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Is this a good campaign idea?

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I'm already thinking of a few homebrew bugs to add in:

- Giant Deathwatch Beetle: Used to disperse armies with fear (the clacking sound a deathwatch beetle makes is considered a omen that means someone will die soon)

Also, speaking of giants, the PCs may have to get the giant's help. Convincing their leaders to join them through a duel, negotiations, or my personal favorite: Convincing the other giants to acknowledge they even exist, then hunting them down. Yup, the death giants may be a key ally in the battle against the vermin. Hey, I may even allow the PCs to go on a quest and restore their souls.


I think the idea is worth it, if there is diversity in the threats the PCs have to overcome, to keep the game fun and entertaining. :D

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Blindside them.

Take some advance saboteurs/spies, spread some rumours, puppet master a few people in the right places, and then start hiring adventurers to accomplish the insect army's goals.

An elvish captain hires them to retrieve a stash of goblin-bane weapons. "We've heard rumblings of a goblinoid horde that's on the warpath. There's a crypt we need you to raid where you'll find some hobgoblin chieftains buried with their goblin-bane weapons. They've had fairly bloody internal wars in the past."

The same sort of thing is happening with the dwarves vs drow & duergar, the goblinoids vs humans, and orcs vs everybody. The spies use ancient racial prejudices to supply their own armies with massive quantities of bane weapons.

Then they attack.


First Post
The thing is, in my campaign it's going to need a few changes:

Orcs are smarter than most humans, and tougher as well. They live in a fortress-country and could hold out for decades under siege.

Their are two kobolds- kobold and technokobold. The average technokobold's intelligence is genius-level for any other race-18-and are inventors. Their armies wielding flamepowder weaponry could decimate most of an army.

Frost dwarf berserkers could heavily damage an army as shock troopers, but the frost dwarves won't win in the long run.

Fire gnome fighters are among the finest in the land, and can probably deal a heavy blow, as can their (neutral) Efreet rulers.

GIANTS: These guys are going to be big players, and the PCs bringing back the council of giants (A representative from each giant race, this practice was wiped out when giants lost most of their intellectuals and reverted to tribes) and bringing the full fist of all the giants- The eldritch, the frost, the fire, the storm, the cloud, the forest, the sun, the mountain, and all those other ones may be key, but their most difficult one-and their best ally, will be the death giants. They may even be able to restore the death giant's souls if they win.

Draethen Vontrair

First Post
I like the idea of a huge bug-city, but I also like the gigantic feild of insects tooo.

so I thought about this:

The city is surrounded and trailed by this huge swarm, and they may retreat onto it in certain cases. they eat and destroy everything they cross over, causing massive landscapes of barren land where there once was a rainforest.

The City-bug can be killed in a fight, but not from the ground. You have to get into the cave system in the structure of whatever on its back and get into its insides. Then from there you must kill the brain and other importand organs in individual boss fights. When it dies, the huge army of bugs starts to devour it. Then the bug-lord decides to send his WTF>OMFG bugs at them and the world, starting a massive war between insectoid armies and everything else, this can last for a long while. Keep things interesting by giving them missions to like spy and infiltrate the enemy bases and stuff, give them certain thing they can do, like burying mine in a feild and when the bugs come the fire mines explode. Or they could be remote mine like things(Try runes, i developed a delay start rune thing where the rune activates at certain point designated by writer) on the big firebeetles and stuff and boom!!!
Give them strategic advantages and disadvantages, so they have to think on what to do, throw in some ultimate faliures where their force is defeated and they have to retreat. Let them just PWN for a little bit, then toss in a new Bdss guy thet just whips them.
In the final battle have the biggest amount of enemy bugs ever, and have a couple of those city bugs raise out of the ground, but as war machines. Dont do this big fight untill the GGs have a near equal army or advantage (like they find out that a large quantity of the bugs explode when hit with a good fire attack).


First Post
zakon said:
Yeah, I hate bugs too. And though I do like age of worms, I can't get a hold of all of the magazines easily. Though I will be buying the Shackled City book eventually.

You can buy the back issues on paizo.com

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