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Island Empire Part 1, to Mermaid's Rest

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Hotel of the White Wake

Danar takes a bit of water and then proceeds to answer the questions in his halting, slightly slurred maner. The chart is produced and it is marked up with exact daily positions already. Somehow Captain Marin has reconstructed the voyage with daily posistions and course. The way the chart is marked would suggest that these are known rather than speculative entries as they include time, date, course, speed and weather.

1. Upon his return to the ship at Icewatch, did you notice a change in the Captain's behavior?
2. Did he start to keep unusal hours? Did he seem to be in a foul or distracted mood? Did he have trouble rembering the hands names and simple nautical facts?

"Well sir, we all noticed a change. It wasn't like Captain Allois to stay in his cabin, especially as we sailed from the harbor."

OOC: As a bit of a sailor yourself you know if would be more than a little strange for the captain not to be present at that time.

"Anyway, Biscuit, ah that's Seaman Corbel who runs the galley, said that the Captain was off his food. Biscuit said he sent trays, but they always came back hardly touched. He was locked away in his cabin for almost he whole voyage. A couple of the lads said he come out at night a time or two and prowled around the ship. He climbed the rigging and just rode on top of the mast for over an hour once. I seen him come through the hold late one night, and if had been anyone, but Captain Allois I have said he was drunk, but Captain Allois didn't allow no liquor in his boat. Nary a drop. Anyway, he seemed a bit unsteady and his eyes were bloodshot, his hair was all down in his face, and Captain Allois always kept his hair in proper ponytail tied with a bit 'o ribbon. His nails were long and his clothes looked like he'd been in em a while. We figured he was taking the loss of the Daughter of Cambre hard. She had a bunch of his friends aboard and we thought maybe he had hoped to hear some word of them when we got to icewatch. Like maybe some of them had survived, but we didn't hear nothing like that. I'd say he was distracted, but I didn't really talk to him, so I can say if he was forgettin stuff."

3. Did the ship seem to have an silence about it either before, during or after the attack?

"I can't say I remember any silence, I mean a ship at sea is always creaking and clangin, with the sails booming. If that stopped we'd have noticed. I did think I heard a bit of commotion on deck as I was coming up to take a watch. Just more rustling and running about than a normal shift change. I remember thinking their must be a bit of excitement maybe a pod of whales or something that would have everybody taking a look."

4. Was there any strange weather patterns or unexpected squalls?

"We had pretty good weather going up and coming back down. Nothing strange for that part of the sea. Now that you mention it though I think maybe there was a fog as I was coming on deck right before I got hit. Maybe the fog is in my mind, it happened so fast. I do remember thinking there was something odd about the light and then I saw the big stick coming at me. I think was like a warclub of some kind and then boom. Next thing I knew I was among the dead rowed up on deck. Believe me waking up like that is an aweful feeling there was Padin Wright next to me with his head caved in and his eyes looking right at me. I don't ever want to go through that again. 'Course I guess it was better than no waking up at all like them others."

5. Were there any deaths or unusally happens before the ship was taken?

"No we were all fine as far as I know, everyone was hale and hardy."

6. Did you notice a cloud, a wind, a shark, etc. following you or in close proxemity to the ship at various times before it was taken?

"I'm not sure what you mean. It was a normal trip, I don't remember anything odd, we did see a good sized pod of whales two days out of Ice Watch, but it would have been strange not to in those waters this time of year."

7. When the ship was taken, did you recongize anyother voices besides that of the Captain?

"I thought I heard one of the cabin boys crying and yelling one night. I wanted to help him, but I was really weak and kinda fading in and out at that point. I was in no condition to help anyone." He shudders a bit and tears well up in his eyes as he relates this. "One of the pirates was a woman, I remember hearing her talking to the Captain. She was all high and mighty, talking to him like he was a pet--her dog or something. She was saying 'now be a good little Captain and you'll get a treat to eat. Just get this boat to Mermaid's rest like a good boy.' It was disgusting to hear her treat him that way. I wanted to toss her over for shark bait."

8. Did the Captain mention or you observe any special or unusal trades he made?

"Well, I wasn't in on the trading and the Captain wasn't exactly coming to tell me about it, but I do run the hold. I was the one to figure out how to ballast are cargo. I know he did well because of the size of the cargo of hides and seal skins as well as that hunting stuff the Orcs like so good--Icewatch spears, arrow and those hides that make animals think you are one of them, you know magical stuff that Ice Watch is known for."
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J. Alexander

First Post
Michael Storm (warlock)

Once the char arrives, MIchael will show it to Tebbess and ask "Mr. Tebbs, to your knowledege is this the usual route the Captain took on his return voyages from Icewatch?" Michael will then turn to Captain Marin and ask "Captain Marin, if you would, could you mark on this map where your other ship was lost, and if it to was on a regular path on her return journey from Icewatch?" "And could you tell me if your sons route was a usual one for a company ship/"

Michael will once again direcet his attention to asking Tebbes questions.

"Mr. Tebbes, the next few questions may prove a little embarassing to you or make you uncomfortable, but it is critical that you answer them. Okay?"

1.While on your last few voyages to Icewatch or other ports did you hear of or see your Captain meet with unusal individuals or attend any unusual gatherings?

2. Did you know of or hear about any gambling debits or finicial difficutiels that the Captain may have been in ? I am not talking about Marin and Son I am referring to the Captain personally?

3. Do ou know about any disreputaible associates the Captain hade?

4. Were there any usuually cargo configurations required for this retrun trip or was it pretty much the same type of cargo? Any large or exceptional unusal crates/bales?

5. Did you hear Biscut comment on any food spoiling or milk curdling, the presecne of an unusal amount of mold or spoilage?

6. Exactly what type of magical stuff did the Captain barter for? I am unfamilar with Icewatch so if you could inform me I would appreciate it?

7. So is it correct to say that the Captain really on came out at night?

8. How many days were you from Icewatch when the attack occured?

9. Were there any unusaly ships or watercraft in Icewatch during your port visit that sailed at the same time or earlier than your ship?

10. At any time during your captative or just before, did you ever feel cold or warmth drain from your body.

At the end of this list of questions, Michael will pause and ask the others, if they would care to question Mr. Tebbes for a bit


Hotel of the White Wake

Captain Marin scratches his head for bit and struggles to read the chart, he finally carries it over to the window sill and marks a spot very nearly passed over by the Lorrianna Fare on its journey to Ice Watch. The journey down swings further west to take advantage of the tides and currents flowing south. He says, "that's our usual route, it is the one used by many captains as it avoids most of the hazards and makes good use of currents. A bolder captain might make at most 3 days better time there and back by sailing closer to reefs, ice flows and other hazards, but I don't encourage my people to push it that hard."

1.While on your last few voyages to Icewatch or other ports did you hear of or see your Captain meet with unusal individuals or attend any unusual gatherings?

"Well sir, Captains and hold mates they don't exactly move in the same social circles. I haven't heard any strange stories like that either. I do know he was asking around in Ice Watch for news of the lost Daughter of Cambre."

2. Did you know of or hear about any gambling debts or financial difficulties that the Captain may have been in ? I am not talking about Marin and Son I am referring to the Captain personally?

"I don't believe that Captain Allois was a gambling man. As far as I know they made good money and paid us well and on time. That's more than you can say for most."

3. Do you know about any disreputaible associates the Captain had?

"Beggin your pardon sir, but begining to insult the Captain here, and I don't much like it. He was a good fellow if a bit aloof and he didn't go consortin with any scum."

4. Were there any usuually cargo configurations required for this retrun trip or was it pretty much the same type of cargo? Any large or exceptional unusal crates/bales?

"No sir that lot was pretty standard for an Icewatch run. As I say it was a bit more than usual, but the same kinda stuff we usually get. I packed it up right and proper, had the ship rolling smooth and level."

5. Did you hear Biscuit comment on any food spoiling or milk curdling, the presence of an unusal amount of mold or spoilage?

"Not to speak ill of the dead, but ole Biscuit, he was one to complain, and you know the food from Icewatch isn't too good anyway. He was complaining that the taters they sold us was a bit mouldy and the meat a bit on the fat and gristly side."

6. Exactly what type of magical stuff did the Captain barter for? I am unfamilar with Icewatch so if you could inform me I would appreciate it?

"Well sir, the folk up there are kinda primative like. The living is hard. The people they mostly feed themselves by hunting and fishing and such. They hunt seal, walrus, polar bear and even some whale from the ice if you can believe it. Despite being land lubbers and primatives they are sorta canny when it comes to magicin stuff. They make magic knives, spears and arrows mostly. They also make magic furs and hides, stuff that will keep you warm and dry even in the snow and rain. The also got those hides that fool animals into thinking you're one of them. They make darker stuff up there too, stuff dealing with the dead, but don't ever deal in that."

OOC: More later.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Rook - Scout/Mage Blade

I wonder if Allois set the whole thing up? I started getting suspicious during Tebbs' initial story, and his answers to Michael's questions aren't really answering my suspicions. Sounds like neither he nor Marin will entertain the notion, though. I'll keep it as a working hypothesis.


First Post
Radoon - Mariner/Fighter/Master Thrower

I get the same feeling, though I think he may have been forced into setting it up. He did not seem to comfortable about the whole thing. If it were his idea, I think he may have been more controlling about it, he seemed like he did not want to look the crew in the eyes. But I think we need to find out more about him.

Scott, have I heard of him?


Hotel of the White Wake

OOC: With the exception of Michael Storm, all of you have met Marin's son Allois at one time or another. None of you had more than a passing aqainatance with him. He seemed very much an unexceptional man living in the shadow of his father's achievements and strong personality. He was quietly competent, but not blessed with people skills. He tended to take the oppinion of the last person he spoke with.


Hotel of the White Wake

After pausing for some more water and to take a vile looking concoction of herbs, Tebbs continues to answer Michaels questions, but it is clear he is starting to become tired. His speech becoming more labored.

8. How many days were you from Icewatch when the attack occured?

"It was the sixth day down from Icewatch, I was just before dusk as the shift was changing."

9. Were there any unusaly ships or watercraft in Icewatch during your port visit that sailed at the same time or earlier than your ship?

"Icewatch gets a lot of ships this time of year, but I don't remember any that I would consider out of place. Indeed there were several that were familiar to me because they often make the run as we did."

10. At any time during your captivity or just before, did you ever feel cold or warmth drain from your body.

"I was a bit after I woke up, so it is hard to say. I was in such a poor state. I do remember waking up once and feeling unusually cold, but as I say it could have been the fever on me."

J. Alexander

First Post
MIcahel will ask Tebbes if he is able to answer a few more questions. If Tebbes says he is not able Michael will end it, if Tebbes says he thinks he can answer a few more then Michael will do the following:

Micahel will use sense motive regarldess on Tebbes. Michael Stormrolls 1d20 +5, getting [16,5] = (21)

Michael will then will reask each of the questions he asked before but in a calarifcation manner, pertending he forgot or is unsure of what Tebbes said in his first answer. Michael will glance down at his notes while he asks the questions.

OCC: This is a very common investigative tool.

While reasking the questions Michale will use his Diplomacy skill to interrogate Tebbes in a very offhanded way. Hopefullly it will be unnoticalbe but all to a few.

MIchael Stormrolls 1d20 +9 , getting [13,9] = (22) for his interrogation of TEbbes.

WAs any new information developed ?


Hotel of the White Wake

Tebbs does try and go through the questions again. You sense that he really wants to help and that his is very loyal to the Marins. As you work through the questions again you don't really develop anything new, but it does become clear that Tebbs is having some memory problems, doubtless from injury and all he has suffered. He has a very loose grasp of the time after the attack. Clearly he was in quite a daze during the time he was trying to make good his escape. He could have missed a lot. Finally, he seems to be getting very tired and weak. Greta fusses over him a bit and gives you some withering looks.

OOC: One last shot at questions for Tebbs and we'll move on later this evening.


Hotel of the White Wake

OOC: James will be unable to post for another week and a half due to travel, he did give me an update via email, but I left it at work, so I'll get his questions up in the morning. I'm going to go ahead and move on and I'll put his post in this space tomorrow morning.

Morwyn is interested in the raft Tebbs built. Where did he assemble it on
board; particularly where was he that one person, particularly one in such bad
physical condition, could launch the make-shift vessal, yet still remain hidden
from even a skeleton crew moving about the deck and rigging? (btw, the term
skeleton crew seems particularly ominous under the circumstances; 'The ship had
had a scent of decay about her'.)

Tebbs says, “perhaps I made too much of the vessel I built. I lashed two small
casks together and hung a bit of canvas between for a seat. I stuck an oar in an
upturned bunghole and using a stave a crossbar with a yard of canvas for a bit
of a sail and another oar for a rudder. I did all this in an unused aft cabin
and simply dropped the lot over the side and jumped in to launch her.”

How long was he afloat on his raft before being picked up? Any chance the raft
is available for inspection?

Tebbs relates that he was on the raft more than 3 days, but less than a week. It is still in the Crosscroft Isles as far as he knows. He managed to get the rest of the way back to Cambre by commercial ships.
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