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JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!


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Shilsen, I won't disagree with the fact that she would be less powerful (losing versatility has that effect). That would be foolish, and dishonest. But her build as a pure core character would still be very, very viable in this campaign arc.

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Joachim said:
Shilsen, I won't disagree with the fact that she would be less powerful (losing versatility has that effect). That would be foolish, and dishonest. But her build as a pure core character would still be very, very viable in this campaign arc.
Sure. I think the cleric, druid, sorcerer, and wizard can all be completely viable in the majority of campaigns while running strictly core, simply because of the spells. I think it's the other classes which really need non-core material to stay in the running as one goes up in levels, since otherwise they get overshadowed very fast.


Now that you mention non-core...

Tower Cleaver; Minotaur Bbn2/Wrh9:
CR 15; ECL 19; Size L; HD 6d8+30 + 11d12+55; hp 253; Init +1; Spd 40 ft (base 30 ft); AC 38, touch 14, FF 37; BAB +8/+3; Grapple +33; Atk: +28 melee (1d8 + 31, gore), +30/+25 melee (3d6 + 32/crit x3, Greataxe, +1 Flaming), +31/+26 melee (3d6 + 33/crit x3, Greataxe, Sun), +33/+28 melee (3d6 + 35/crit x3, Greataxe, Sun vs. Evil); SA Powerful charge 4d6+6; SQ Darkvision 60 ft., natural cunning, scent; AL N; SV Fort +23, Ref +14, Will +15; Str 52, Dex 12, Con 24, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 6.
Languages spoken: Common, Giant
Skills and Feats: Climb +18, Intimidate +0, Listen +7, Speak Language +2, Spellcraft +0, Spot +8, Survival +1, Swim +10; Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Cleave, Extra Rage, Great Cleave, Iron Will, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Toughness, Weapon Focus(Greataxe).
Special Abilities: Ability Boost(x9), Darkvision, Fast Movement, Great Swing, Illiteracy, Massive sweeping boulder, Mighty rock throwing, Mighty swing, Rage, Scent, Sweeping boulder, Uncanny Dodge.
Possessions: 5727 pp, 605 gp, Sun axe, Large greataxe +1 (flaming), Backpack, 4 Potion of cure moderate wounds, Potion of haste, Potion of invisibility, 16 Potion of cure serious wounds, 5 Potion of fly, 4 Potion of barkskin +3, Potion of water breathing, 4 Potion of protection from evil, Potion of lesser restoration, Skin of ectoplasmic armor, Cloak of protection +3, Vest of resistance +5, Ioun stone (dusty rose), Ring of freedom of movement, Bracers of health +4 con; +2 dex, Amulet of natural armor +5, Third eye conceal, Boots of speed, Heavy steel +4 large shield (animated), Ring of evasion, Belt of giant strength +6.


First Post
JollyDoc said:
Daelric's wanton use of spells with the Evil descriptor gradually turned his lilly-livered soul black as midnight. As for Marius, he was officially CN in the beginning, but you know how it goes...slaughter a few innocent bystanders, become a thrall of Graz'zt and before you know it, you're plucking the wings off of pixies and signing your name with a 666!

PS...it's great hearing from all you lurkers out there. Don't be strangers!!

Psh, is that all? So if he spent a month summoning a few celestials a day, would he get kicked back to neutral or even good?

Wait, what spells are we talking about? I don't remember him using many in the recaps in the first place. That's a bit of a sticking point for me. If the spell was evil for its tendency to cause more pain and suffering than, say, being burned alive in a fireball, I could see it. But others, like summoning evil outsiders, don't strike me as that bad, at least if they're used for good purposes. So is anyone good at this point, or ever for that matter? Octurus and Samson are the closest I think you guys came.


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LordVyreth said:
Psh, is that all? So if he spent a month summoning a few celestials a day, would he get kicked back to neutral or even good?

Wait, what spells are we talking about? I don't remember him using many in the recaps in the first place. That's a bit of a sticking point for me. If the spell was evil for its tendency to cause more pain and suffering than, say, being burned alive in a fireball, I could see it. But others, like summoning evil outsiders, don't strike me as that bad, at least if they're used for good purposes. So is anyone good at this point, or ever for that matter? Octurus and Samson are the closest I think you guys came.

HA! Finally a good point! It doesnt cause anymore suffering it just slows targets (will save to negate) everytime TC hits not used for evil purposes but i cant say he is being a good boy either
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Another avid thread lurker ...
Burningspear missed Avasculate from the list on non-core spells. Its really deserves its [evil] descriptor.

I started reading this thread when I was planning on using the adventure of going to the island of dread, only in reverse. My players were planning on leaving a modified Isle of Dread. The campaign ended too quickly (one player became a father, and stepped away from the table, while two previous players asked to rejoin, resulting in a new campaign)

I was also hoping to get in the pirate attack on farshore, I loved the task/war set up in that one. This series has had some really great adventures, including enemy of my enemies.
JollyDoc What was your favorite chapter to run?


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Evilhalfling said:
Another avid thread lurker ...
Burningspear missed Avasculate from the list on non-core spells. Its really deserves its [evil] descriptor.

Actually, i did not miss it, i left it out on purpose, as i thought it was to yucky..., just disgusting :D


First Post
carborundum said:

52 Strength :)
That would be the warhulk's fault, mostly.
+2 Strength every level. Untyped bonus. Explicitly stacks with itself.
It's awesome.
The only downside is the class ability No Time to Think, and the lack of a BAB progression.

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