Iron Heroes: A Saga of Might

Dr Simon

Rogues Gallery

"Hearken, O Prince, to a tale of a time before time. Of doughty men and women who carved their destiny in the world using only their puissance at arms and their will to power. It is a saga written in blood, and sweat, and fire. I will tell a tale of how mighty thews and courageous heart can overcome foul sorcery and ravening beasts. I will tell a Saga of Might."

A slave coffle shuffles its way through the tunnels of the accursed salt mines of the ur-men. Five individuals chained together, by fate as much as by the iron manacles that each wears around his or her right ankle. The clinking of the chain that joins one manacle to the next echoes from the walls of the narrow tunnel as they are driven onwards by a team of ur-man overseers.

Suddenly, there is a crack and a rumble. A section of the tunnel crashes inwards, rocks rolling over the ur-man guards. Choking dust rises all around, and when it settles the five slaves find themselves alone in the tunnel, just a single ur-man left standing. It wears the alien leathery armour of the ur-men, and carries a barb-tipped scourge. It seems unconcerned by the ruined bodies of its comrades jutting from the wreckage.

"Get back to work, zlavez," it says in a voice like a knife on a whetstone.

Okay, situation is this:

You are in a narrow tunnel, single file. Onwards is deeper into the mine - leading first to a large cavern where you were to pick up your tools, then into a network of tunnels leading deeper into the mine. Back, past the ur-man, leads to the main cavern teeming with ur-men and slaves, then ultimately to the surface.

The cave-in has not fully blocked the passage. The ur-men crushed beneath it had weapons, but none are obvious.

You are all unarmed and unarmoured. You are joined in a line by a chain running from one person to the next, connected by the right ankle. The length of chain is such that you can freely move around adjacent to the next person, but no further (this obviously gets complicted when you are joined on both sides!)

The order in which you are chained depends on the order in which you post - first is nearest the ur-man, and so on moving down the line.

I will also leave it to you as to how much your characters know about each other. The ur-men rotate work groups, so you may have met before but this is the first time all of you have been in the same group.

Good luck!

PS: I picture the ur-men as being a bit like the ramian of Jorune

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First Post
Edward stares blankly at the floor. Having abandoned any hope of rescue, tells to himself: "If i had known this day would come, I'd preffer to never have been born...". After the death of his parents at the age of 12, he was drafted into his home colony's Defence troops. He was in his colony's army force untill the age of 17, from then he became a wanderer. The reason for this, he likes to keep it to hymself. In one of his journeys, he was apprehended by the brutal aliens, the reason is unknown to him.

Dr Simon

You do realise that it's bad form to jump into a game unannounced? This is for players who signed up here.

But, um, thanks for the interest.


First Post
Get back to work, zlavez.

Still a bit disoriented from the collapse and shaking, Vela looked up and around from where she'd fallen to her knees on the stone floor. The man-thing, what Xoria called an ur-man in the local language, stood alone nearby with its slave-crop in its malformed hand. When it sensed Vela's pause, it's head swiveled to look directly at her, and its hand raised the crop high.

Vela bowed her head as if in submission and paraphrased the Book of Passages to herself. There are gardens of pain, and gardens of delight, and they bear many fruits. "But the wise do not live on fruit alone," she whispered...and as the ur-man loomed over her and started to bring its lash down across her back, Vela suddenly moved as she'd never shown the ability to move before. With the uncoiling speed of a striking viper, she lunged up off the ground, driving an open palm up towards the underside of her attacker's chin!

(Sucker him close, then attack! +5 to hit, 1d3+4 damage.)

Dr Simon

Vela's fist slams into the hard leathery skin of the ur-man and it staggers back, dark magenta blood flowing from the corner of its thin-lipped mouth. It seems less surprised by the speed of the attack than the fact that a slave has dared to strike an ur-man, and stands momentarily dumbstruck.

First blood!

Vela: fist attack 19+5=24, hits for 1d3+4 = 6 damage.



William grins at the initiative shown by the female slave and glances around for a handy sized rock dislodged from the cave in.

Grabbing the closest he throws it at the unfortunate slave master.

Attack +6 (ranged) Damage?

Walking Dad

First Post
Olmar knows a change, when it presents to him. The women needs room to move, he thinks. He uses his massive frame and muscles to get it her.

[sblock=ooc]No attack yet, but using his strength to mov the other slaves forward to give Vela room to maneuver. He should be able to drag them, as his push drag weight is 2,300![/sblock]


Xoria watched in shock as Vela attacked the guard. This wasn't the time, she thought. But then, maybe it was...

She was still making up her mind when the hulking monster of a man in front of her began charging down the passage. She followed after, longing to lash out with eldritch power. But this insurrection might well be doomed, and she could not afford that secret exposed.

Dr Simon

William picks up a rock from the tunnel floor and throws it with great accuracy at the ur-man. It smacks into the creature's shoulder and draws blood. The hulking man, Olmar, in the middle of the slave chain, drags his way forwards, giving Vela and William more slack, and dragging the other woman, Xoria, and the man known as The Shark along behind him.

You have heard that the ur-men were tough. Although Vela and William's attack combined would be enough to put down a normal man, the ur-man is still standing. Toughness, however, seems to have granted it arrogance. Rather than calling for help it decides that it can put down this little insurrection itself. It lashes Vela with its scourge, the metal-tipped things drawing bloody stripes across her torso.

William rock attack 20+6=26, crit confirm 7+6=13, not critical. Damage 1d4+1=4.

Repositioning from others, I'd put Olmar adjacent to William, both behind Vela. Xoria and Wade are in consecutive spaces behind Olmar.

Ur-man scourge attack on Vela, hits for 5 damage. The scourge, unlike a standard whip, causes lethal damage but has no reach.

Walking Dad

First Post
Defense 12 (FF12), HP 18/18, F +4,R+3,W+3; Ini +2 ; Fury Pool 1/11; DR 1d4

As the scrouge draws the woman's blood, Olmar growls and delivers a vicious punch.

Standard: Unarmed Attack: 1d20+4; 1d3+5
Move: Stoking Fury

Voidrunner's Codex

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