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Jeremy's Illustrated Dalelands Story Hour [TRIPLE Update +Mephit Illo, 12/27]

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Thanks! Leslie is having fun doing the sketches and says she's happy you like them. Got the next game coming up this Saturday so hopefully I get caught up before game day. Look for more updates this week. :) I had a lot of fun doing 'Galath's' voice way over the top cupping my hand and using it to break up my voice like the old cowbows and indians hoots. It sounded appropriate for what the voice was up to. Though what happened next was rather deadly. :eek:


Cormanthor, Galath's Roost
15th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

Even Elayne was snickering at this point. But the ghost was fully into its rant at this point. His voice echoed and warbled in faux lamentation, everyone once and again stopping to address the group once more. “WHAT DO TH ELIVING SEEK IN THE SEPULCHER OF GALATH THE BETRAYED? … BETRAYED BY SMALL-MINDED MEN, GLORY SEEKERS AND SNIVELERS!”

“Not you,” Titus cracked as Elayne threatened him with another elbow.

Revan answered more evenly, “We came to find a man taken prisoner.” But it didn’t seem that the ghost was even listening. It ranted on for a moment before an idea seemed to strike the disembodied voice and it paused to offer a task.


Elayne whispered quietly, “I don’t believe we ended up in the middle of a feud between an unseelie faerie and a tiny dragon.”

But the echoes of the cavern caught her words and the ghost sputtered, “UNSEELIE!? I AM THE GHOST OF GALATH! YOU SEE HOW THE FOUL BEAST MOCKS ME! WILL NO ONE RID ME OF THIS PLAGUE?” the ghostly voice gave off piteous moans but the company was not fooled.

Titus couldn’t help but provoke the voice, “Ghost? I don’t see any ghost. Rossal said the only thing down here were some big bugs and a pair of stinky faeries!”

A high-pitched voice started, outraged, “Stinky!?! Er, *ahem*,” the voice deepened again, resuming it’s warbling and echoing, “I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU SPEAK OF, I AM THE GHOST OF GALATH!”

Titus grinned and kept egging him on, sniffing at the sulfur in the air, “Well ‘Galath’, someone should have buried you deeper cause it’s a little ripe down here. Even for an unseelie faerie.”

“AAG! I’LL SHOW YOU—,” suddenly the voice resumed its high-pitched imp-like quality as a little blue, horned mephit burst from the pond and squeezed it’s knees up to it’s little elbows in midair, “—stinky!” Suddenly a roiling cloud of yellow fumes poured out of him filling the area with the most noxious smell imaginable. Revan and Elayne were overcome by the stench and staggered, retching, from the horrid vapors. Titus, not exactly known for his hygiene, was unimpressed. Galdur, even more stout, jerked a thick thumb towards Titus a couple times, “That it? I’m wi’h ‘im.”

And just like that, it was on. Titus quickly unshouldered his Dalelands longbow and snapped off an arrow that passed directly through the mephit’s watery form causing no apparent harm. Apparently the impish creature was more of a threat then he appeared.


Galdur called down Dugmaren Brightmantle’s blessing on the group and edged forward, gauging the depth of the pond to be well over his, and probably even Titus’s head. With no way to reach the mephit he moved around the pond to get a better angle.

Revan and Elayne meanwhile were still reeling from the effects of the creature’s spell. Each had found their way out of the cloud, but neither was coherent yet, which suited the little beast just fine. Reaching out to his home he tried to call upon his brother whom he often fought Rossal off with, but some gesture or word must have been incorrect because no one answered his call.

Titus managed a particularly good shot that hit something solid in the mephit and caused it to wince, but the creature was still about half submerged in the pond and before his very eyes the water around him coursed up and filled his wound from the inside out, popping the arrow free and leaving not a scratch. The mephit put his thumbs in his ears, fingers spread wide, and trilled an annoying sound at the man.

“@#$%.” Titus swore.

Galdur made his way around as close as he could get to the mephit in the pond but still couldn’t reach the little bugger without going into the water, and his armored form didn’t stand a very good chance in there. He spat at the coward who promptly spat back a glob of green acid that through some providence managed to miss the dwarf. Unfortunately Galdur’s luck was about to run out.

Titus snapped off another arrow but any blow that managed to harm the creature seemed to quickly heal. We need to get it out of the water somehow…

The mephit, feeling sort of invincible taunted the group continuously, belittling them, but all the while tried to get them to bring him Rossal’s head. Maybe he didn’t want the dragon necessarily dead, but certainly a good scare for the varmint was in order. But for now, it was having fun. Zipping up to Galdur and avoiding the dwarf’s wide swing easily, the mephit slashed his claw across the gold dwarf’s exposed arm and moved as if to plant a kiss on him.

Galdur fought back, landing what should have been a crushing blow but was largely absorbed by the mephit’s watery body, worse, its wounds kept mending themselves. It hadn’t managed to heal up Titus’s last arrow, and the bite of Galdur’s war axe had left a vicious gash, but the water of the pond continued to flow into the injuries.

Titus dropped his bow and took up his long staff to try and land a blow and it looked like the team was getting close to driving the mephit off, with Revan and Elayne almost recovered. But the mephit was fast and had the wounded Galdur was slowing. With a whip of its tail is splashed water up into Galdur’s eyes, in the blink of an eye the horrible creature slashed one set of claws across the dwarf’s hands and face, and with the other laid his throat open.

Stumbling back, the dwarf tried to staunch the flow of his life’s blood and collapsed to the ground, his skin growing pale.
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I remember this whole exchange...when I ran it, the PCs met the mephit first, and then went to confront Rossal, who pretended to be the spirit of the tree in which he laired. One PC bowed to the tree which sent Rossal tumbling from his perch he was laughing so hard. Against the mephit, one PC dove into the water and slew the beastie (he's a trog cleric of Grumbar!), though it did do much harm....the whole trek beneath the ruined keep was a comedy of errors :D


Very much that way with us too. While it was tense at points there was much laughing. One of the best parts was some out of game humor regarding the activation of a certain important item later that was hysterical. It lightened the mood of the grim world of having only 6 hit points. :)


Cormanthor, Galath's Roost
15th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

Elayne hurried to Galdur’s downed form and tore strips from her dress to try to bind the wound, though she had never done anything like it before, she had seen Galdur do it and was desperate for it to work. Galdur’s breath was slow and he barely had the energy to cough his throat clear of blood, but he was stable.

Revan fired a shot straight through the mephit’s heart, but it passed through it harmlessly without so much as a scratch. With three of his playthings arrayed right in front of him the mephit giggled and blew out a cone of caustic liquid that bubbled and boiled away the group’s skin where it landed. Then laughing the little monster retreated over the pond where he couldn’t be reached.

Titus roared and dropped his staff running and leaping across the pond, tackling the little mephit in midair, barely managing to make the other side of the pond. He tried to hold the wiry thing down and wring its neck, but it was so slippery that it managed to get free and launch itself back into the water where again it trilled its tongue at the human.

Revan fired again and his arrow struck true, but even so, without the dwarf’s axe and Titus’s strikes as well, the mephit healed the single wound quickly. It did not however enjoy the magical burst that blasted a hole in its stomach courtesy of Elayne.

Titus hurried around the pond and took up his bow again, but it was not his sharp arrows that pierced the water mephit, but rather his sharp tongue. Playing off of everything he had found so far that aggravated the little imp he enraged it to the point it charged at him, claws swinging. Titus took a nasty gash from the blighter but sprung his trap well. His bow dropped to the ground unused as he again wrapped the mephit up in his arms then called to Revan to help him hold it down.

Surprised, the creature did not manage to get free in time before Revan was there holding him down as well. “Elayne! Go get Rossal, quick!” Titus shouted.

Elayne looked down at the wounded Galdur, but looked back and nodded once before scrambling up the broken stairs back to the courtyard.

Meanwhile Titus and Revan managed to pin the slippery mephit to the ground and Titus clamped his mouth shut. It wrestled fiercely but could not escape the two of them combined. Pulling in a deep breath through it’s nose it almost managed to get its mouth free in time to spray out another cone of acid, but Titus bore down hard, stifling it like a painfully stopped sneeze. The mephit’s eyes bulged as its acid leaked out his nose, ears, and eyes.

Elayne pleaded with Rossal to come down and help, coaxing and cajoling him as best she knew how.

Alright, I’ll help. But I want something. If I do this, you must bring me… The dragon paused to consider, Cake. Cake and… Tobacco. Yes. I want cake and tobacco. You bring?

Elayne nodded, confused but Rossal apparently wasn’t convinced. You promise Rossal? Rossal not help if you not promise… The little dragon grinned, wrapped around its tree branch.

“I promise! We’ll get you cake and tobacco. Now quickly, help them!” Elayne pleaded.

Rossal nodded with a wink and took off like a shot with a loud long chirp that sounded a lot like, ‘Wheeeeeee!’ He flitted down the broken stair well and landed next to the pinned mephit with a grin, crossing his arms. Hello Stinky!

Muffled high-pitched shouts were cut off through Titus’s tight grip of the mephit as it raged at the pseudodragon. Rossal just waved and lashed out with his tail pricking the mephit. You could see the greenish poison spreading through the mephit’s watery skin and after a moment it went to sleep. Quickly, Titus leapt up and over to Galdur, taking up his war axe. With one big swing he severed the head from the mephit, sparking off the stone beneath it.


“It wants what?” Titus and Galdur echoed each other later around the campfire Revan had set up for them. They were once again in the woods around Galath’s clearing in a well-screened campsite with Revan meditating somewhat peacefully nearby.

“Tobacco and cake,” Elayne repeated. “I believe the Halfling Fair in Ashabenford is going to stop off in Glen sometime before Midwinter. We can probably catch it either in Ashabenford or Glen to pick up the tobacco.”

Passing it off as yet another inexplicable oddity, the group settled in for the night. But it wasn’t long before the thunder of horses woke them from their rest.


Leslie cooked up another sketch last night, I'll try to get it scanned in and added when I get home today. Meanwhile, here's today's update. :)


Cormanthor, West of Galath's Roost
15th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

Titus hadn’t even truly begun his watch he first heard them coming, he hurried over to Revan, breaking his trance the quietly awoke each of the others as fast as he could while Revan slipped into the brush to have a look.

Eight riders shot by, six in light or no armor and two in heavy metal armor. Most bore greataxes but the one in the middle rode with a long quarterstaff. By the poor light that was about all Revan could make out and he slipped back into camp to relay his findings to the others.

“How long do you give them until they come back?”

“Rossal said they set out once per tenday, so maybe 3 days at most I’d guess.”

“We should go an’ take ‘em from be’ind.”

“We’d never catch ‘em Stumpy. Ow! Hey!”


“He started it!”


“No he didn’t, you say that name on purpose.”

“C’mon. It slipped my mind? Would I do something like that on purpose?”






Cormanthor, South of Galath's Roost
16th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

The group had opted for more rest to recover their strength and in the morning Revan followed the tracks of the mounted raiders back to their source. Strangely enough they went straight up the south hill he and Titus had investigated earlier and simply stopped at an unmarked line perpendicular to the higher of the two stones Titus had stood on two days ago.

Revan stood studying the place while the others tried to puzzle out what happened. While Titus and Galdur discussed different possibilities Elayne traced an arcane mark in the air said, “Detect.” Her eyes took on a more greenish tint as faint wispy blue traces of the Weave became clear to her around the area. “Wow.”

“Whut is it?” the gold dwarf inquired as he came closer and tried to look at whatever she was seeing.

Elayne pointed at the edges of something only she could see, “It’s some kind of magic disk. Um, conjuration. It’s asleep.”

“Dormant,” Galdur corrected. “Mus’ be a Portal. Me an’ me brethren came through one in th’ Great Rift. They usually only work ev’ry so of’en for only so many.”

“So how do ya turn it on?” Titus asked.

Elayne studied the threads of the Weave and pointed to the taller of the two smooth stones. Titus headed over to the stone and brushed it off, there was an engraving in the top of a stylized eye symbol. Looking at for a moment Titus pressed it, put his hand on it, pulled on the stone, tried to push it forward, tried to slide it to either side, tried to shove it down, tried to pull it up, and every other thing he could think of.

Everyone just stopped and stared at the flurry of activity.

He paused and looked back, “What?” Grinning he asked, “You think I should try jumping up and down on it?”

“Aye.” Galdur said as he rolled his eyes, “I ken jus’ see some Cult of the Dragon loony with bony ankles climbin’ up o’ top o’ that and jumpin’ up and down.” Elayne giggled and Galdur continued, “In a robe no doubt. Wit’ ‘is arms crossed and a ticked off look at the indignity.” Titus laughed at the thought and even Revan was smiling. Galdur guffawed at the mental image and shook his head, “Nay, I don’ think jumpin’ up an’ down on it is gonna help.”

Revan started to say something but was taken by a coughing fit. After a moment he managed, “So how do we activate it? And are we sure we want to?”

Titus shrugged, “I dunno. But I’ll betcha the raider those kobolds captured would.”


Cormanthor, Galath's Roost
16th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

The company spread out, searching for signs of their quarry or danger in the cavern beneath Galath’s Roost. Making their way around stalagmites and over the stream that flowed through most of the cavern they made their way collectively around to the east side, where Revan thought the short alcove into the wall was a little suspicious. Sure enough, it was a clumsily hidden door, little more than just a boulder pushed up against the wall from the outside to conceal it. He moved to investigate it when with a groan a metal grate, spiked on the forward side swung down sideways out of the ceiling slamming shut and pinning him, spiked to the wall, through his shoulder. The gate made an effective barrier, shutting off all access to the secret door, though Revan had prevented it from locking into place.

“Well that’s one way to keep a door open. Hang on, have you out in a jiff.” Titus said, not really bothered by the look of the wound, but not dwelling on it either. He took a firm handle the bars of the gate and tried to lift it and rotate it back up into the roof. The sucking and popping sound of the spike being withdrawn from Revan was enough to make Elayne turn away and head a little deeper into the cave away from the others.

Revan slumped down against the wall as Titus pulled the gate clear and held it up for Galdur to check on Revan. “Good work that,” he muttered of the stonework as he ducked underneath the trap. “Try an’ hold still. This gonna hurt.” Galdur channeled some of the spell energy Dugmaren had granted him this morning, changing it into positive energy as he was taught and mending most of the wound. He looked disappointed at how much of the wound remained, but Revan placed a hand on his shoulder before making his way to his feet.

The elf and the dwarf quickly ascertained that the secret door was in fact a secondary entrance from outside hidden in an overgrown thicket and headed back to Titus who was still holding up the grate. After everyone was back inside the cave and clear of whatever triggered the trap, they pushed the gate back up until it was felt to lock into place, cleverly disguised among the stalactites.

“Well that was,” Revan was interrupted by Elayne’s scream from the south.

“Whose turn was it to watch the princess?” Titus complained as they rushed around the corner.

“Figures. First giant insects,” Galdur said as they all pulled up short staring at the writhing plants among the stalagmites in the shaft of sunlight pouring down from the sinkhole in the courtyard above, “Why not giant killer vines too?” Galdur hadn’t been in the North for long, but he was learning fast how to sound like a fatalistic shield dwarf.

His words didn’t stop his actions though, taking up his axe he started cutting a swath through the animated vines trying to get to Elayne who was wrapped up in a thick knot of vines that seemed to have hand-like leaves that were tightly holding her. Her scream was cut short as the vines began choking off her air. Galdur didn’t get very far though before he too was wrapped up and he was forced to spend most of his time cutting himself free, and even then was only able to make precious little progress.

Titus also ran into the area, planting his long staff at the base of a stalagmite and pole-vaulting into the chaos, leaping left and right trying to avoid being ensnared. Arrows shot by him as Revan, perceiving some distinct form to the vines holding Elayne began making pinpoint strikes against it while staying clear of Elayne. Titus managed to get a hand around Elayne’s ankle before the vines could pull her out of his reach up towards the ceiling they were also wrapped around. He tried to pull her free but the vines would grip was too tight. Elayne’s struggling suddenly stopped and after a moment she went limp.

The vines deposited her with a thump near their collective base and suddenly lurched out several tentacle-like lengths at Titus. Revan managed to shoot two of them out of the air but another managed to wrap around Titus’s ankles and upended him. Galdur continued hacking his way through the vines that continued to thrash about but he could do little to move towards his endangered friends.

Revan meanwhile, continued, utterly focused, snapping off arrow after arrow with deadly aim striking the vine in multiple locations and never once harming its prey. After one last shaft slammed into place on the vine it’s strength gave out and it fell, sagging and inanimate to the ground around Titus. He gasped for air as the now free Galdur hurried to Elayne. She was unconscious but still alive.

Galdur and Titus looked at the sickly elf in wordless thanks, both impressed by his incredible feat.


Cormanthor, Galath's Roost
16th of Deepwinter in the Year of Wild Magic

Unsure of what vines would animate again or not, or how to tell if it was truly dead, Titus took up his torch again and eventually got some of the vines to take. They gave off a greasy black smoke that drafted poorly out the sinkhole in the roof Revan had widened earlier.

The party retreated until the fire burned itself out, or to possibly find another way around. As they left, Revan made out forms moving to investigate on the other side of the flames and informed the company of such. Galdur brought Elayne back around with one of his remaining spells.

"Thanks Galdur, I don't know what we'd do without you."

"Or me." Titus chimed in.

"Or you Titus," she smiled at him and then made to continue on.

"Hang on a sec, you forgot something." When Elayne turned around Titus was grinning, tapping a finger to his cheek as he turned his head.

Elayne blushed and began to turn but Titus was not having that, he grinned and continued, "Aw c'mon princess... You know I deserve it. Just one, right here."

Elayne persisted, turning away, "So we were going to try down the west side right?"

Titus laughed and the company pressed on.


Galdur found another way through the back of the cavern and into an area of roughly hewn stone walls, further back, there were bits of old shelving still clinging to the stone walls, but from the cave was curving back around towards the fire and through the smoke came a pair of ants that were almost four feet long and another ant near six! The group stopped dead in their tracks at the site, not ready for another battle so soon, and the ants paused. The two smaller ants scurried away back towards the south east while another large ant, a soldier, moved just into the torch light, watching the biped’s cautiously. After a moment the large ants simply settled in to watch.

Skirting along the wall, avoiding the ants and the passage towards their apparent nest did not seem to draw the ire of the creatures so the party slowly left them behind and entered another area with broken shelving, this one with old bits of broken colored glass lying scattered around and a low lying section that had filled with water from the passing stream before it turned off to the east. The group cautiously looked over the area and found some stone steps leading up out of the area to a solid looking door. As they made their way around the pool, something flickered in the torchlight that caught Galdur’s eye.

“Eh? Titus, brin’ that torch ova ‘ere.”

Titus swung the torch out over the water a few times near were Galdur was peering down and he too caught a couple of glimmers. It looked like there might be a number of coins under the water and maybe even a gem or two, or at least more of the broken colored glass. Checking the door to make sure no one would be coming through anytime soon, Titus began stripping off his armor to have a look.

Revan got out a length of fine rope, which he offered to tie around Titus. “Never can be too careful, Titus.”

“Sure ya can,” he grinned, “What’s life without a little risk?”

Galdur inspected the rope, and finding it suitable enough, called upon Dugmaren’s ingenuity to manipulate the rope. The far end of the rope slithered up and twined itself about a pair of stalagmites and back to Galdur and Revan who each took a hold of it.

“Well that’s handy,” Elayne whispered.

Titus shrieked and jumped out of the water almost as soon as he got in it to worried exclamations of the rest of the group. “What is it? Giant fish?” suggested Elayne.

“Eel?” Galdur guessed.

“No. It’s just cold!” Titus grinned.

“Bloody…” Galdur started as he shoved Titus into the water with a splash.

Titus clamped his chattering teeth shut and put his face under the water, apparently the water had eroded away the top of a cache of treasure, perhaps some of Galath’s hidden loot. For a moment he thought he saw the mound move, but he dismissed it as a trick of the light and moving water. Coming back up he told of the countless coins tucked away under the water and had Elayne toss him a couple tough sacks over with the rest of his gear.

Titus took a deep breath and went back under and was reaching for the pile of coins when he noticed two gem-like orbs—set in a big snakes head… And they blinked. Titus yanked hard on the rope and kicked off the bottom, pulling himself back up the rope. Feeling the yanks on the rope Revan and Galdur tugged hard on it pulled Titus bodily from the water with a huge striking snake leaping out right behind him. Titus hit the ground and rolled away towards his gear even as Revan and Galdur were taking up their weapons.

Elayne sent a magical bolt sizzling into the side of the enormous snake that made it pause and reconsider its snack. When Revan punched an arrow into it and Titus came charging back with his great long staff the snake fled quickly back into the water and into the stream. Revan lowered his aim while Galdur continued muttering about giant this and giant that, it was uncomfortable being in a place where even the bugs were bigger than he was.


Securing the last bit of treasure to Galdur’s pack, the company finished distributing over one hundred pounds of coins and gems they had dug out of Galath’s cache. It was more money than most people see in a lifetime and was a fitting reward for the risk to life and limb they had endured already on Mistledale’s behalf. Titus and Galdur were almost giddy.

Heading up the stone steps to the door that they hoped lead to the kobolds and the captured raider they hoped was still alive to question they were in a downright festive mood.

The door however did not share the mood, nor did it budge so much as an inch when Titus tried it; not even when Titus and Galdur tried it; nor even when Titus and Galdur AND Revan tried it. Galdur placed an ear up to the door and was able to make out a low droning hum from the other side that caused Revan and Titus to share a look.

The dwarf looked back at them and prompted, “Well? Whut?”

“There is another way in…”
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And that posting spree gets us up to date! Woo hoo! Just in time for tomorrow's game. *happy dance* I hope you guys are enjoying this. I'll try to scan in Leslie's latest picture tonight. She drew up the water mephit, as she imagined it anyways, last night unbeknownst to me. It looks great! The detail on the cave around it for a sketch is fantastic. I'll be back later. :D

Edit: Whoops! Missed a bit as pointed out by Velenne to me. Fixed now. :)
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First Post

All I can say is Jer is always making us look better then we are ;)

Currently playing Revan and having a great time of it.


Well, the washings not done, and all I've had is coffee and cigarettes since I woke up, and my eyes have gone squinty. Good read though. Sounds like a good game all round.

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