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(IR) What would your PC do if he or she received the Wanderer's Sending - Thread Two

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William Ronald

John Brown, representing Iuz:

(If I know that Vecna is in Aerdi, then trust me -EVERYONE WILL KNOW from me. So far, I have no evidence of this. Pretty much everything my ambassadors learned is in public circulation. It may not be pretty, but there is the benefit of the truth being known. )

From the Kevellond League:

"We ask that you consider our truce in the matter of Vecna to be still in force. He is the true threat. You showed wisdom and courage in acknowledging this. We ask for a cessation of hostilities on Oerth so we can find Vecna, and destroy him utterly. The whining, simpering coward did not even have the backbone to face us. Indeed, it seems he may have taken his actions to bring Toril and Oerth to war. In which he case, who could try to conquer two worlds instead of one."

"We are prepared to continue our industrialization and building of armaments. I suggest that those who wish to see Vecna utterly destroyed do not attack each other."

If demons are brought in to Oerth a balancing number of celestials will be. It is requested that neither side attack each other but be on hand to fight Vecna. They may wish to have a contest over who can destroy more of Vecna's forces.

My research centers, magical colleges, and arms factories will be kept hidden.

I will keep the lines of communication open.

It seems things are slowing down, so I will likely log off for the day and join in after I get up.

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William Ronald


The link on the first post on this thread does not work. I went back to the "What woudl your PC do if he or she received the Wander's Sending" and several important posts - such as Reprisals post as Prime Minister of the United Commonwealth of Toril - seem to be missing.

He already knows; I've e-mailed him about that a while ago. :)
- Darkness
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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
The Baklunish-Esmerin

1. In response to the Kevellond League (via a genie messenger called with a planar ally spell):

We will stand with you in these troubled times. May the deities smile on this most righteous endeavor and grant us the strength to prevail in the dark times that lie ahead.

2. Since our enemies are bringing fiends to the Oerth, we have no other option but to begin gating in beings from the elemental planes.

3. Furthermore, we will increase our vigilance over our own territories, actively looking for spies and infiltrators. Any such persons that are caught will be interrogated extensively.

4. To steel our faith against possible tempation by the Torilian unbelievers, many religious congregations will now be held on a regular basis, and the poor and the sick will receive "welfare" and healing, respectively.

William Ronald

To Darkness: (You need to fix the link in the first post to refer to the IR Thread in the In Character forum. I figured out what was wrong. As much of what I learned was in that thread you might want to check it out.)

Originally posted by Darkness:

4. To steel our faith against possible tempation by the Torilian unbelievers, many religious congregations will now be held on a regular basis, and the poor and the sick will receive "welfare" and healing, respectively.

To the Baklunish-Esmerin Alliance:

We welcome your wise words and are glad that you stand with us. By now, you should have the full report of our ambassador's study of Toril. What do you say to our report. (Essentially, I got the knowledge of the previous IR Threads.)

We will also be vigilant for spies.
Especially those of the Church of Shade which seems to have an interest in Oerth.

We will be wary of undue influence from outside forces. It seems that at least some of the powers of Toril respect our beliefs. Others, however, seem to wish to bring all under their dark faith. We too, will have our religious congregations hold services regularly, and the poor and the sick among us will also receive "welfare" - along with career training - and healing, respectively. Let us stand as brethen in this time of need.

If we can provide assistance, you have it. Your wisdom and courage is a comfort in these times. May the deities smile upon us all and grant us the strength, wisdom, and courage to triumph in these dark times.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Baklunish-Esmerin alliance

William Ronald said:
To Darkness: (You need to fix the link in the first post to refer to the IR Thread in the In Character forum. I figured out what was wrong. As much of what I learned was in that thread you might want to check it out.)
It's here, but I believe the problem with it is a bit more severe... :(

William Ronald said:
To the Baklunish-Esmerin Alliance:

We welcome your wise words and are glad that you stand with us. By now, you should have the full report of our ambassador's study of Toril. What do you say to our report. (Essentially, I got the knowledge of the previous IR Threads.)
Very interesting, and also quite distrubing. We need to consider this information...

[OOC: Could you e-mail me the points that are of particular interest now? I don't know much about the specifics of the previous IRs, sadly. Or does the information in Edena's opening post suffice?]
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OOC- Several key parts of this seem to be missing can someone bring me up to date on everything that has happened in the last 12 hours? I am very confused. and 32 or so of my posts have dissappeared apparently.
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Mr. Draco

First Post
The counsel of Kas

Firstly, Edena, I will use the magic at my disposal to teleport my entire force to the lands of Ral Astra (sp?) and begin devoting all available resources to (in order of importance):

1) technology
2) defense
3) protective spells to hide my legion's actions from scrying magic
4) more technology

This means ALL available assets (i.e. every mage & soldier not needed for defense.

Also, this message is sent to every leader allied with myself on Oerth by myself (with the help of my archmages).

To: William, Gnomeworks, Turrosh, Iuz, and whoever else is opposed to Vecna.

Three days from now I will begin a meeting of representative from all of your factions on the subject of Vecna's presence on Oerth. It is required that you send a messenger, otherwise you will be considered an ally of Vecna, and dealth with accordingly.
If you have no means of travel, contact my archmages, and we will arrange a teleportation.
This meeting will commence at my capital city in the lands of Ral Astra.
Remember, presence is mandatory.


Assuming nothing untoward has happened to my empire in the meanwhile

Kalanyr & an honourguard of a Balor ,a Succubus, a Glabrezu & one other drow mage shall be teleporting in to this conference of Kas.

We are also continuing our research into technology and technomancy & shall begin studying this arcane Age magic that has apparantly appeared (Kalanyr himself shall devote time to this particualr cause in what little spare time he has)

A sending of Kalanyr shall appear before all major powers we do not know to be allied with Vecna, declaring that in the face of the Uber-Lich our squabbles our pointless.


First Post
((Well, it's looking like I cannot keep up with this particular thread at all... As disappointing as it sounds, I must say that with everything moving faster than I would have hoped, I must discontinue my representation of the United Commonwealth. I find that I am too far behind in the reading, and there is too much happening in the real world for me to adequately fight for the forces of modernity. For this, I apologize to my fellows, especially William, but, of course, I will try to do what I can to assure that this thread lives on without my presence.))

The Prime Minister of the United Commonwealth once again sits behind the same stately looking desk with a very sad look on her face. Even after a few moments on camera, she sits, not looking at the camera. She gathers her notes in front of her and finally looks up at the camera.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the beautiful world of Oerth, I come to you in great sadness and grief. It appears that our ... meddling with the affairs of Oerth have led to more pain than pleasure. In our attempts to evolve a society decades in a matter of months, we have forgotten the golden rule:

"Change can only come to those who will it.

"Looking around, I see only several allies and many potential enemies. No, while I extend my deepest sympathy to those who wish to forge a new society, there are no grounds for us to dictate to you how your affairs are to be run...

"At the same time, what has happened now is at least partly because of our dealings with the Oerth's equivalent of the Technomancy and the alliance between our forces and The Kevellond League.

"If I must say anything, I will say this: We will not forget those who have asked our help.

"In response to the dangers the Technocracy and The Kevellond League will face, we have asked those in our population to volunteer for an ... extended visit. In addition to those of the Torilian Expeditionary Forces who wish to stay, a number of our Professors, Doctors, Philosophers and Scholars have volunteered to emigrate to Oerth to help our friends build their new societies.

"In the end, we hope that the nations of Oerth will be able to join the United Commonwealth of Toril one day in the future.

"Though we go, know this, we shall return.

"This we promise.

"Until then, people of Oerth, farewell and thank you."

((Though the United Commonwealth itself will be leaving the stage of Oerth, those of our number wishing to stay in there will... I'm not certain to the effect it will have on the power levels, but those who stay would help to aid the Lortmil Technocracy and The Kevellond League. At the same time, the T.E.F. will not function as mindlessly loyal storm troopers. They are there to defend, first and foremost. I'd have to say, if RL didn't get in the way, things might have been different, but alas, I've no control over my workload for my college courses and my prior commitments have dictated otherwise. Until next time, as they say... :cool: ))
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William Ronald

To Kas:

Our representatives should arrive within the hour. Your counsel on the threat of Vecna is appreciated.

Reprisal: (Did you give the troops I sent permission to get past the Border Patrol and help you out? At the very least the expeditionary force that was with Turrosh Mak was able to get through Vecna's gate.)

Forrester: An address by the leader of the Humanoid Alliance would be welcome.

Gwilym Raonul waits after the speech is ended. There is a great weariness on his face.

"You spoke well, Prime Minister. Growth is never easy."

"I will shortly return to the Kevellond League. We will welcome the Torillian Expeditionary Force as our friends and kin. It may be that one day our worlds will stand as one in peace and prosperity. Indeed, there may even be an alliance of worlds devoted to peace, prosperity and friendship. I suspect this is likely for the distant future."

"There is much to be done. If we learn anything of Vecna, we shall share it with you. The blood of the innocent cries out for it I have mourned for them, and I pray that their souls shall know peace."

"I cannot see the future. However, I believe that by working together we can build a better future for both our worlds. Please speak on matters that concern you."

"I thank you and President Forrester for your hospitality. I look forward to meeting with you both again."

The Kevellond League speaks:

We welcome the Torillian Expeditionary Force to our lands. We ask those that wish to speak with them to treat them with the utmost couresy and respect. We have shared what we have learned of Toril, its nations, and its factions. The names of the United Commonwealth of Toril, the Humanoid Alliance, the Eternal Empire of Karatur, Hope Island, the Church of Toril, the Church of Mercy, and the Church of Shade are now known to us all. It is now up to Oerth and its peoples to determine our future relationships with these powers.

To Kas: Does the invitation to the conference extend to the United Commonwealth of Toril? We believe they may be able to render assistance against a foe who seeks to dominate both of our worlds. We can contact a Torillian representative, or relay your concerns to the Torillian Expeditionary Force.

Edena: If Reprisal lacks time to represent the UC of Toril, maybe someone else can.

I am curious to the reaction of the peoples of Oerth to what has happened on Toril.

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