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Is this character too pwerful?


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Im bringing in a Paladin fighter 4/2 respectivly to a new game (party average is about 7th)
and I dont want to bring in something that is over whelming for a average (average magic level) game so what do you think?

Fighter/Paladin of Ilmater

HP:51 STR:18 DEX:15 Con:15 INT:13 WIS:14 CHA:18
AC:19 awesome stats I know and I rolled them on 3d6 with no re-rolls

Primary attack: Bastard sword 2hnd. using 3 points of attack pretty much always w/power attack att bonus +10 doing d10+14 damage second attack is at +5 same damage


Fort: 13
Ref: 7
Will: 9

Nothing outrageous on skills +8 use magic device +9 Diplomacy
Standard 4th level paladin abilities

Feats: weapon focus (B.Sword), divine might (use a turning ttempt to get
+4 damage on all attack rolls for one round) Endurance, Diehard,
Power attack, Imp. overrun

nothing speciall on equipment except M.W. Manacles with an
awesome lock

Magic: Mithral Breast plate +2, Bastard sword of sharpness +2 and an
Amulet of Resistance (gives a +2 on will saves)
Dark vision (from spell w/ permanancy)

I think he might just be a tad over the top and I dont know how the other players are equipped.

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If I were GM I wouldn't normally allow it unless it was in line with other PCs or you had rolled the stats in front of me. I normally say roll in front of me or take 28 point buy.


First Post
So the only problem is with the stats?

The DM normally does a 4d6 with one reroll, thats what a average stat of 12-15
(if I was making a character from scratch)


focallength said:
So the only problem is with the stats?

Well, if I were the GM, I'd let him in if he had similar or a bit less wealth than the current PCs, otherwise no. IMC a 6th level PC starts with only 5400gp of gear but you may be joining a more generous game. :)


First Post
focallength said:
Fighter/Paladin of Ilmater

HP:51 STR:18 DEX:15 Con:15 INT:13 WIS:14 CHA:18
AC:19 awesome stats I know and I rolled them on 3d6 with no re-rolls

The stats are pretty hefty. Did you roll them in front of the DM?

focallength said:
Magic: Mithral Breast plate +2, Bastard sword of sharpness +2 and an
Amulet of Resistance (gives a +2 on will saves)
Dark vision (from spell w/ permanancy)

Just how much money is your DM giving you at 6th level? Also, I don't believe sharpness is an enchantment available in 3/3.5, did you mean vorpal?

Aside from beefy stats and what appears to be too much money, I really couldn't tell you if this character would be too much for the game without knowing what the other characters have.

How did the other players generate their characters?

If they rolled them at home, and so did you, then there's no problem. Groups which use random dice rolls for ability scores run the risk of having some players roll better than others, so you should feel pleased that not only did you roll so well, but also you get to play the result.

If the players and/or the DM don't believe you rolled the character up fairly, then keep the character for a future campaign where the participants do trust you.

Its a matter of personal preference whether you continue to game with people who think you are/might be a cheat, but I would do (I'll put up with a lot more from a D&D group than I would from groups in other aspects of my life, but that's just me :\ )

Your classes, skills and feats look fine to me. As a courtesy, run them by your DM to be sure he hasn't houseruled them (or at least knows what they do, when they aren't in the PHB).

Equipment - check with your DM that its ok, and be willing to scrap it completely and start again if its not in keeping with what everybody else has. Players feeling they have the right to "shop" from the magic items lists in the DMG and elsewhere is one of my pet hates - in D&D, as in life, all items are "subject to availability".

I'd also suggest having a discussion with the DM about how he interprets the paladin's code, as its a prime area for player / DM disagreement.

I'd recommend getting the DM to agree that players' (as opposed to characters') personal moralities may differ. This may result in "accidental" breaches (i.e you think an act is in keeping with the code and he doesn't), and that he should warn you when he has issues with something you are about to do.

I'd also recommend pointing out to the DM that whilst paladins' moral dilemmas are a great plot element, he should bear in mind that he's had a week or more to think about the situation but you will often be expected to make a decision on the spot, so deserve a bit of leeway.


If the equipment costs are in line with the amount of cash you should have at that level (too lazy to go back and do the math), I'd have no problem with it at all. I'd check the equipment with the GM first, though, and get his OK.

Don't have a problem with the stats. I oncesaw a woman roll up a PC with 4 15's, a 16 and a 17 on my own dice, 3d6 no replacements :) She was the only person who ever qualified for Monk in that game :)


Wild Gazebo said:
I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard this. :)

i wish i had a penny for every time i've heard this.

one player claimed he rolled the stats in front of me...

i told him, i didn't believe him.

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