Jumpgate Is An Overhaul of the Roll20 VTT

A new engine with a focus on improved performance and user interface.

A new engine with a focus on improved performance and user interface.

Our Founder in Residence Riley introduces Roll20 Jumpgate: a major reworking of what powers our VTT + efforts to integrate the new UI redesign efforts for a faster, more modern experience.


Jumpgate is the name of our overall project to deliver to you the largest overhaul and modernization of our VTT platform since we started. It’s a major reworking of the lowest level of the engine code that powers our VTT, as well as an opportunity for us to bring together all of the recent strides we’ve made with our new UI redesign efforts.
Bottom line: it means a faster, more performant VTT, with a beautiful modern interface, built on top of the latest web technology that will last us well into the future.

Here is a stress test video.


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A new engine with a focus on improved performance and user interface.

Our Founder in Residence Riley introduces Roll20 Jumpgate: a major reworking of what powers our VTT + efforts to integrate the new UI redesign efforts for a faster, more modern experience.

View attachment 334568

Jumpgate is the name of our overall project to deliver to you the largest overhaul and modernization of our VTT platform since we started. It’s a major reworking of the lowest level of the engine code that powers our VTT, as well as an opportunity for us to bring together all of the recent strides we’ve made with our new UI redesign efforts.
Bottom line: it means a faster, more performant VTT, with a beautiful modern interface, built on top of the latest web technology that will last us well into the future.

Here is a stress test video.

Gotta say, I have never been very fond of r20. From the start the UX hasn't been great. I hope this seriously improves things, but note that performance is not generally my beef. Better performance may enable other improvements but the whole UX needs a deep rethink.

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This seems as good a thread as any to ask:

My Fallout2d20 game intended for Fantasy grounds had to move to Roll20 because one of the players could not install FGU on their machine. I have had a Roll20 "plus" account for a couple years (because I keep forgetting to cancel its auto-renew) and have run games using Roll20 a couple times, but it has been a while. Someone please point me toward a video or playlist that will help me remember how to use the thing.

For reference, we used the Roll20 FO2d20 character sheet and it worked well enough for the basics, but could not figure out how to roll hit location or track AP pool other than manually. We played theater of the the mind because I had not set up anything in advance but I would at least like to have a map and tokens for general sense, even if we don't count squares or whatever.


The new character sheet builder/SDK looks useful. I never tried my hands on building roll20 stuff, but given I heard a number of people complain, the existing one is probably a bit cumbersome.

One thing I was wondering: have they announced anything regarding textured 3D dice (like Foundry's Dice So Nice)? Last time I checked, 3D Dice for Roll20 seemed rather bare bones.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
At least they have sales this week.... Foundry? Not so much. Foundry could lose me at some point....
Foundry's focus has never really been on building a marketplace. That may change now that they have an official license for WotC D&D content.

The Forge, one of the--if not the-biggest hosting company for Foundry, does have a decent market place and regularly has deals on the content sold through its market place.

That one thing I like about Foundry. Anyone can make a marketplace for content designed for Foundry. It is not just the hosting companies. There are a lot of Patreons for Foundry content. Moulinette has build its own marketplace that integrates content from a lot of creators.

It can make things confusing and less convenient, but it also offers a lot of freedom and competition, and there is no lock-in.


New Publisher
Foundry's focus has never really been on building a marketplace. That may change now that they have an official license for WotC D&D content.

The Forge, one of the--if not the-biggest hosting company for Foundry, does have a decent market place and regularly has deals on the content sold through its market place.

That one thing I like about Foundry. Anyone can make a marketplace for content designed for Foundry. It is not just the hosting companies. There are a lot of Patreons for Foundry content. Moulinette has build its own marketplace that integrates content from a lot of creators.

It can make things confusing and less convenient, but it also offers a lot of freedom and competition, and there is no lock-in.
I’m a forge user…..

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