Is the Warlock the new Druid?


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So, are they feeding the lone-wolf?

Lurks-no-More said:
I think those types have been always around; they're not a result of the rules but of a certain type of players. :)

I agree 100% on that too, but I have to admit that I don't like this type of player on my table. I am a little annoyed since it seems like they're being stimulated with all this egoist, secrets pacts and devil stuff. For me it's hard to imagine a warlock (especially a tiefling one) integrated with a "good heroes" group. It's not like having a assassin or a rogue at the party, we're talking about a "infernal descendant", someone with friend in REALLY low places or BOTH. :eek:
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I'm A Banana

I do think Warlocks will be the class to watch for power abuses at first, though.

I mean, it's a cool class, and as a result, it's likely to push the envelope of balance farther than most others, more likely to be played by those who push the balance, etc.

I don't think 4e will fall into the CoDzilla trap of giving support characters a lot of appealing abilities to persuade people to choose them, though. I'm pretty confident for it right out the gate.


t1l7 said:
For me it's hard to imagine a warlock (especially a tiefling one) integrated with a "good heroes" group. It's not like having a assassin or a rogue at the party, we're talking about a "infernal descendant", someone with friend in REALLY low places or BOTH. :eek:
You may want to take a harder look at the guy in the party who commits actual murder for money.

Doug McCrae

I get the impression warlocks can make pacts with three types of entity - Satan, Cthulhu or the Queen of the Fairies. The last kind isn't that scary.


Doug McCrae said:
I get the impression warlocks can make pacts with three types of entity - Satan, Cthulhu or the Queen of the Fairies. The last kind isn't that scary.
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AHHH Kill It!!!! Kill It Quick!!! OOOOWW IT BURNS IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!

What the FU..... drool, babble, drool

Oh, how cute. Let's just see how you.. HEY!!! Hey!!! Let go!!!! Get it off!!! Get it OFFFFF!!!


First Post
Doug McCrae said:
I get the impression warlocks can make pacts with three types of entity - Satan, Cthulhu or the Queen of the Fairies. The last kind isn't that scary.

Is it wrong that I've had nightmares about all three?


First Post
A word on muderers

Wormwood said:
You may want to take a harder look at the guy in the party who commits actual murder for money.

Those "I kill anyone for a price" guys usually don't live long in a group of heroes (here, at least). The typical assassin PC that I've saw all those years have a strong purpose for killing, usually the murder is the climax of a entire plot.

For those who plans to argument "Ok, but the basic life of an adventurer is go into a dungeon/forest/abandoned shrine/__wherever__ and kill everyone there for the treasure and experience".... please try to separate the traditional monster hack and slash of the evil of no scrupulous background of a cold (evil) murderer and some badass warlock/tiefling.

Voidrunner's Codex

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