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D&D General Is Wendy's "Feast of Legends" going to redefine promotional RPG's?

Rafael Martin

Wendy's new rpg Feast of Legends is 96 pages long and available for free here: https://www.feastoflegends.com/images/Feast_Of_Legends.pdf
When I first looked at it I thought it was just a joke, but it turns out to be a playable rpg that has a storyline. Yes it is filled with Wendy's promotional material, and it is a rpg/commercial, but oddly its a good one. I know Critical Role is doing a one shot for laughs, but this rpg introduces some interesting concepts that can easily be used in a serious rpg. I hope there is a fantasy rpg released using the concepts created for Feast of Legends and I hope that Burger King and McDonald's releases their own rpgs.

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And then the halfling baker and the gnome cook saved the day!...

Maybe you are right, the "mock-epic" or soft parody fiction could be a good advertising. The trick is to be enough subtle and fun, because a too aggressive promotion causes the contrary effect. I guess this is the updated version of the toys with the brand image but for teens/young adults.

We could see some free episodes of game-live shows with some sponsor. Sometimes this could be a videogame or cinema studio, because it is the best way to promote things linked with speculative fiction. What if Hasbro creates anything like this to sell toys or promote others franchise lines (Visionaries, Micronauts, M.A.S.K, Inhumanoids)?

My suggestion is to use the gourmend class from Ultimate Herbalism by Interjection Games for Pathfinder (it's in the SRD).

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