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Jeremy's Illustrated Dalelands Story Hour [TRIPLE Update +Mephit Illo, 12/27]


Ashabenford, Mistledale
13th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

The snow had let up again though Winter's chill had no such plans. An especially odd group of four were braving the Moonsea Ride today, headed up to the village of Glen in Mistledale. Titus had the lead, Blackhands they called him, his hands looking almost as if frostbite had claimed them but still agile enough to wield the almost six foot length of blackwood he carried. It was going to be a long hike today with the pace they had to maintain due to Galdur's short stature.

"We shoulda bought ya a pony Stumpy," Titus joked. True to form Galdur obliged the human by swinging his shield into Titus's unarmored hip. In the cold it smarted a little more than normal, but Titus never got tired of goading the dwarf.

"Don' call m' Stumpy!" Galdur obliged the human, in truth he was getting kind of numb to the nickname. The human looked like he was in his mid-thirties, fought like he was in his mid-twenties, but sometimes he acted like he was some punk teenager. But the dwarf breathed lived and breathed patience and it was just Titus's way.

He wrapped his thin cloak around himself tighter and wondered if he would ever be warm again. Not for the first time he cursed the damn Zhentarim woman who had stolen every last coin of his in her 'tax'. The gold dwarf hadn't had long to hate the Zhentarim, but he was learning fast. The thought of their orcs and ogres stuffing their tusked faces in the halls of Tethyamar rankled.

But he wasn't about to complain out loud, especially not with the elf there. The elf walked along softly, occassionally eyeing the treeline back past the farmsteads that dotted the country side along the Moonsea Ride. He didn't talk much, which was just as good because no one particularly understood or appreciated his dark humor anyways. Every so often he would be taken in another coughing fit, the wet deep coughs of the very sick. Elves don't often take sick, at least not for long, but this moon elf apparently had been stricken with the consumption at a very young age and it had never let go. Even now, his lips were flecked with crimson.

Elayne looked at him with concern but the elf would hear nothing of it. He had been dealing with it for near a century now, he was still here because he refused to let it beat him. Not that her time crossing the Black Road hadn't been about the worst time of her life, but she couldn't help but think he would be more comfortable some place with warmer, drier air.

Her thoughts were interuppted by the sound a horse churning up the road at full gallop. The group each stepped out of the road as the rider thundered past showering them in bits of mud and snow, slowing not in the slightest at Galdur's hail. A purple cloak streamed out behind the human but Elayne was watching the horse. Homesickness would strike her at the strangest times, and the powerful stallion reminded her of some of the horse shows her Aunt used to take her to in the Trades Ward. But this horse would likely be dead today. It's flanks were lathered, its nostrils were flared out and unless the rider had critical business in Glen, it was still two days ride to Hillsfar.

"What's his hurry?" the dwarf grumbled.


Sometime later, the elf stopped, looking away to the north. The sounds of battle carried across the dale valley. All of them heard it. There was a war on, chances are, if they got involved, they might save a life, they might turn the tide. But they also might end up dead to a man.

Titus looked, and looked again. Then he shook his head and kept on down the road. A cry called out, and Galdur set his jaw. Setting his shield before him he plowed into the snow beside the road, clambering over some farmer's fence post and cutting across the snowfield towards the treeline. Elayne was right behind him.

Titus stopped, the elf was looking at him, but there was no question. He waved the elf off towards the dwarf. "Well, what are you waiting for? Time to roll the dice," the human said as he began to cut across the snow as well towards the treeline.

The elf's bow was already in his hand. He pulled his hood back and gazed into Cormanthor. And so it begins.
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Dramatis Personae

Titus Blackhands, Human Ftr2
Titus is from Essembra of late in Battledale. Though past a point, he has no memory of where he came from. He avoids the subject assiduously changing the subject repeatedly or simply walking away. He carries with him a blackwood (zalantar) staff that is slightly taller than he is and wields it in an unusual style. Titus doesn't need much convincing to take a risk, he's not reckless, he just loves the thrill of taking a chance on something. While his humor is a little base sometimes, and he never tires of some jokes, he is a stalwart companion.

Revan el Alosir, Moon Elf Rgr2
Out of Bristar in the Dale of Trees, Revan began his training to join the Rangers at a young age. But the Rangers of Cormanthor range from Highdale to Harrowdale and there came a time when he simply could not keep up. In his home of Deepingdale, humans and elves live together in harmony. Only Silverymoon is more integrated than Highmoon, but such is not true of all the elves of the Dalelands and many a whisper has been made just loud enough for Revan to hear. Some question if his sickness is a sign of some human blood in his line. When the Drow broke loose from the Abbey of the Sword in Battledale Revan was there to help throw them back and likely would have died fighting if Titus had not saved him. Revan is a talented tracker and has a supernatural calm about him when using his bow, regardless of the situation.

Galdur Ironaxe, Gold Dwarf Clr1 of Dugmaren Brightmantle/Ftr1
Galdur has spent his entire life in Eartheart in the Great Rift. When Moradin gifted all of dwarvenkind with the Thunder Blessing the Rift for the first time looked like it might become too small for the stout dwarves that manned it. One of the settlements of old that the Gold Dwarves of the Rift used to trade with was the ancient kingdom of Tethyamar. Several hundred years ago when communication with the north ceased, the mining kingdom was written off as a loss, but now it was seen as a possible useful ally once more or perhaps a colony that could be expanded to once it's halls were safe again. Using an old portal that linked the two kingdoms, a dwarven squadron of twenty strong was dispatched to ascertain the condition of Tethyamar. Galdur was one of the six dwarves that escaped the demon infested halls with his life only to fall into Zhentarim 'care' and be escorted to the ancient town of Dagger Falls. Galdur has since travelled extensively between Dagger Falls and Shadowdale with a human lass he met at the Old Skull Inn. Of late he has been in and around Ashabenford aiding much needed grain wagons from the Abbey of the Golden Sheath to farmers and villages who's men were too busy defending the Dales from drow raids to bring in the harvest this year. Galdur has a truly good heart and his gruff nature belies the compassion he has for so many.

Elayne Tremaine, Human Sor2
Elayne was born in North Ward of the City of Splendors. Her mother died in childbirth despite magical aid, and her father was a somewhat cold man who's business as a trader of rare histories and scripts had little interest for her. Elayne was largely raised by the servants and her Aunt Selspa. Selspa had with her sister's death taken her only niece into her heart. She did her best to treat her as her own daughter but Selspa was a bard and a traveller who often had responsibilities in many lands. Worse, she lived in far off Shadowdale in the Heartlands far from the Sword Coast North. But Elayne lived for her Aunt's visits and after her flowering they came more often. Her Aunt noted some strange occurences around her niece and became concerned, though she would never let on to Elayne. One night while at one of the wondrous garden balls meeting one of her contacts, Selspa caught Elayne spying on her. Chiding her for her behavior with only half a heart the two spent a magical evening together that ended in heartbreak. A man brought an urgent message to Elayne's Aunt and immediately the two left the ball. Upon arriving home they found Elayne's father's estate and her home still burning down. Either information regarding what happened was hard to come by or Elayne just wasn't told, but within the tenday she was packed into a carriage with her Aunt in the middle of the night for a wild race through the streets of Waterdeep followed by an endless journey passed the High Forest, across the Great Anauroch, and along the Black Road to finally arrive in Shadowdale. Shadowdale felt like the back end of the world to Elayne and adjusting was difficult. She spent a lot of her time in the Old Skull Inn against her Aunt's wishes who seemed continually worried about one thing or another that she would never speak of. Troubles have been heavy in the Dales of late and even though only sixteen years old this past Summertide, Elayne has done what she could to help out travelling of late with an odd company of four that she is largely responsible for assembling.


First Post
Nifty. I like it. :)

This was just enough to whet my appetite -- do you already have more up your sleeve? Out of curiosity, are you running the game or telling the story from a PC's perspective?

In any case, keep it up.


First game was yesterday. That was about the first 30 minutes after they got underway. Much more to come. I'm proud of my PC's, they all survived to first level and are going back for more. :) More later.
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Ashabenford, Mistledale
13th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

Despite the dwarf's head start, his short legs and wading through the snow allowed Titus to arrive first. As he crunched his way through the snow, high stepping all the way, the sounds of battle became more distant then ceased. With the only sound that of him and his companion rushing through the snow covered field Titus stopped dead and listened. Crouching low he peered a little ways into the treeline but could not tell if anyone could see him exposed and in the open. He hissed and everyone but Revan stopped.

Revan calling upon his training stepped silently atop the snow barely even leaving a mark of his passing. He slowly approached Titus and the two shared a look. Pulling his hood back up the moon elf continued on and disappeared into the treeline.

In the stillness the forest whispered to him and he quickly found the site of the battle. From the tracks and the orientation short drow hand-crossbow bolts, it was an ambush. Those that survived left little trace of their trail, but this was Revan's home and though he did not wear the patch, he was still a Ranger at heart and in training. Little holes in the snow bore the red stains of hot blood leading away to the northeast after a moment he pieced together the place the first volley hit. The tree above it had noticeably less snow in it's lower branches than it's fellows though there was nothing of interest underneath it. Brushing aside the snow around the base he found the corpses of two elves taken by a pair of bolts each. But the odd thing was, they were drow as well.

Out in the farmer's field Revan's whistle reached the others and they headed into the trees as well. They found the elf pulling a pair of black hand crossbow bolts out of a dead drow. Titus headed over to the other uncovered body and after checking it for valuables found it hastily looted already, though it still wore the studded leather armor that had failed to protect him. In a bizarre act Titus began unbuckling his belt. Elayne turned away, her cheeks burning as Titus expressed his feelings for the dark elves.

Revan straightened, storing the pair of bolts and noting the black clothes and silvery spider web pattern that adorned the drow. He turned to explain what he had found but the words were lost in a fit of coughing. Just then a wren called out twice and Revan stood bolt upright. "We leave," a hacking cough shook his upper body, "Now."

When the call came again, Revan had already burst from the trees back into the field and did not slow. Titus and Elayne were not far behind and a confused Galdur struggled to keep up as the company hurried back to the Moonsea Ride.


"Oi. Elf. What's wit the takin' off like that?" Galdur demanded once they had begun walking along the road again.

"That kind of bird is in Tethyr at this time of year," Revan answered.

"Bird? What's a bird hafta do wit anything?"

"Aw, c'mon Stumpy! Even you can figure tha-*KLANG* Ow!"

"Don' call m' Stumpy."

Titus was grinning as Elayne explained, "In the stories people use bird calls as signals, the bird calls might have been about us. Or maybe another battle was about to start. But we have to get going, Galath's Roost is still a long way away."

For some time Mistledale's outlying farms had been fending off midnight raids by the drow. Small bands emerged from the woods from any which-way and killed or fired the livestock and foodstuffs of outlying farms only to disappear into thin air. Chasing marauding drow over the fields and hedgerows of Mistledale had proved futile so far. But of late something had changed, the drow normally raided on moonless or at least cloudy nights and always changed which direction they came from. Of late the attacks came more and more from the east, and usually on clear, moonlit nights. Even more strangely, at least some of the raiders appear to have been mounted lately.

The rumor is that these raiders come from Galath's Roost which has long been whispered to be haunted by the ghost of the famed bandit leader. Some folk even say it might be the ghosts of Galath and his band set to pillaging the countryside again. But whatever the case, something was going on, and Elayne and the others were going to find out what.


Later that night the company finally walked into the dwarven village of Glen. At Elayne's urging for haste the party made it's way through town and stayed the night in the home of a nice family of farmers. Titus payed handsomely for the quarter and Galdur even lended his aid birthing a calf. In the morning, one of the farmhands saw them to the group to the fence and told them about an old trail that he and his brothers used to take when they played at being adventurers. As far as he knew, it headed off to the Roost.

Galdur scolded the large young man for his recklessness but as a whole the group thanked him for his help before heading into the woods on the last leg of their journey to Galath's Roost.


Cormanthor near Glen, Mistledale
14th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

The day passed relatively uneventfully. Hiking along the trail was much slower than along the sloped road of the Moonsea Ride. Despite the time of year, Revan managed to take down a pair of snow hare for the cook pot to supplement the company's rations.

That night after Titus had gone to sleep and Revan took over the night watch a pair of Rangers emerged from the darkness. Revan looked to them, somewhat distastefully, his shame at failing to become one of the order having turned to anger at them. After a moment warming themselves at the fire the two nodded their thanks to Revan and continued on into the night.

Revan neglected to tell the others of the visitors upon their waking though his hand oft went to his shoulder where the patch of a Ranger might have been.

Cormanthor near Galan's Roost, Mistledale
15th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

The company broke camp early in the morning in preparation for another long day's hike. While walking the trail Revan kept a keen eye out and spotted some kobold tracks as well as the tracks of a mounted party, perhaps the raiders they had come here to investigate.

"So much fer this trail bein' unknown," Galdur grumbled.

"Don' worry, Stu--Galdur. It will be again soon." Titus had either caught himself and wanted to avoid another bruise, or was deliberately prodding the gold dwarf to see how far he could push him. Regardless he had a raffish grin plastered on his face.


Later that day the trail split off to the south into a large clearing and the beheld the wreckage of what used to be Galath's Roost. The former fort lacked a roof and had several oak trees growing out of it's insides, it's moat was dry and filled with underbrush, debris, and snow. The causeway that headed up to where it presumably used to have doors was still sound enough, but there were several holes in the walls that anyone could have walked through just as easily.

After some debate as to whether to enter the Roost fresh the next morning, Titus finally managed to convice the group to at least take a peak while the light was still good.

Galdur clanked up the trail towards the causeway behind the rest of the group when he noticed something odd. There was a low thicket just off the trail some thirty or so feet away and he could sware something was watching him from it. He called out to the rest of the group and all except Elayne crept closer to investigate. Though the thicket was leafless the creatures hiding within were well camouflaged and growled warning to the approaching two-legs.

In a flash two ugly creatures a cross between some kind of giant bobcat and hyena burst forth at the group. They pulled up short and their faces peeled back in horrific fashion as their throats scratched out an unearthly moan. Playing upon something deep in their psyche's the sound combined with the hideous sight sent all but Elayne fleeing in terror. Elayne nervously watched the pair as she stepped away carefully and warded herself. Translucent orange plates locked into place around her before fading away to an invisible force barrier around her.

Growling, the beasts backed into their home eyeing her carefully.

Elayne let out the breath she was holding, both creatures looked like they could have reached her and she didn't know how she was going to fend off their joint attack without her fellows. Turning and looking around she saw Titus running through the snow, kicking his knees up high to get his feet clear with every step. He splashed through the snow like a child through the incoming tide of the Sea of Swords on the beach. It was kinda cute.

Titus finally paused, his lungs burning in the cold air, he was certain the beast was right on his heels but he couldn't run anymore. Turning to face the monster he found himself alone and on the other side of the clearing from his friends. He swore loudly and tried to jog back towards the others, winded.

Galdur, not being the most agile of dwarves, in fact, about as agile as Revan was healthly, didn't make it very far running through the snow before a buried root tripped him and he disappeared into a freezing white heap. When he levered himself up, his beard was white with snow and his cheeks were hot with anger. Taking up his shield and his axe he stormed back to Elayne where Revan and Titus had just arrived.

"I'll no let some abomination mongrel git the best o' me."

Revan, Titus, and Elayne took up positions, Titus unshouldering a huge Daleland's crossbow that cracked loudly in the cold air as he drew it tight. As the creatures burst forth, Revan and Titus both let loose, Revan's imbedding into one's flank while Titus skipped off the top of the other, knicking it and darkening it's fur. Elayne gestured and called out in a strange language as a searing bolt flew from her impacted the second beast, punching into it's chest.

The second krenshar retreated to its thicket to lick its wounds, while the first charged Galdur. The dwarf swung his axe at the creature but at the last second it jumped aside. As the dwarf's axe bit into the snow where the krenshar just stood it jumped up and sank it's teeth deep into the exposed joint where his shoulder met his neck. Blood sprayed across the white snow.

Elayne hurriedly pulled up her crossbow and loaded a bolt into it as Titus and Revan both burried arrows in krenshar. It yelped and released the dwarf who shouldered it away with his shield before narrowly missing with his axe.

The wounded animal bounded away into the thicket, it's breathing wet with blood as Revan and Titus pursued. Galdur stumbled back and said a prayer to Dugmaren Brightmantle as his wounds began to knit back together.

As they got closer, the less wounded of the pair managed to frighten the pair away again with it's supernatural powers. Somewhat chagrinned, they returned, with Revan staying back to cover Titus as he approached with his blackwood staff held ready. Closer and closer he crept but this time the krenshar did not burst forth. Titus heard a weak whine followed by a soft thud from within the thicket.

Carefully levering his way into the clawing brush, Titus saw that one of the animals had collapsed from its wounds, the arrows still protruding from it's corpse. The other couldn't get to its feet and growled weakly at the human. It was defending it's brood of three pups. Titus thought about it for a moment, then raised his staff high as the krenshar snapped at him weakly. The end of the staff came down with a sickening crunch. One less beast with a taste for man-flesh, he rationalized.


While Galdur rested with Elayne, Titus and Revan set out to investigate the area south of Galath's Roost where a pair of vultures had been circling. Skirting the western edge of the keep, they saw that the vultures appeared to be circling a small hillock to the south side of the keep. On the way towards it, Revan noticed a strange circular depression in the ground a ways off to the east. Something about it caught his interest and he diverted just to have a look at it. That's when a giant bee bigger than he was worked it's way out of the center of the depression where there must have been some kind of hole and took off to the northeast.

Having had enough of the strange and unusual fauna of the area, he headed back to Titus deciding to leave well enough alone. The two continued towards the hill and as they climbed it's northern slope, Titus tripped over a smooth shaped stone. Immediately behind it was a snow covered stone pedestal of about waist height that blended in against the background of snow. Not paying it much mind he climbed atop the taller of the two stones and peered up atop the hill, his eyes widening at what he saw.



Hillock near Galan's Roost, Mistledale
15th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

Titus hopped down off his perch and crept up to the top of the hill with Revan. Parially sheltered by a pair of old, bare elms was a ruined campsite. The slashed and punctured tents were spattered with blood, various stands were knocked over or splintered, and the camp was generally in great disarray. Revan pieced together that the horsemen had butchered whatever had been resting here, apparently taking them by surprise as at least one of them had been speared where he lay through the tent.

Titus continued searching the area while Revan followed a set of heavy tracks down the north slope. Titus found a well hidden set of holes dug with circles of turf cut to cover them that refuse and the campsite could be broken down and stored in. Revan followed a set of tracks down to a group of poorly hidden shallow graves. Two of them had been dug up by local animals and were mostly destroyed, but the third was still covered. Digging it up himself he was able to confirm that all three were drow, though these ones lacked the pattern of the last he had found. These ones were clothed largely in blacks and whites that looked like they would blend into the winter landscape except for a small red mask insignia on a patch that each had. Cutting one of the patches free Revan headed back up to tell Titus what he had found.


"...and that's what we found. So we've got drow hitting homesteads, drow hitting drow, horse raiders hitting homesteads, and horse raiders hitting drow. And we've got at least two sects of drow who may be the ones filling each other full o' holes." Titus finished explaining to Galdur and Elayne once they had all met up.

Galdur stroked his beard, "And it be the ridin' ones we here to find out about, right?"

Elayne nodded, "Yes. The Riders of Mistledale have been up and down the borders of Cormanthor doing everything they can to hold back the drow. But we need to find out if there's something else going on."

"We know the raiders came here, and unless it was the Riders of Mistledale who took the drow on the hill, we know they've been around the area. But I have not found any tracks that suggest they left." Revan had more to add, but a fit of coughing overtook him. Elayne moved to check on him, but he waved her off before she stood.

"Well I say we at least take a look around," Titus said. "With those guard dogs dead I want to have a look inside at least."

Galdur protested, "I keep tellin' ya. We can only channel so much magic inna day."

After considerable discussion it was decided that since they could see through the broken down structure well enough to tell that most of it was empty, a quick peek wouldn't be a bad idea.


The company made their way up the old causeway and stepped into the broken wreck of a fort. The broken stone jutted up at odd angles where cold and time had cracked stone and various undergrowth had tried to push free. The blockhouse that once guarded the causeway was lacking a roof that had apparently caved in, destroying the west wall of the structure. The north wall still was mostly intact with a pair of niches where archers could cover the approach to the Roost.

The wooden walls that had separated the fort into different rooms had all apparently rotted away or collapsed into various debris leaving only the stone walls of some kind of stair case and a hall with an attached kitchen of some sort towards the south end of the fort. Also, behind the southern wall of the blockhouse there appeared to be some kind of hole in the floor that descended into darkness.

The group split up to check for any signs of the riders when Galdur thought he heard something in the blockhouse. He motioned Revan over and while he readied his shield and axe, the elf crept in. Apparently asleep in one of the defensive niches was a hideous four-winged bat/mosquito. A stirge. First giant bees, now giant mosquitos. Revan carefully nocked and stepped right up on the creature and fired point-blank into where he figured it's heart to be; the arrow sank in and stirge sputtered and died.

Awoken by the noise a pair of stirge from the next two nooks flew out and sighting the warm meal flew at him. Revan ducked under the first, but the second clamped down on his back and sunk its dagger-like nose into his back. Galdur called out swung his axe at the monster while Elayne summoned up another magic bolt that punched a hole in the second stirge's carapace. Titus ran over holding only the end of his long staff used his forward momentum to jump forward while turning in mid air and swinging in a wide arc. Still blinded by Elayne's bolt, the stirge didn't see the attack coming and with a loud crack was batted out of the air where it slammed into the rubble and slumped the ground twitching. Titus landed right where it had been.

Revan slammed back on a stone wall, smashing the stirge and dazing it, but driving its nose deeper producing a pained grunt. Stumbling over to a bit of wall sticking out at an odd angle he spun into it hard. The wall crashed into the stirge from the side and it was ripped off of the elf's back as he fell to his knees. The stirge tried to gain its senses only to Galdur's axe shatter its carapace and sink into to its vulnerable innards. Titus moved over to the downed stirge twitching amidst the rubble and drove the end of his staff down through its head.


Galdur supported Revan's steps as they sought out a place to camp. Dugmaren's power had sealed Revan's wound but the draining effect of the experience left the Ranger weakened. Earlier while tracking down something to eat for the group the elf had noted a relatively screened area that would make a decent campsite. It was to there that he led the group.

The group held up as Revan was stopped by a series of wracking coughs but after a moment he nodded and they pressed on. Pushing through some bare bushes they discovered too late that their prospective campsite was already occupied.
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Cormanthor, North of Galath's Roost
15th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

Crouched down around a small campfire were the two moon elven Rangers Revan had seen the previous night. Each looked up and regarded the group before they shared a look and a nod and began making room. They introduced themselves as brothers, Simimar and Lathai Evioro. Apparently they were originally from Bristar, though most recently from Tangletrees as part of a unit dispatched to combat the increasing drow raids in Mistledale. They had been in this area since the militia disappeared while spying on the Roost.

"Something dangerous is lurking around the keep. One of our friends, Nylian Moonglade, was killed north of here. We found his body. Looked like he was cut down by an axe. We have no idea though what happened to his companion, Inialos Oakwood. Of him there has been no trace," the younger brother, Lathai, explained. "We were hoping you might have had some sign of him?"

"Nope," Titus replied, "You're the first living folk we've seen around here so far. But we'll keep an eye out for your friend."

The two Rangers looked at each other again, then at Revan. But Revan had situated himself at the far side of the camp and was leaning up against a tree looking the other way, his left hand on his opposite shoulder.


Sometime later after having shared a small meal the two groups exchanged information. The Rangers asked about the drow camp and corpses South of the Roost and they compared findings. Titus inquired about anything further that the elves might know about the history of the place.

Lathai answered, "Many centuries ago, this area was the site of an elven watchtower, but it was abandoned long before humans came to this area."

"So whut's wit th' giant insects?" Galdur broke in.

The Ranger shrugged, "Perhaps there was something here the watchtower guarded against. I think there was a burial crypt under the tower. If it survived all this time, the magicks warding it might be damaged. But there are more dangerous things in Cormanthor than large insects."

"I heard that Galath's Roost was haunted," Elayne said quietly as visions of headless ghostly riders thundering through the Dale played in Titus's imagination.

"It is true that there have been many reports of a ghost in this area. Maybe Galath and his men do want a piece of the raiding going on. Or maybe it is an older spirit from the watchtower, angered by the Ssri-Tel'Quessir that pollute Cormanthor. In any event, I doubt it would have anything to do with the most recent raiding you said you were here checking on. These reports have come in since long before now."

The two groups continued talking for some time before, weary from the long day, they bedded down.


Cautiously making their way back up the causeway the company kept their eyes and ears open for any sign of danger. As they stepped back into the ruined fort, everything seemed quiet. Patches of snow held together in shadows provided by piles of rubble or uneven flagstones broken and pushed up at odd angles persisted by hiding from the sun. The pair of oak trees that stood in the midst of the Roost leaned and swayed a little in the wind.

After a moment the group split up to investigate the keep. Revan headed over to the large hole near the blockhouse. He was attempting to peer over its edge when it started to collapse, but the nimble elf stepped easily on each falling stone back to safety. After it had settled down he was able to see some kind of underground grotto with a stream, vines, undergrowth, and various limestone formations. The others looked up at the commotion but Revan simply shook his head before heading over towards Titus coughing.

Titus was examining the broken down set of stairs descending into the bowels of the fort. The left retaining wall had caved outwards and the roof of the stairs had consequently fallen covering the stairs in debris. Down below the stairs appeared to open into some kind of natural cave.

Elayne was examining the remains of what used to be a great hall. It had two great fire pits at the fare end with barely standing chimneys in each corner. Unlike most of the interior walls of Galath's Roost, the hall's walls had been made of stone and thus were still standing, though there was another oak tree growing out of the floor in the room.

Galdur was standing beneath the sleeping oak in the middle of the fort figuring he was about equal distance from everyone else should anyone need aid. He was looking from group to the next when suddenly he came under attack. Something small and hard struck his left armored shoulder with a light clank. "Whut th' blazes?" The dwarf spun around, axe in hand, searching for his assailant. *Clank* Another object skipped off his armor, his eyes followed the motion and saw where it hit the ground. He had been struck by... an acorn?

Above him in the tangle of bare branches of the tree came a series of short hissing sounds. The dwarf could swear something was laughing at him. "Hey!" The others returned to the middle of the keep to find him staring up into the branches overhead. After a few moments of looking in vain, Titus shrugged and started climbing up the tree. An excited chirp was heard just prior to a veritable flood of acorns pouring down the trunk and over the branches which provided very slippery grips but failed to dislodge the persistent human.

As Titus gained purchase in the lower branches a small reddish-brown object shot out of the upper branches towards the great hall at incredible speed. Elayne tried to follow it on foot but it zipped up and into the top of one of the chimneys and disappeared. Approaching carefully she could hear it skittering around in the chimney, it sounded like it might be getting ready to fly out the bottom, crouching down she tried to get a look up th--*WHUFF*--e chimney. Only to get a face full of soot. She backed away from the fire pit coughing and sputtering as the hissing laughter broke out louder from the chimney. The little imp had used a down sweep of its wings to do that on purpose. Standing straight Elayne did not play into its game and instead merely calmly motioned with her hands and stated firmly, "Clean." Soot and dirt lifted itself away from her until she was her normal pristine self.

Titus meanwhile had found a large sack still filled with hundreds of acorns and began climbing down the tree with it. When he reached the bottom he saw Elayne still staring at the fire pit and grinned. He held a finger up to his lips and quietly crept to the side of the chimney. Bracing himself against the chimney and the wall he began climbing it. A few old stones cracked and groaned causing him to stop and redistribute his weight, but he kept going. With every grumble there was a nervous chirp from within the chimney.

About halfway to the top there was a loud crack as the chimney would take no more. A terrified squeak was heard as the little creature shot out the bottom of the chimney covered in soot just before it buried him. Titus however was in a more difficult position. He rode the chimney down as it fell over sideways and at the last second managed to hurl himself clear of the raining debris taking only a few bumps, scrapes, and bruises where there could have been much worse. The creature had flew out the bottom and bump somewhat dazedly right into Elayne who managed to grab him.

It was a dragon! The creature seemed to read her thoughts and still for a second. A moment later she heard in her mind, Yes! I am a DRAGON! And you have entered my home. You must pay a tax! While she tried to comprehend what was going on the little bugger wiggled it's way free, flitting down to the ground and landing to stand up on its hindquarters, it crossed it's arms and puffed out it's chest while spreading its wings wide.

Titus grinned at the little soot-covered thing and grabbed up the sack of acorns he had found earlier while Elayne formed her first thought on the matter. "He's so cute!!"

This apparently wasn't the effect the dragon was going for and it deflated somewhat dropping down on all fours. Into Titus's mind he said, Hey you. Those are mine. Give them here.

Kind of shocked but then kind of not, Titus played right back. "You want them? Tell us what you know about this place."

Nooooo, he drawled mentally. My home! You invaded it. You will give me those back right away.. And she will clean me! Or I will be very angry!

Titus laughed and again the dragon bristled. Titus looked at Elayne and she nodded, extending her cantrip to the little guy and cleaning him off. He was a little russet horned dragon with a long barbed tail. Titus smiled and said, "There, you're all clean, we helped you now tell us a little about this place."

Nuh uh! Gimme! I am a MIGHTY dragon and you'll be sorry if you don't!

"That's not how it works, we did something for you, now you do something for us." Titus was having fun with this.

I'm warning you, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry... But the playful tone and child-like mental voice of the dragon failed to have it's desired effect on Titus and he just laughed and held the bag up, waving it back and forth.


Quick as a flash the little dragon shot towards Titus and whipped out with its tail, stinging his leg. "Hey!" Whatever Titus was about to say though was lost in a huge yawn as he fell over and went to sleep. The dragon nodded its head sharply with a little snort and snatched up its sack. Then, inexplicably it curled up on the sleeping man for all the world like a little cat and laid its head down with a big grin stretched all the way across his face.

Elayne half giggled at the sight and asked, "What's your name little fella?"

The dragon preened and settled in before replying happily, Rossal.

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Cormanthor, Galath's Roost
15th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

Galdur however was not pleased by this turn of events and headed over to Titus. He yanked the human straight out from under the little dragon and promptly slapped him awake. Maybe a bit harder than he needed to. Just a bit.

Rossal chirped his disapproval and plinked an acorn off the armored dwarf for good measure, but he was having fun. His main source of amusement used to be chasing the stirges around or pestering the beetles from above—the beetles! Rossal broke off from giving the group the lay of the land downstairs to ask, Have you guys met the beetles?

“Beetles? What Beetles?” Elayne said with a concerned tone, but it was too late. Rossal whipped around the corner from the former hall to the adjoining former kitchen where all of sudden started a great ruckus.

Chirping and hooting Rossal shot back out of the ruined kitchen with a huge grin on his face and flew right past the startled group up into his tree. Unfortunately this led the gigantic beetles that were chasing him straight into the lot of them.

Galdur briefly wondered if there was enough of the little runt dragon to make a decent buckler.

The worst of it came first. The beetles turned and sprayed the group with a horrendous stench that burned in their lungs like acid. Revan worked fluidly despite the strain on him and fired arrow after arrow with uncanny aim and calm. Galdur left deep rents in the creatures until the could stand no more against him while his dwarven forged armor shrugged off all but their strongest assaults. Titus batted the insects around and opened up with a flurry of blows that cracked and caved in the hard carapace of the one he faced and Elayne finished it off with a bolt of energy that blasted through it.

Rossal chirped happily at the show and grinned, That was great!

Leaning on his tall fighting staff Titus caught his breath and found he was laughing. “Yeah, it kinda was.”



Later, having heard as many details of what lay ahead of them as Rossal could remember, including that of his dislike of the ‘stinky’ faerie he called unseelie, the group concluded that the raiders were not based out of Galath’s Roost. However, one interesting piece of information was that the kobolds Revan had tracked earlier were. More importantly, they had one of the horseman raiders captive.

Apparently Rossal had taken a mind to toying with the raiders one night and they had spotted him and opened fire with bows and crossbows. Taking affront to this the clever dragon had later stung the rear guard of the group who fell asleep and off of his horse. Either the rest of the raiders didn’t notice or didn’t care, but later that night the little lizardmen had discovered him and dragged him back to their lair under the Roost.

Titus was sure that he would prove a valuable source of information though Galdur thought it might be best just to go to the source. In the end it was opted to question the one who had already been taken captive. And so the group fired up one of Titus’s torches and carefully made their way over the rubble down into the cavern under Galath’s Roost.

Light reflected off the somewhat damp and surprisingly warmer cave (at least by comparison to the winter above) as there was an underground stream that had carved it’s way into the cavern and begun pooling up in a few lower lying areas. Stalactites and stalagmites made for somewhat precarious footing in places, but nothing the group could not handle.

An echoing and somewhat strangely warbling voice boomed out using the strong acoustics, “WHO GOES THERE?” It stretched out the words in the way a ghostly villain in play or a children’s story might.

“Uh, we do?” Titus jested. Elayne smacked him in the ribs, but being that his ribs were armored didn’t produce so much as a grunt.

WHO GOES THERE?again the voice boomed, louder this time.

Galdur addressed the voice, while Revan’s sharp eyes scoured the cave. “We ‘r jus’ passin’ through. Who ‘r you?”

In a steadily louder voice it continued, echoing about the cave almost melodramatically, “I AM THE GHOST OF GALATH!
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Thanks to my wonderful, beautiful, talented, and loving wife Leslie, I have to rename my story hour. Hence forth, it shall be Jeremy's Illustrated Dalelands Story Hour.

She has volunteered to do a few pencil sketches as we go along at whatever takes her fancy as well as paint the minis of a few of the characters in the game. More as it develops. For her first trick...

Edit: Lightning strikes twice! Bit by the bug, excuse the pun, Leslie drew up the aftermath of the most recent battle described above. :)


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