Iron dm summer champion announced!


Once A Fool
Since Incognito is not to be found, I have secured permision from Nemmerle (creator and first judge) to judge this Summer's Iron DM tournament. This will be with standard rules for 8 players (and 3 alternates). Each entrant will have 24 hours to post his/her scenario.

For those currious about who I am, I have, in the past, been an Iron DM contestant. Those of you wishing to gain insight into my preferences of style would do well to read my entries, but this is not a garaunteed route to success.

Here's the first one I played in.

Here's another of Nemmerle's games.

Here's one of Incognito's.

*As a tangent, I'd like to explain why we only do one of these per season. We feel that the three months between tournaments gives the victor a fair amount of time to enjoy the significance of his/her victory. There's no copyright on the term, nor is there some kind of decree that no one else can run these games, but one should keep in mind that flooding messageboards with frequent tournaments makes each victory less meaningful.

With that out of the way, I must explain the rules for those who know not. I will quote from one of Nemmerle's games.
Simple. We get 8 people willing to play (and 3 alternates). I pair people off as competitors and give them a set of 6 "ingredients".

The ingredients are elements that must be used in the designing of a scenario/adventure - which should be written up in overview form - players can be as specific as they like - but detailed stat-blocks and the like are not weighed as heavily as uniqueness and playability of the ideas.

The results are then judged by me and the winner moves on to the next round. . .

So, once we have the 8 players (and alternates) - I will pair people up based on availability. However, we are going to change one aspect of the game - to make scheduling easier - players will have 24 hours from the posting of the ingredients to post their entry - which should give plenty of time for someone who is not immediately around when the ingredients are posted to get their entry done. Entries usually range from half a page to a page and half of writing (three or four paragraphs) - overly long entries run the risk of boring the judge

As usual, we ask that those not involved in a round not post any suggestions or ideas about the posted ingredients.

The Iron DM is a grueling competition, with hard as nails judges (expect to have your scenario picked apart).

I will be posting an example from a previosu IRON DM round soon. . .

So, who wants to play. . . the previous ENworld Iron DM has dibs on playing so he can defend his title.

One other note. I will not accept entrants before my next post, sometime tomorrow, except for the winner of Incognito's last Iron DM tournament. That entrant must provide a link to the thread confirming his/her victory, unless circumstances prevent a search. All other requests to be entrants before that post will be ignored. I will periodically bump this thread, if necessary before tomorrow, to ensure that it stays visible. This should give everybody a fair chance to see this thread.

Good luck, all.
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First Post
Cool! I'm going to have to pass, since I'm trying to keep my extra time free for alsih2o's CeramicDM (I've skipped him too many times already), but I'll root for y'all here!

So, I'm IronDM Winter; I think we had an IronDM Spring; we're only this and one other season away from Ultimate IronDM, yes?

Then, reruns! :p


First Post
seasong said:
Cool! I'm going to have to pass, since I'm trying to keep my extra time free for alsih2o's CeramicDM (I've skipped him too many times already), but I'll root for y'all here!

don't worry seasong, you can play iron dm, after all another ceramic will come along, after all, we specialize in flooding messageboards with frequent tournaments making each victory less meaningful.


o.k., edit before this gets taken wrong, the smiley is genuine, ceramic dm is much less serious and focused more i think on participation and weirdness. we are the office softball league of writing groups. moments of brilliance interspersed with long periods of goofy fun :)
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First Post
alsih2o said:
don't worry seasong, you can play iron dm, after all another ceramic will come along, after all, we specialize in flooding messageboards with frequent tournaments making each victory less meaningful.

Well, the victory isn't the meaningful part of CeramicDM :). The comraderie and fun writing is, and I'd like to start being a part of that. But if you say so...

Rune, I'd like to play. My sig has the link to IronDM Winter '03, where I demonstrated my hack writing last time. My best days for participation are Wednesday, Thursday, and weekends.


Once A Fool
seasong, I'm not accepting entrants until tomorrow (unless you were Incognito's last victor), but I do want to talk with you about something, so email me, if you would.

And, Clay, is that a jape? :D

Seriously, I didn't mean to imply anything about your Ceramic DM contests. It's just difficult for someone who has not participated in the Iron DM tourneys to understand exactly how hard it is to play, especially if you do well, and I wanted to stress that. Going through the rounds really takes a toll on an entrant. The victories deserve to be savored.
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Once A Fool
Rune said:
seasong, I'm not accepting entrants until tomorrow (unless you were Incognito's last victor)

...Which appears to be the case, if Incognito didn't do a Spring Tourney. My search didn't bring one up. If he did, the winner should post here. Otherwise, Seasong is definitely a contestant.


Once A Fool
mirthcard said:
Are you saying my victories weren't meant to be savored? NOOOOOO. I'm not ready to change my sig! :D

Hey, Clay's the one who decides if your victories deserve to be savored or not, I'm a neutral bystander, here. :D

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