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Iron Heroes Unarmed Combat


I've brainstormed a mastery feat chain for those who want their characters to be good at fighting unarmed in Iron Heroes. Feel free to comment or use it in your own games.
Unarmed Combat [Power, Finesse]
You have spent a long time turning your own body into a living weapon.
Base Mastery: 1
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike
Benefit (Power only): You can treat your unarmed strike as a Power weapon. If doing so would not be beneficial, such as when using the Combat Expertise feat, you do not have to do so - but you have to make the decision from round to round.
Benefit (Finesse only): You can treat your unarmed strike as a Finesse weapon. If doing so would not be beneficial, you do not have to do so - but you have to make the decision from round to round.
Expanded Mastery 2: Your unarmed strike does 1d6 damage.
Expanded Mastery 3: Your unarmed strike does lethal damage.
Expanded Mastery 4: On a full attack action, you can use your unarmed attacks in a flurry of blows. When doing so, you can take one additional attack at your highest attack bonus, but all attacks (including the bonus attack) take a -2 penalty to hit.

I did not include the higher levels of damage or flurry of blows, because I did not want unarmed combat to become better than armed combat. If you want to do hideous amounts of damage with your unarmed attacks, you can always take the Weapon Focus mastery feats 2, 7 and 9 (+2 damage each).

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This is close to what I was thinking of, with both Power and Finesse. However, I'd change it a bit. With Improved Unarmed Strike as a prereq, you already deal lethal damage, so the 3rd mastery is redundant. I agree that jacking up the damage dice a lot is probably not a good idea. In IH, always being armed is a major advantage, and a 1d6 puts unarmed on par with other weapons.

Is base damage for an unarmed attack d3 or d4? If it's d3, you might want to add a benefit at the first rank that you do d4 damage - rolling a lot of d3s sucks.


Base unarmed damage is 1d3.

Given that, I think the smarter thing to do would be to subsume the benefits of Improved Unarmed Strike (the ability to do lethal damage) in Mastery Level 1. That way, if you have access to this feat, you take it instead of IUS. Then you put the d4 for damage at Mastery Level 2, the Flurry of Blows at Mastery level 3 (to break up the damage increases a bit) and move the d6 damage to Mastery Level 4. I'll also check my d20 Modern books tonight to see if there are any useful feats or talents that could be imported to spruce up this feat tree.

Basically, with my changes, this feat replaces Improved Unarmed Strike for those who can take it. Anybody can learn to do lethal damage, but using it with your power or finesse feats is a specialty skill.

This also allows for 3 levels of damage, and the combatant deciding whether to take flurry of blows or not.

Obviously, under this system, flurry of blows and TWF stack, right?
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I had missed that Improved Unarmed Strike allows you to do lethal damage. So, Mastery 3 is out then.
I'm not a fan of allowing more than one level of damage-increase, especially not using different dice. This is because each level of the feat is supposed to be independent - compare with feats like Weapon Focus and Armor Mastery, which have numerous levels with identical benefits.

How about making level 1 identical to Improved Unarmed Strike, level 2 have the Power/Finesse stuff, level 3 do d6 damage, and level 4 Flurry of blows?

Well, D20 Modern does have flying kick :D Maybe +1 damage per point of mastery whenever you get it.

(IMO, Flurry of Blows was done right with the D20 Modern martial artist - it shouldn't be available early. And I think you're right about keeping damage sane. No more than d6 should be required.)


First Post
Staffan: That sounds pretty good. With all the other feats available and applicable, I think less is more when it comes to unarmed attacks. Mastery 4 should be available after 4th level for most characters.

Now, build a few test characters using these feats and see what they look like.


First Post
What about allowing unarmed strike as an off-hand weapon?

That way you can essentially grab flurry as the Two Weapon fighting tree.


First Post
Well, in vanilla D&D, I don't think you can, actually. You can with natural weapons.

The monk version of unarmed strike allows you to strike even if your hands are occupied, but there's no specific 'off-hand.'

Things get muddied in faq/errata... I think someone said certain faqs suggest a monk can flurry and TWF, which is just ... ugh.

Personally, I think flurry is redundant and would just like to see it fold into TWF.


First Post
I am planning on using the d20 Modern Products Blood and Fists and it's sequal B&F 2 to create unarmed feat mastery chains based on specific martial arts styles. These products are practically begging for this to be done with them. Does anyone else think that this is an appropriate solution?
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