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(IR) The Treaty of Erinhei-Cinlu Summit (Turn 1)


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Welcome to the thread for the TEC Summit. This is where it will be played out. Hopefully in this manner we will be able to avoid clogging the other thread with our wheeling and dealing.

Description of Rary's Silver Palace:

[sblock]The Palace before you was clearly built by no mortal hand, but by the labor of Genies and magical spells. The outer walls are shaped as a triangle, each one firm granite, well mortared, three hundred feet long, twenty feet tall, and ten feet thick, with battlements atop guarded by fierce warriors of the Abbor-Alz. At each of the three corners lies a forty foot watch tower that burn bright with magical continual flame[/i]. There is no gate to breach - those brought within are invited via Teleport circles or Passwalls.
Within the triangular courtyard lies the palace proper. Three fountains keep the grounds lush with greenery, both garden orchards and guardian monsters. The Palace itself is hexagonal (seventy feet from one side to another) and rises in layers like a ziggurat, until a final minaret aspires to a height of two hundred feet before vanishing in to some mysterious heat-haze that obscures its top from all vision.
Inside the walls of the palace, all is light. Glassteel skylights and silver mirrors keep the place lit, and [/i]unseen servants keep the place well swept. You are ushered in to the central chamber, within which is a great table that appears to be made of silver, though in likelihood it is simply foiled in such. Nervous looking servants wait upon you, terrified that you will lash out and extinguish them with your might.[/sblock]

The Agenda:
- The Means of Concensus (voting procedure, or...?)
- The Drow Resolution (to determine their status as a nation)
- The Trial of Iuz (for the theft of Eclavdra's Regalia)
- The Trial of Gallador (for the vampiric infection of Drow citizens)
- The Unprotected Aggression Clause (to avoid pact members being dragged into wars of aggression)

The summit will begin when all signatories of the Treaty of Erinhei-Cinlu, or their appointed representatives, have arrived at Rary's Silver Palace in the Bright Desert, (In other words, when they've posted to this thread) or on January 21st, whichever comes first.

Signatories currently present:
[sblock]- The Great Kingdom of Aerdi (Knight Otu)
- Greater Nyrond (Bugbear)
- The Wolf God (Paxus Asclepius)
- The Drow, Yuan-Ti, and Ice Elves (Edena_Of_Neith)
- The Miranda Alliance (Kalanyr)
- The Tempest (Uvenelei)
- The Scarlet Brotherhood (GuiltPuppy)
- The Empire of Iuz (Rikandur Azebol)
- The Kingdom of Gallador (Melkor, Lord of ALL!!!)
- The Solistarim and Acererak the Eternal (devilish)[/sblock]
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Knight Otu

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Ashardalon, now again in human form, arrives. Apparently unfazed by the display of wealth, he queries if there is a room large enough for his true form, so that he can relax from time to time. The dragon certainly anticipates these talks to take a while - as long as nothing... drastic happens.

Until the Summit on the Treaty of Erenhei Cinlu actually begins, he chats with some of the servants without revealing his draconic nature. Maybe he hopes to find out a few things beforehand?


First Post
The Deligation of Greater Nyrond
-King Sethanon Rhynnon, King of Greater Nyrond and Protector of the Eastern Forests.
-The Grey Seer, Master Diviner and chief advisor to the king
-Munin, a talking Raven
-Nonoton, Modron Exile
-A small personal staff of scribes, lawyers, and bodyguards.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
The Wolf God himself comes to the summit, one of his rare public appearances; as always, he is accoutered in the mail which is his second skin, and bears the great blade Grimcleaver. He is unaccompanied; he trusts the scribes of the Triumvirate, and needs no servants for his own needs.

Initial proposal on the first matter: Each matter will be discussed until a majority of the members of the Treaty have agreed to table it. After a matter is tabled, votes will be collected; all members must vote before the vote is final.

Proposal on the order of business: the Trial of Iuz must be determined before the Drow Resolution, as it is a situation which could quite easily lead to war between member nations. The Trial of Gallador can wait, as no powers have taken up arms regarding that matter, and because its ultimate conclusion is heavily dependent upon the final Drow Resolution.


First Post
(Speaking for my power)

The Lord of the Yuan-Ti Empire and the King of the Ice Elves of the Adri show up to represent the disparate parts of my power at the TEC Summit.
An element of good drow and an element of evil drow arrive. Both claim to speak for the drow. Both delegations of drow denounce each other, as you'd expect.
No representative from the humanoid (former) servitors come. Most are in alliegance to the Wolf God anyways, now.

If only one representative from my power is allowed in the doors, it should be the Lord of the Yuan-Ti. He was Eclavdras' chief lieutenant beyond her own drow hierachy.
Although chaotic evil in his own right, the Lord of the Yuan-Ti is a cautious, quiet individual who speaks little, listens much, and is careful to look before he steps. He was always this way, and after recent events he is much more careful than ever. (Eclavdra chose him as her chief non-drow lieutenant for a reason.)

Eclavdra herself is, obviously, unable to attend.

Remember that I am in quiet mode right now. So unless something critical to my power is discussed, the Lord of the Yuan-Ti and King of the Ice Elves are going to have little to say.
As for the two drow elements, you already know what they have to say. They presented their respective cases on the Turn 1 thread, so there is no need to repeat it. This assumes they are allowed in the door, of course.


(Speaking for Thomas' Power)

Lord Leathnor of Aliador attempts to come to the TEC Pact Summit. If the objection of the Scarlet Brotherhood prevails and he is not allowed in the doors, he does not attend, obviously.
If Lord Leathnor does attend the TEC Summit, then Lady Gwyndilyn rules Aliador in his stead.
Celene, the Lendores, and the Yeomanry send nobody, since they have all withdrawn from the TEC Pact.
The Church of Tritherion collapsed after the Closing of the Sphere, so they send nobody.

Again, I'm in quiet mode, so unless something directly relating to Aliadors' (and those nations, like the Lendores, that it has chosen to protect) interest is brought up, they aren't going to say much.
If the matter of their children is brought up, they present the same arguments already presented on the Turn 1 thread.
And if the Scarlet Brotherhood insists they should be removed from the TEC Pact, they present the same arguments for their remaining in, that were brought up in the Turn 1 thread.


The Delegation of the Miranda Alliance
- Queen Xin Hope of Miranda, and a record of Ye'Cind
- The Greater Titan Tethys of Jotumheim
- A delegation of various representatives from Hyperborea. Including orcs, goblins, elves, dwarves, gnomes and humans.
- A delegate of the Faerie Court of Miranda, the Dryad Willow-Near-The-River-Pure, who will answer to Willow.
- And Morwel's Consort, the Tulani Faerinaal. (Who seems ot be spending a chunk of time convincing the Hyperborean representatives that killing each other is counter productive.)

Morwel sends her apologies but is otherwise occupied.

(Given that this represents 2 regular PL, 2 or 3 Elite PL and 1 Epic PL no military escort is currently deemed necessary.)
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OOC - After some discussion in chat with others I'd like to propose the following method for voting

2/3 Majority to pass a motion. Any who fail to attend do not count, any who choose to abstain form voting do not count. (This prevents a tie and prevents political finagling). If the vote is for a member's expulsion that member may not vote.
This means that any expulsion votes need to come first. A vote to waive a counterstrike also requires a 2/3 majority (likewise if a member is the subject of the counterstrike he may not vote).

Any motions that alter an existing part of the TEC (except as noted above re expulsion and counter strikes) require unanimous approval of all members. Additions to the TEC require only the 2/3 majority.

Addendum: At this meeting and this meeting only the TEC is subject to change by 2/3 majority, simply because it seems ,we agree, the terms are unclear. Once they have been agreed upon they will go to the unanimous approval for all further meetings.
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First Post
The Tempest arrives with a pair of Warfathers and a wizard servant. If it appears as though he and his guards are sizing everyone up, speculating if they could take them in a fight, don't worry, they are. I don't plan on picking any fights, however.

I also agree with Kalanyr's proposal for voting rules. If there are others that disagree on them, we should vote on the voting rules before any other business.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
*Iuz himself appears, clearly protected from all spells that bind or reduce freedom of His person.*

I have more important issues than meaningless bueracracy. I didn't stole Eclavdra's Regalia. And I only defended myself from Brotherhood, fact that even them would understand. They are still outlawed in my Empire.

Acha, Regalia are in possesion of Rhynnon ... because he is forced to behave by his own artifacts. Period. But being on Your place I would attend to important matters. Like finding Selitisia ! And arming for Devil's Menace. My interrogations confirmed that they are beliving in what they are saying.

*Iuz waved and smiled nicely to Ashardalon. And gave him telepatic sending.*

Feel invited for a party, my friend. :)

*And Iuz wanished.*

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Abbon Craylor has been present for a while, along with a handful of miscellaneous henchmen who occasionally teleport off to consult the Elder Brothers; for the most part, however, the negotiations seem to be left in Craylor's hands.

He strongly approves of Miranda's proposed voting procedures.

Given the suggestions of other powers, Craylor also suggests changing the agenda to:

- The Means of Concensus (voting procedure, or...?)
- The Matter of Aliador (briefly, we want a guarantee of full allegiance from Celene/Yeomantry before allowing them to vote)
- The Trial of Iuz (for the theft of Eclavdra's Regalia and other crimes)
- The Drow Resolution (to determine their status as a nation)
- The Trial of Gallador (for the vampiric infection of Drow citizens and other crimes)
- The Unprotected Aggression Clause (to avoid pact members being dragged into wars of aggression)

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