Fair, but such a mentality they cannot prevent, unless they are worse than I believe them to be. "
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