Island Empire Part 1, to Mermaid's Rest

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Radoon - Mariner/Fighter

For DM

[sblock]Have I heard of Danner Tebbs? The story seems to have too many details from a second source Have I ever herd anything negative about him? Radoon is sitting comfortably on the couch and will try and slyly push the letter of credit down into the cushioned without being noticed. He could never take money from an old friend. It would not be right.[/sblock]

Radoon looks at Marin and winks the willingness to help his old friend.

For DM

[sblock] Scott, sorry my character is not yet done. The past 2 nights have been very long, I am just now getting home. I should have time over the weekend to work on itt, hopefully it will not disturb any too much. I do not cary anything magical though. Though my character is very intersted in magic, as I stated in the history, not sure if his life experieince has helped him in anyway to aid in suspecting magic.[/sblock]

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mleibrock said:
For DM

[sblock]Have I heard of Danner Tebbs? The story seems to have too many details from a second source Have I ever herd anything negative about him? Radoon is sitting comfortably on the couch and will try and slyly push the letter of credit down into the cushioned without being noticed. He could never take money from an old friend. It would not be right.[/sblock]

Radoon looks at Marin and winks the willingness to help his old friend.

For DM

[sblock] Scott, sorry my character is not yet done. The past 2 nights have been very long, I am just now getting home. I should have time over the weekend to work on itt, hopefully it will not disturb any too much. I do not cary anything magical though. Though my character is very intersted in magic, as I stated in the history, not sure if his life experieince has helped him in anyway to aid in suspecting magic.[/sblock]

For Radoon only [sblock]You think you got it tucked away without anyone noticing. Terry was pretty close to you, but he's had a lot to drink today. You do vaguely remember Danar Tebbs from your time working with Marin. He was a loyal old guy, but not terribly bright. You will have a chance to talk to him in a bit. Marin returns your wink and smiles.[/sblock]

For Radoon only [sblock]I must warn you that the latest edition of the game assumes a certain level of magic on the characters. Without any magic you'll will be underpowered compared to the other players and your foes. The rules assume you would have picked up ~13,000 gp in magical and high quality gear by sixth level. I urge you to reconsider. Perhaps your character has a couple of tattoos from a far off port that duplicate the powers of magic rings? At the very least consider a magic dagger, maybe you picked it up in your youth and just always thought it was an excellent knife not realizing it was magical. Failing that if you really want to be magic free perhaps we could enhance some of your characters abilities in exchange for magic. I will be available tonight and friday night after about six thirty (central time) if you want to give me a call we can talk about it.[/sblock]


Hotel of the White Wake

J. Alexander said:
Captain Marin, before i give you an answer yes or no, may i ask you a question?

"Certainly young man I was just about to stretch my legs after my long story, would you care to join me on the balcony?" As he rises and leans on his cane he eyes your clothes suspeciously and breaks into an impish grin. "I expect you all to have many questions. After I stretch my legs we'll talk some more and see if old Danr Tebbs is up for a few questions as well if you like."

J. Alexander

First Post
Michael Storm (warlock)

Michael will stand up from his chair after first folding his napkin and sitting it on the table next to him and placing the wine glass he was drinking from on it. "I would also enjoy that. Rumor has it that you have a magnificant view from your balcony or perhaps it is your Captain's Walk"
He will then walk over to Captain Marin and say "Lead the way. Captain" "Am i dressed warmly enough?" As he makes the last comment, Michael will wink back at the Captain.

For the DM only [sblock]Michale will ask the following question to Captain Marin once outside. "My question is this Captain, do you do this for your ship, your son, your reputation or you think it is the right thing to do? This is asked with no empasis placed on the order or reasons why he is doing this.[/sblock]


Hotel of the White Wake

The captain grins a bit, "Aye man that looks warm enough and respectable enough for church rather than the bordello."

For Michael Storm only [sblock]The captain leans heavily on the rail and indeed his view is a fine one of the harbor and the docks. "That's complicated question you pose. First and foremost I want to try and save my son. It irks me that my ship has been taken and I want to try and get it back, but the loss of a ship to pirates, or storms or even sea monsters is a risk anyone in this business takes. As for reputation, hell I'm too old to worry much about that. I figure after all these years people will make of me what they will. The main reason to salvage my reputation would be for the sake of my son. So if I don't get him back the reputation is a moot point. As for the right and wrong of it, there are priests who would say turn the other cheek, but I'm of the belief that the gods don't ask us to let others mistreat us if we can prevent it. I also think piracy is an abomination on all sailors, so in part its about doing the right thing." He pauses for a moment collecting his thoughts, "I'll tell you something, I worked hard all my life and in many people's estimation I've done better than most, but the truth is the older I get the more I realize that family is the most important thing." He gestures at back at the room behind him and out to the dry dock. "All this stuff I've managed to scrape up into my personal pile, it don't mean much at the end of the day if there isn't family to leave it to. I can't get much use out of it in the time I have left. Gods, I can barely see it. If some thief slipped in here in the middle of the night and took half of it, I doubt if I'd even notice. I've got two ships now instead of four. Does it really matter? Not unless I can have my son at the helm of one of them." He stretches his old bones in the warm sun with a sigh of contentment. "At my age a warm sunny day beats out a warm sunny girl." He laughs at the crude wit. "Does that answer your question Michael?"[/sblock]
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J. Alexander

First Post
Michael Storm (warlock)

OCC : Scott forgot the sblock, Scott forgot the sblock

For the DM [sblock]Michael will wait a few minutes before answering, as if thinking over the Captain's answer. During this time he will do a sense motive check on the Captain.

Michale Stormrolls 1d20+5, getting [14,5] = (19)[/sblock]


J. Alexander said:
OCC : Scott forgot the sblock, Scott forgot the sblock

OOC: Its not nice to tease the DM...

For Michael Storm [sblock]Michael senses that Captain Marin is being unusually candit and truthful. He also senses that this is a shrewd old bastard that could teach him a thing or two about being devious.[/sblock]

J. Alexander

First Post
Michale Storm (warlock)

OCC: I see how it is, player abuse is allowed but oh no dont tease the poor DM he is delicate and sensetive :lol:

For the DM only:[sblock]Captain Marin sir, I will sail on the morning tide,and pirates in the future will treblem at the mention of your name and that of Marin and Son and the retribution brought to them should they prove to have a hand in this. The legend of Captain Honager Marin and his wraith at Mermaids Rest will live in memory for ages.[/sblock]

J. Alexander

First Post
Michael Storm (warlock)

For the DM only [sblock]"I will ask that you look into having 20 flasks of alchemsit fire sent to the ship by morning. As when I find the responsible parites I intend to burn them out and cruicfy the bodies of both the living and the dead." "Is this possible?""And of course I am willing to pay for the items, but I do not have the contacts in the city to arrange for the purcase this quickly."[/sblock]

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