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January : What are you reading?


Reading Flesh Gothic by Edward Lee. The epub I have is atrocious though, with typos everywhere. The story is pretty good though.

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I'm currently reading Steven Erikson's 'Memories of Ice', third installment in the Malazan Books of the Fallen series. Things that happened in the first two books and were only hinted at or left completely unexplained are finally, slowly starting to making sense and the true scope of the narrative is starting to show. Epic stuff indeed. I suppose I'll keep reading...

John Q. Mayhem

So I had an excellent haul at a library sale. I picked up an omnibus of the first three Vlad Taltos books, the first of MANLY WADE WELLMAN's Silver John books, the first of Zelazny's Merlin of Amber series, a couple L'Amour novels I didn't have, McCullough's 1776, and the first volume of The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith.

I also received the second omnibus of Vance's Demon Princes books and Creatures of Light and Darkness in the mail.

Why did I do this to myself right before starting college again? Heck if I know...

But I burned through the Taltos books and enjoyed them. Much like the Dresden Files, it really shows that they're Brust's first books, but the awesomeness shines through the little slips and hitches.

I'm now partway through MANLY WADE WELLMAN's The Old Gods Waken, which I'm finding not quite as enthralling as Hok the Mighty (thank God for Planet Stories!) but still pretty dang cool. It's similar to Alvin Maker in that it draws on classic American folklore that doesn't get a lot of attention.

Elf Witch

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Right now I am reading Moving Targets and other stories of Valdermar edited by Mercedes Lackey.

I like the world of Valdermar especially when other authors write in it. Lackey often irritates me with her writing style and her angst filled main characters. Her one story is in this short story collection Moving Targets is a Scooby Doo homage and I found it just to silly for words. I have read fanfic better than this.


I really enjoyed the first 4 books of that series; it's more fantasy/sci-fi than it is horror. The last 3 books were odd for me, though. I liked them, but some of the story was very disjoined and just...weird. That's really the only way I can describe it without spoilers.

I believe the last three were written after his accident, and frankly, I think he gets very self-indulgent and should have been edited much harder. It's still a good story, but you've got to cut through a lot of weird crap to get there.


I just started Playback, by Raymond Chandler. I just finished Trouble is My Business, also by Raymond Chandler. Also read The Steel Remains and The Cold Commands, by Richard K Morgan; Space Opera, an anthology; and The Anvil of Stars, by Greg Bear.

I read Anno Dracula too, but that was probably in December. Very very good, and I was surprised to see it was actually first published in the early 1990's. Explains why the sequels have been so fast and furious. The author was well ahead of his time on that one, I think.


Read the new Dresden Files, Cold Days, and am currently about 270 pages into the final Wheel of Time, A Memory of Light.

Cold Days was a really great addition to the Dresden Files books, and hits on just about every cylinder. Very cool. A Memory of Light is good so far. I like what Sanderson has done with Jordan's world and final notes, and the book is setting up nicely. However, it's obvious that much more of this book is in Sanderson's voice than the previous two were.


Old Man's War by John Scalzi - The whole setup of the story took a while, but am enjoying the last third of it.

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