Iron Heroes: A Saga of Might

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Xoria follows the statue, eyes searching their surroundings for hints of the nature of the place, or other possible denizens. But nothing holds her attention quite so much as the statue itself, a great work of arcane art.

Entering the hall of mirrors, Xoria gasps at the sight of the corpse, her second of the day. She breathes deeply, trying to focus her mind to order. She extends her second sight about the room, but as she does so, a more mundane thought occurs to her.

"You are trackers," she tells her companions. "Before we disturb the dust on the floor, can you tell me if anyone else has examined the corpse?"

OOC: First spot roll for following the statue, second spot roll for Detect Magic (if needed) -- this includes checking corpse and objects on it, without touching anything.

Dr Simon

Whilst passing through the dining hall you get the uncanny sensation of being watched, probably all the stern-faced portraits glaring down. There is a definite family resemblance to the aquiline noses and fierce stares on display.

In the throne room you notice that the throne is elaborately carved with intertwining roses-like plants, but in the centre of each flower is carved an eye.

In the garden, as well as nandies scamerping over the top of the cloisters you notice that many doors lead off around the further sides of the cloister.

The doors to either side in the secret corridor look like they haven't been opened in a while, judging by the cobwebs, but the corridor itself, and the mirror room, are not as dusty as this would suggest.

The corpse is dessicated, lying face down, and the top of its head has been removed to reveal an empty brain pan.

The mirrors all radiate faint conjuration magic, and the corpse is wearing a ring on its extended finger which radiates faint transmutation magic.
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Xoria views the corpse with renewed horror as she realizes what has been done with the man's skull. She swallows hard and waits for her companions to check for footprints. She cannot decide if it would be more revolting to learn the footprints of the being who removed the brain were not human, or that they were.

Dr Simon

The hard marble floor of the mirror room bears no imprint of footsteps, nor yet is it dusty enough for footprints to remains. Although dust gathers in the corners of the mirror frames, the floor of this room looks to have been travelled many times since the corpse died.


The erstwhile countess forces herself to calmness, trying to sort through what she has seen. "This room has seen no traffic through the doors," she observes. "But the floors have been tread. The mirrors are magical in a way that they could perhaps -- perhaps -- serve as gateways. Perhaps it was something that came through one of them that killed him."

Steeling her stomach, Xoria bends and begins examining the corpse. As she examines it, she carefully pulls the ring from its finger.

OOC: Heal roll to learn what she can about what killed him and how his head was cut open.

Search to check his pockets, etc.

Random Knowledge roll (you pick appropriate one if any apply) to figure out what things eat brains in this way.

Knowledge Arcana to see if she can figure out anything about the mirrors (if she has heard of them before)

Knowledge Arcana to see if she can figure out anything about the ring.

Dr Simon

The ring is gold with a zig-zag line of bright green running around it. Xoria can discern nothing else about it.

The mirrors - they all reflect normally and there is nothing about them, apart from the magical aura, that directly suggests their use. Perhaps Xoria's guess is correct, or maybe they can be used for scrying. She thinks that they may be keyed to a command word, or item.

The corpse - the head has been cracked open like a boiled egg, not cleanly sliced. She knows of several rumours of creatures that would do this, from terrible spirits of the Northlands, certain types of undead that feed on living brains, extraplanar demons and tentacled creatures said to live far beneath the earth, but not enough to finger a definitive culprit. It could just as easily have been a man with a mace and a bloodthirsty disposition.

On examining the corpse she discovers two things - although wizened, the man clearly resembles the portraits in the dining room. Secondly, within the lining of his robes there is a piece of parchment, sewn inside.


Xoria examines the ring a moment, then slips it into a pocket of her robe. Then, feeling the parchment in the lining of the corpse's robe, she pulls her dagger and carefully cuts the paper free. She looks at it, handling it carefully.

OOC: Does the pattern on the ring match anything on the mirrors? Is there anything to suggest it could be the control item?

Other players: Sorry if I'm hogging the action, please jump in and interrupt!

Dr Simon

On closer examination of the ring, Xoria notices that the magic within it has a similar resonance with that of the mirrors, the pattern, for want of a better word, particularly matching that of the broken mirror.

The scroll is an old piece of vellum marked with eldritch symbols, describing a particular transmutation method that allows limited levitation. [OOC: It's a scroll of levitate, in other words]

Voidrunner's Codex

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