June 6th

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As a history buff, D-Day is especially important to me. I strongly believe that it is fitting and proper to honor the event, the participants and those who sacrificed their lives on that day.
However, Its not a national holiday (anywhere, so far as I know), and as others have said, it is not related in anyway to D&D, and WOTC is in no way attempting to leverage that date for publicity; so not tacky at all.


Ed_Laprade said:
So, am I the only one who thinks that launching 4E on the anniversary of D-Day is rather tacky?

It's a non-issue. I'm sure you can find something horrible happening on every single day of the year if you look hard enough.


Gwaihir said:
As a history buff, D-Day is especially important to me. I strongly believe that it is fitting and proper to honor the event, the participants and those who sacrificed their lives on that day.
However, Its not a national holiday (anywhere, so far as I know), and as others have said, it is not related in anyway to D&D, and WOTC is in no way attempting to leverage that date for publicity; so not tacky at all.

Free M1 Garand with every PHB purchased! Just kidding.

The D-Day anniversary is a very important day but has nothing to do with our choice of releases date. Nor would we ever try to tie the release of a game to such a historic event, that would be shameful.

The day was chosen because a) it's a Friday so we can have it be close to the in-store release events on June 7th and b) it was far enough from any M:TG release which tends to tie up a lot of retail dollars.

Since we are sharing family war stories, my granddad was in the Canadian Army as part of the Govenor General’s Horse Guard. He was likely a member of Montgomery’s British 8th Army Division in North Africa and Italy and we believe he fought in the Liri Valley and at Monte Casino among other locales. He died before I had a chance to learn more about his history in the war.
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First Post
Scott_Rouse said:
Free M1 Garand with every PHB purchased! Just kidding.

Can I get an MP-40 and a case of stick-grenades?! Because Nazis are cool!

OH! and a towed 88 AT gun?!!

Ok, before I get hit with a Flamethrower.... The Nazis were not cool... Other than the fact they make wonderful villians for movies, books and RPG games... And they had cool gear...
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Scott_Rouse said:
Free M1 Garand with every PHB purchased! Just kidding.

The D-Day anniversary is a very important day but has nothing to do with our choice of releases date. Nor would we ever try to tie the release of a game to such a historic event, that would be shameful.

The day was chosen because a) it's a Friday so we can have it be close to the in-store release events on June 7th and b) it was far enough from any M:TG release which tends to tie up a lot of retail dollars.

Since we are sharing family war stories, my granddad was in the Canadian Army as part of the Govenor General’s Horse Guard. He was likely a member of Montgomery’s British 8th Army Division in North Africa and Italy and we believe he fought in the Liri Valley and at Monte Casino among other locales. He died before I had a chance to learn more about his history in the war.
Ok, so long as there's no tie-in I'm cool with it. (Pardon me while I wipe the egg off my face.)

Ranger REG

Ed_Laprade said:
I think this belongs here in General, but if the Mods think otherwise, feel free to move it.

So, am I the only one who thinks that launching 4E on the anniversary of D-Day is rather tacky?
Don't feel offended but it hasn't occurred to me. Perhaps because I'm not holding my breath that 4e will come out in June but rather in August 2008. Just my gut feeling. :]

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