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(IR) The Treaty of Erinhei-Cinlu Summit (Turn 1)


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The scraggaly man looks like he is listening to someone, far away. Almost afraid to speak, he mutters:

"My leaders on Ginsel wish me to remind you that the followers of Veneca are sill receving spells. He says that it would be foolish of any of us to refuse each others aid, or to fight amongst ourselves. Surely you can see the logic of this."

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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Guilt Puppy said:
Since the voting measures seem pretty much Okayed by all, Abbon produces a copy of the current charter, and commences with his arguments against Iuz.

The current charter:

[sblock] The drow submit the details of the TEC Pact, as requested:

Anabstercorians' power of Rary/Greyhawk/The Bright Lands
Bugbears' power of Greater Nyrond
Edena_of_Neiths' power of the Queendom of Eclavdor (the Drow and Yuan-Ti)
Guilt Puppys' power of the Scarlet Brotherhood
Kalanyrs' power of Miranda/Marchwards/Elvanian Forest/Gigantea/Hyperboria
Knight Otus' power of Greater Aerdi
Melkors' power of the Vampires/Ivid/Sahuagin
Nac Mac Feegles' power of the Iron League/Ulek League/Isle of the Phoenix.
Paxus' power of the Wolf God and his people.
Rikandurs' power of Iuz and the Empire of Iuz.
Sollirs' power of the Empire of Lynn.
Thomas' power of Aliador/Celene/Lendores/The Theocracy
Uveneleis' power of the Tempest of Hell and the Tharquish Empire.
Venus' power of Orcreich/Greater Khanate/Lesser Khanate.

The Charter of the TEC Pact (this is the original charter)

1: An attack upon one member of the TEC Pact is an attack on all the members of the TEC Pact.

2: All members of the TEC Pact are required to meet any single attack with an equivalent counterattack: If one TEC Pact member is attacked by 10,000 warriors, then all the TEC Pact members must attack the attacker with 10,000 warriors.
If any individual TEC Pact power has no way to issue a counterattack to help out as the TEC Pact requires, it had better have a good reason why it could not meet its' obligations.

3: If an attack is made directly upon any of the leaders ((Player Characters)) of the TEC Pact powers, all the TEC Pact members must immediately send as much force as is required to protect those leaders and drive off the attackers. In addition, all leaders and their following (significant NPCs) have guaranteed protection in each others' safeholds and territories.

4: TEC Pact powers must use their magic and/or psionics to ensure their individual power and it's leaders immediately knows if another TEC Pact leader is under attack, so they can immediately send help to save that leader.

5: If a TEC Pact member commits treason by attacking another TEC Pact member with Armies, or allies with Vecna, or otherwise does something obviously treasonous, the penalty for said treason is the destruction of that power, the burning of its' lands, and the massacre of its' people. This Retribution against treason is to be undertaken immediately by all TEC Pact members.


TEC Pact Addendum:

3 or 4 of the TEC Pact members have Opt-Out Clauses. They required these Opt Out Clauses as prerequisites to joining the Pact.
If they Opt out of the Pact, that is not considered a hostile act. They do lose all rights and protections of the Pact immediately, though.[/sblock]

Abbon Craylor points out several clauses of the Pact:

"First we refer to Section Five, the penalty for treason. You will note that it leaves the definition of treason open to interpretation, clearly for situations such as this. Nowhere does it state that removing the crown from the head of a fallen ally should be considered treason, but by what good judgment should such action be considered acceptable? Indeed, short of actual assassination, what can be considered more treasonous than taking, without any consent, what is not only a symbol of rulership but is also an artifact of significant power to its rightful bearer? When Eclavdra fell, Iuz' first reaction was to remove her Regalia, and don it himself -- what more shocking display of opportunism and disregard for our Pact could there be? The terms of the Pact are clear: At this moment, Iuz forfeited all rights and protections of the Pact, and our collective duty became his annihilation."

Imp first repeated Abbot Craylon's first accustation, using magical recorder that deviling seem to have constantly online. Then he looked on every one assembled and spoke with serious tone, defying his his insignificiant outlook.

"My response is simple. My liege and Master, if he would want to do theft that Brotherhood is claiming, he did ... Do You think that Lord Iuz is a fool ? Would he allow anyone of witnesses live to tell the tale ? First thing he would do then, would be destruction of Great City. Easy enough to accomplish with all wards down by uncontrolled bursts of power from Regalia."

Imp's heavy gaze moved over everyone assembled.

"God-Tzar, who was on courteous visit in Great City, was first witness to strange ... affliction that spreaded among the Drow like wildfire. Few steps from him Queen Eclavdra fell on the ground in convulsions, Regalia striking with uncontrolled power everywhere. He removed them for her own safety, before ceiling collapsed under Artifact's might. Lord Iuz would surviwe unscathed but his ally would die under tons of rocks, along with her Nation. And then he sensed another deity entering city ... conclusion was simple, this deity was probably responsible for worsened condition of Drow. To optimize his chances of defeating this potential enemy, he donned Eclavdra's Regalia on himself. Queen was uncousiouness but still alive. Sight of Lloth's rebellious daughter only confirmed God-Tzar's suspicions. He attacked her, to deal with threat quickly while issuing orders to his clerics of sufficient skills to inmediately rush to Great City. Meanwhile loyal servitors of my Master started transporting Drow from Cities abadoned by Eclavdor, to Great City."

Imp gazed again over everybody assembled.

"If trying to help ally to the best of someones ability is treason ..."

Imp ended with sad tone.

Guilt Puppy said:
"The Pact provides for no trial in these cases: 'This Retribution against treason is to be undertaken immediately by all TEC Pact members.' That so few responded against Iuz is cause for some doubt regarding the efficacy of this Pact... I can only hope that, once this Summit finalizes its terms, our members will be less hesitant about its enforcement. In any case, when the Brotherhood arrived to subdue Iuz, he resisted, then fled -- his refusal to be present for these proceedings should evidence further his wishes to remain a fugitive from justice."

Imp repeated another piece of Abbot Craylon's accustation from his recorder. And continued with indignant tone.

"Subdue ? Elder Brothers jumped on my liege like band of assassins ! He had no other choice than to defend himself. Besides ... Brotherhood never was on friendly terms with Empire, and if they were to arrest God-Tzar, they would ask him to surrender first. They didn't ! For this obvious assault on His life, for Brothers were using their deadliest weapons noone of them designed to subdue, God-Tzar weakened by battle with goddes and her treacherous allies from Greyspace, who aren't members of TEC Pactm, had no other logical choice than withdrawal."

For all interested ... Airwhale might be in deep trouble. He attacked TEC Pact member unprovoked. ;)

Guilt Puppy said:
"Further, regarding Iuz' subsequent attack against myself and my Brothers, when we were on a mission to preserve stability in his Empire to protect our fellow Pact-members, I quote section four: 'All leaders (and their following (significant NPCs)) have guaranteed protection in each others' safeholds and territories.' For Iuz to claim that the Brotherhood is 'outlawed' in his territories is in direct violation of the Pact... His attack upon myself and my other statesman, and assassination of one our Elders, inarguably constitutes yet further treason on his part -- excepting only that he should already have been considered disbanded and hostile, and so technically no longer obligated to the conditions of the Pact. Regardless, if there could possibly remain any doubts about his status, those doubts were destroyed by his actions against our Brotherhood."

Imp frowned and spoke, his tone barely neutral. It's obvious that he barely keeps himself under control.

"Stability mission ? Spreading false and riot causing propaganda all over Empire is nothing else but destabilising. And since Brotherhood confirms it's involvment in this attack on Lord Iuz ... I recive those dire news with heavy heart. As for one of propagandists captured by our law enforcers, he still lives ... even if his foiled suicide attempt rendered his crippled and comatose. I fear that he destroyed portion of his brain, and is now somewhat a ... vegetable. And Jumper overeacted, just to preserve stability of the Empire. I would like to remind that declaration of Brotherhood's illegality in Empire is indeed internal cause of Empire, wich Brotherhood could discuss with Empire."

It is obvious that without Iuz Empire of Iuz will tear itself apart ... like mad dogs they are. Imagine what would happen to Drow if not Eclavdra. Decreasing Iuz's authority is asking for internal war in Empire, that's the way of CE "governments". >grins<

Guilt Puppy said:
"That Iuz is guilty of treason against the Pact should be clear to all. We respect the wishes of the Pact to continue with these proceedings, as the cause of justice should never be considered too shortly, but we see little room for doubt that Iuz is guilty of these charges."

Imp raised one finger and spoke after last part of Brotherhood's declaration. Calmly but visibly infuriated.

"Speeches of Brotherhood are indeed masterworks in and of themselves. But their actions speak clearler: They attacked Lord Iuz without warning. They tried to destroy stability of Empire and killed many of it's subjects. They tried to buy children of Aliador, another TEC Pact member ... or to be clear member to be."

Deviling surrounded himself with his tiny wings, sat gently on the chair's rung and spoke softly.

"And what actions were undertaken by Lord Iuz ? He tried to help his ally to the best of his ability. He defended himself against unprovoked attack. His subjects defended their coutry from hostile influence of outside force. He left Regalia of Queen Eclavdra in King's Rhynnon deposit, for Her to take them when she wishes. And now He is fighting Vecna's allies."

I would like to remind everybody that Iuz is most reliable person in the Pact against Vecna, they both hate each other insanely. >Big smile<


First Post
Eclavdras' testimony

At some point during all this, Eclavdra takes the stand to testify, and has the following to say:

'I became ill, along with all my people. The illness rapidly intensified, despite all attempts to halt it with magic. Herbal remedies proved useless.'
'Within an hour, my people were collapsing. We were barely able to maintain the elite guard, and control over the servitors.'
'Then the illness intensified horrifically, and the last thing I clearly remember was the din and shouting as the servitors broke free and began their retaliation against my people. After that, I was in a surreal haze in which strange thoughts and feelings were coursing through me.'
'It was akin to being forcibly polymorphed into another creature, but the confusion did not stop, and there was severe physical pain. And then there were jolts of light and darkness, and violent spasms, and images flooded through my mind, some beautiful, and some grotesque. This pattern intensified until it completely blotted out the world outside. If I was still awake at that point, I was unaware of anything that transpired.'
'I do not remember anything that transpired around me past that point. Titanic energies were blasting through my mind and body. I heard Iuzs' Miracle, sent to give me free will. I heard the second Miracle. I heard Morwels' wish. The energies enabled me to transcend the pain and make the choice ... I have made ... based on ... new insights and understandings.'
'At that point, the Regalia of Lordly Might was gone.'
'I cannot definitively prove who took it.'
'I cannot provide factual evidence of my own.'
'I was unable to perceive the world around me when the Regalia was taken, so I cannot testify for or against Iuz the Old One.'

The white robed mercane calmly speaks, addressing the Imp, "If the story is as you say it is, why did Iuz not notify all the other members of the Pact, being the first one to come upon Eclavdra, as per proviison #4?"

The grey robed mercane then asks, "You said your master "To optimize his chances of defeating this potential enemy...donned Eclavdra's Regalia on himself." Just for clarification, you mean he did not don the Regalia before Elistraee came upon the scene?"

The black robed mercane speaks, "We must note however keep in mind that the TEC Pact was left somewhat open to interpretation, and that a certain amount of leniency should be given." To this, the white robed mercane responds, "While I agree, this leniency should extend only so far..."

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Rikandur Azebol said:
My response is simple. My liege and Master, if he would want to do theft that Brotherhood is claiming, he did ... Do You think that Lord Iuz is a fool ? Would he allow anyone of witnesses live to tell the tale ? First thing he would do then, would be destruction of Great City. Easy enough to accomplish with all wards down by uncontrolled bursts of power from Regalia."

"What you forget, little imp, is that witnesses are not the only way to reveal the truth. Through extensive use of divination magics, my servants have provided a reconstruction of the events in question. Behold!":

Serpenteye said:
Iuz, already present in the city, is the first one to act. Telepathically calling his followers to his side he quickly teleports into the throne room. Stepping over a greasy stain of melted Pit-fiend and blackened documents he reaches Eclavdra, reaches for the Crown on her head and is stricken by a massive bolt of energy.He recoils, but reaches forward again. Trough the immense power of his divine will he crushes another of the Artifacts undirected attempts to defend itself and rips it from Eclavdras helpless grasp.

Elistraee was precent on Oerth. Her following is weak and scattered, and many of them who were hiding in Drow society were found and cruelly murdered during Eclavdras consolidation. She did not intervene then, when her worshipers were slaughtered, but she intervenes now. The pain of her people, her race, is too great for even her to resist its call. One minute after the slave-rebellion arrives Elistraee begins to quell it.

Her followers are few and the rebels are many. The slaves are driven mad with hate, they kill and destroy indiscriminately and Elistraee and her followers grieve for every life they have to take. But Elistraee is a God, and every spell she casts sooths, heals and passifies both humanoid and Drow. With her help her followers, great Drow and Elven wizards, bards and knights, mischievous but powerful fairies and a small troop of Celestial knights push the horde back, divides its chaotic ranks and scatters it. The battle is not won, but the central parts of the city are swiftly being secured.

Two minutes after the closing Elistraee arrives in Eclavdra's throne room to find Iuz wearing the Regalia of Lorldy might. The two demigods face each other warily.

Elistraee never gets the chance to comfort Eclavdra. Instead she turns to Iuz, never having let down her guard an instant, and blocks him. The two deities are equal in strength, equal in stature, but the Regalia makes Iuz vastly superior in battle.

"Thus, indisputably, the regalia was not taken up for defense, but for ambition. Had the Old One truly desired to aid the drow, he would have been aware that Elistraee had already begun to succor Eclavdra's people, and welcomed her assistance in this task; instead, he struck at the one who might save the rightful owner of the Regalia, using his stolen power in an unprovoked attack."


First Post
Paxus Asclepius said:
"What you forget, little imp, is that witnesses are not the only way to reveal the truth. Through extensive use of divination magics, my servants have provided a reconstruction of the events in question. Behold!":

"Thus, indisputably, the regalia was not taken up for defense, but for ambition. Had the Old One truly desired to aid the drow, he would have been aware that Elistraee had already begun to succor Eclavdra's people, and welcomed her assistance in this task; instead, he struck at the one who might save the rightful owner of the Regalia, using his stolen power in an unprovoked attack."
It is indeed interesting that Iuz took the regalia before he became aware of Elistraee's presence in the Great City. Also I note that it was Iuz who struck first at Elistraee, without ever questioning her as to why she was there. Are these the actions of someone who is defending an ally or of a thief caught in the act.

If she had not come upon him just then, I have no doubt that he would have returned to his empire, and denied having ever been there.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
"I should, at this point, attempt to anticipate arguments regarding later events, and head them off. If it should be determined that Iuz was in breach of the Treaty of Erelhei-Cinlu when he stole the Regalia of Lordly Might from said treaty's founder, it follows that the Brotherhood's actions were justified in their entirety. Equally, should it be determined that Iuz acted entirely within his treaty obligations, then the Old One would owe no compensation for damages done to the Brotherhood in what would then have been unprovoked and illegal attacks."

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Paxus Asclepius said:
"What you forget, little imp, is that witnesses are not the only way to reveal the truth. Through extensive use of divination magics, my servants have provided a reconstruction of the events in question. Behold!":

They didn't. Regalia block all Scrying so the example provided by Imp, in temporary thread, is only one avaible unless DM rules otherwise. And I would like to remind You that Wolf God's clerics stopped reciving divine spells from Iuz. Demon God is pissed and would not help anymore Wolf God in his eventual ascension. :p

Paxus Asclepius said:
"Thus, indisputably, the regalia was not taken up for defense, but for ambition. Had the Old One truly desired to aid the drow, he would have been aware that Elistraee had already begun to succor Eclavdra's people, and welcomed her assistance in this task; instead, he struck at the one who might save the rightful owner of the Regalia, using his stolen power in an unprovoked attack."

"Elistraee isn't member of TEC Pact. And she was only outside force influencing forcibly Eclavdor's citizens and property. Are You afraid of something ? Chmm ... och yes, four millions of servitors taken from Eclavdor without any form of repayment, or my memory deludes me ? And why You nested them in Great City without Eclavdor's ruler permit ?"

Imp gazed at Wolf God admonishly. Before turning to other members of Council and asking.

"Shall I repeat record that indisputably evidences truth of my statements ?"

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
OOC: The Regalia might block all scrying on its target; whether it's a perfect effect, or one defeatable by the efforts of a very high-level divination specialist, is up to the DM. What the Regalia doesn't block is the use of spells which function like Stone Tell: not scrying on a current event, but using what is present at the scene to reconstruct events. A Wish is more than capable of duplicating a high-end Stone Tell, and Khana Vhearshalkhoura is more than capable of a few Wishes.

IC: "You level accusations against me? Very well. Should Eclavdra desire her servitors back, she has but to ask, and I will release them all to her custody in that minute. Should she desire that I remove them from their current dwellings, I will devote my full efforts to the task, requiring only a place to put them, and a means of feasibly transporting them thereto. You will note, of course, that when I came to the aid of Eclavdra, I did so not by removing an artifact which was defending her, but by removing from the presence of her defenseless people a horde of outraged and murderous servitors. You will note that when I did so, I did not attack the individual who was assisting me in my Treaty-required task. And you will note that I am willing to return to her anything she feels is rightfully hers, doubtful as I find it that one who has undergone such a change of heart would desire to re-enslave four millions who hate her people above all else."


First Post
"Seeing as some time has passed without debate," says Rary, "We will now put the matter to vote."

"All present, please vote either that Iuz be found guilty of crimes against a fellow pact member, that he be found not guilty of crimes against a fellow pact member, or that this vote be post-poned. Should we have a more than 1/3rd vote for post-ponement, this vote will be delayed."

Voidrunner's Codex

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