D&D 5E Is Tasha's More or Less The Universal Standard?


Basically how many people are you aware of using Tasha's as is out in the wild? Do DMs allow it, parts of it,not allow it or just not aware of it.

How about online for those of you who play online?

To me there's a lot of power creep in in and parts of it obsolete the phb. Only managed one short campaign before Covid restrictions killed the game.

Anyway thinking of starting a new game and drawing a line in the sand as I haven't paid much attention to post Tasha's despite owning several books eg Fizbans, Ravenloft and one of the adventures whose name I forget.

Can't play so no gaming and care factor is low atm. No gaming in-store but an event at a club/pub/bar/restaurant with 200 of my closest friends is fine yay.

Well we technically can but no one wants to game wearing masks and it's not worth the owners time opening.

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Our campaign went on indefinite hiatus thanks to Covid before Tasha's came out, so it never came up. If it had, we would probably have done the same as we did for every non-core book - all the DMs vote on what gets put in and what doesn't.

Personally, I would have expected us not to bring in the alternate class features, but at least some of the subclasses and likely all the new magic items and spells. Custom Lineage probably would have prompted an interesting discussion, though.

OTOH, our current campaign was supposed to wrap up within the next year, so we might have also just ignored it.

All of it?
It depends. Like I allow a player to freely swap any class features they feel like for the ones from Tasha's. But I don't use all the optional rules from Tasha's in each game, cause I have not looked at them all, but if a player wants to use something, I basically just take a look and say sure.
Like what are you thinking of that you feel is overpowered.


Book-Friend, he/him
Oh, I guess I don't use the options to swap things when you gain an ASI, bit that's generally because I'm more generous and if an option is chosen that doesn't vibe with the player, I allow them to swap it.
I think they must have found that many DMs were being more generous than the change, but they wanted to get it more plain that it wouldn't break the game to allow some retraining.

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