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Island Empire - A Warlock Alone Part2


"Hmmm, let me see what I can do..." Willum is soon humming and jotting down lines while others set about preparing hand bills.

Chandar asks, "Any special preparations you want us to make? I suggest we put as many men to rest as possible now going to a skeleton crew with mostly sailors rather and marines standing watches and then double the watch with marines as soon after the songs and hand bills go out. The sailor can then rest."

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J. Alexander

First Post
"lets go ahead and telegraph our intentions, it will reinforce the idea that we expect some sort of reaction. "Rig the boarding nets along both sides so as to give our men some reach with their spears etc and slow them down. Further run more along the water line to either side so as to entangle any swmmiers.

Each man on watch is to have a thunder stone to throw and that shall be our second alarm. Myself, the priestess and all those capable will refresh and set more wards against attacks. Seek permission to set braziers along the pier, explaing to the port officers if necessary were trying to maintain the health of our crew who are ill adapted to cold, overpay if necessary for the coal or wood so at to form a permiter of light along the dockside. Laterns in the masts and overlooking the water as well. As for the windows here, we will heavily shutter them and all ports. 3 guards at least at each major bulkhead and cargo hold, roving patrols of 3 to network them at odd intervearls.


Nets are strung and long spears laid on. Lanterns are lit and hung. Including both natural and magical flame.

After a couple of modest bribes, the dock authorities make no complaint about the braziers on shore as long as your men put sufficient sand around them to protect the docks in case one is knocked over.

Most of the ports were already sealed against the cold and so that presents little problem.

Checking the wards you find some breaches to suggest that scrying has occurred or at least been attempted. They are soon replaced and strengthened.

A small fleet of sturdy local long boats are arrayed on shore near the docks and lots a fur clad hunters armed with harpoons, bows and long knives are milling about. Rumor has it that a whale hunt is about to take place this morning.

J. Alexander

First Post

Michale will summon "Guiessipp" and have him gather the five best marksmen we have with firearms. While they are being gathered, MIchale will unlock the case that holds the 8 Long Muskets he had made that spit forth a lower key verson of his eldritch blast, "Each musket transforms the ball it shoots into a 5d6 eldritch blast but they still have to be loaded maunal and are subject to your range restrictions."

when they are assembled he will issue them the muskets and tell them to stay in his cabin so they can quickly ascend to the quarter deck as anasty suprise.

then he will talk to chandar, and say "Now if I was my opponet I would do exactly like they are doing to fix our attention..but they know we are expecting something like that and would try something stealthy or from another direction. but if they give is credit then they know we will be suscipious of this and be expecting a sneakey attack,,I am betting the boats will lauch, they will do a small sneakey diversionary attack and then hit with the boats...lets makes plans accordinly col.


The marksmen soon have their weapons at the ready. Being the skilled professionals they are they soon start to tinker with sites and oil triggers getting the weapons set up to their ideal standard.

The 'whale hunt' is slowing getting together. A fairly large number of men seem to be assembling. At this point Col. Chandar sees a force roughly half the size of your own forces counting all hands down to the galleymen who assist Grumbar.

A few of the folks blessing the hunt seem to be shamans or casters of some sort.

Chandar starts issuing orders per your thoughts on how the attack might come down.

J. Alexander

First Post
End Games

Seeing as how they are going to have to attack in cluster, Michael has an intersting thought..he will have to the small light catapults, which are on swivels loaded with a mix of true thunderstones and the ones he modifed to act as depth charges....he will instruct the crews to put lite tension on the springs so as to scatter them close to the ship as the fall from the sky...."Will be an interesting welcome especially if we can catch them in a cluster


Seeing as how they are going to have to attack in cluster, Michael has an interesting thought..he will have to the small light catapults, which are on swivels loaded with a mix of true thunderstones and the ones he modified to act as depth charges....he will instruct the crews to put lite tension on the springs so as to scatter them close to the ship as the fall from the sky...."Will be an interesting welcome especially if we can catch them in a cluster

The human Lieutenant overseeing the artillery grins, "Most interesting indeed Captain. We'll make feel right welcome we will." He pulls together a couple of Sargents and explains the idea. Soon all three men are grinning and fanning out to crews to make it happen.

Michael notices Nac'Losin and the Sorceress conferring by the rail as the Sorceresses little pig cavorts about trying not to get stepped on by men running about making preparations. Nac'Losin is puffing on one of the finer cigars from the trade stores. Seeing Michael they motion him over.


The sorceress comments, "I just thought you should know Captain that we are being Scryed. We've both felt it." Nac'Losin nods, and Remona continues. "I don't think they can see below decks thanks to our wards, or if they could I believe we'd be aware of the break, but they can definitely see what's happening on deck, so if you've any tricks up your sleeve you might want to engage in a bit of deception."

OOC: Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit under the weather.

J. Alexander

First Post
End Games

"I figured as much, but i did overlook it happening now, thank you ladies" then turning to face the dock he will stat pointing at areas "If you ladies would not mind, please nod as if were discussing something" after finishing with the ladies, Michael will find chandar and say "Lets put a nest of archer on the quarter deck and forcastle looking intently at the dockside, then prepare two squads armed with longswords just inside the wheel house and the forward storage to be able to rush on deck at our signal. Have me move into position thru the interior passages and not on deck."

Michael will then find Grond and say "Asseblye the heavies at each of the cargo ports. Tell them to be quite but to be ready to move onto the central deck at our signal.

Michael will then walk around the deck looking at the dockside from various angles but will also devote some attention to the whale hunt..it is too obivious for him to totally ignore

Voidrunner's Codex

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