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Jungle Deeps and Ocean Depths Characters

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok guys, post your characters here. I'm not too picky on format, just have everything clearly labled, bolding, italicizing, and spacing are necessary where appropriate, and appearance, personality, and background are a must. :)

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First Post
Name: Halark Greywave
Race: Half Sea Elf
Reigon: Waterdeep
Patron Deity: Kelmvor
Class: Wizard 7/ Arcane Devotee of Kelmvor 3
Base Stats:
STR: 10 [2 pts]
DEX: 12 [4 pts]
CON: 14 [6 pts]
INT: 22 [10 pts, +2 from levels, +4 Enhancement]
WIS: 8 [0 pts]
CHA: 16 [10 pts]

AC:17 [10 Base, +3 Deflection Bonus from Bracers, +3 Natural Armor Bonus from Boots, +1 Dex]
INIT: +1

Languages: Common, Elven, Chondothan, Draconic, Chultan, Alehzdo, Celestial

Saves: Fort +7 [+2 from Con, +2 From Wizard, +2 from Magic Tattoo, +1 From Dev],
Ref +6 [+1 From Dex, +2 From Wiz, +2 From Magic Tattoo, +1 From Dev],
Will +9 [-1 From Wiz, +5 from Wizard, +2 From Magic Tattoo, +3 From Dev]

Feats: Region: Cosmopolitan [Diplomacy], Scribe Scroll [Free],Energey Sub (Acid) [1st level], Cosmopolitan: Bluff, Enlarge Spell [Wizard Bonus], Leadership [6th Level], Water Adaptation [9th Level], Spell Focus [Evocation] (Arcane Devotee Bonus)

Skills: Bluff +18 [13 ranks, 3 from cha, 2 from Cosmopolitan], Diplomacy +20 [13 ranks, 3 from cha, 2 from Cosmopolitan, 2 From Bluff Synergey], Knowledge [Religon] +14 [8 ranks], Knowledge [Polotics] +16 [10 ranks], Spell Craft +19 [13 ranks], Concentration +15 [13 ranks], Knowledge (Arcana) +9 [3 ranks], Knowledge [History] +9 [3 ranks], Craft: Caligraphy +7 [1 rank], Scry +7 [1 rank], Swim +5 [Gear Included], Balance +3

Half Sea Elf Traits:
+1 To spot, listen, and search
Elf Blood
Low Light Vision
Immunity to Sleep and other such Effects
+8 Racial Bonus to Swim Checks, May always take 10 swimming, can run if swims in a straight line
Breathes Water and Air [Water Adaptation Feat]

Physical Descripton
Weight: 132 lb
Hair:pale Blue
Skin: Pale Green
Eyes: Black

Class Abilites:
Summon Familiar
School Spec: Evocation [Prohibited, Illusion, Enchantment]
Enlarge Spell [4/day]
Sacred Defense +1
Alignment Focus [Law]

Equipment- Amulet of Intelligence +4 [16k],Light Crossbow, 20 bolts,Quater Staff, Wand of Silence [4.5 k], Potion Belt, 4 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds [1.2k], 1 Potion of Invisibility [300gp], 1 Potion of See Invisibilty [300gp], Scroll Orginizer, 3 Scrolls of Dispel Magic, 1 Scroll of Knock, 3 Scrolls of Identify, 1 Scrolls of Mount, 1 Scroll of Jump, 1 Scroll of Melfs Acid Arrow [Reigon Bonus]. Backpack, 5 Days of Rations, Dagger, Water skin, Spell Component Pouch . Note- Used 1 Scroll of Knock, 1 Scroll of Jump, 1 Scroll of Mount, 1 Scroll of Continual Flame, and one 1 Scroll of See Invibility [Last two Were Reigon Bonus], and one Scroll of Claraudienece/Clairvoyance and scribed them into Spell Book. 24,320 spent. 180 GP Pocket money. Bonus Equipment- Sharkskin Boots [+3 Natural Armor, +2 to balance], Bracers of the Stalwart Warrior [as bracers of armor +3],
Robe of useful items with the following patches (in addition to the usual): 10 100gp gems (rubies), bag of 100gp, 24ft. long wooden ladder, 2 silver coffers (6" x 6" x 1', worth 500gp), mule with saddle bags, potion of cure serious wounds, open pit (10 cubic ft.)

Spells Per Day: 4/6+1/6+1/4+1/4+1/3+1
Save Dcs: 10+6+Spell Level
+2 to all DCs for Evocation
All Law Spells at +1 Caster Level

Spells Known:
0- All
1-Mage Armor, Magic Missles, Ray of Enfeeblement, Burning Hands, Spider Climb, Identify, Jump, Mount
2-Create Magic Tattoo, Darkness, Darkvision, Melfs Acid Arrow, Agamazarr's Schorcher, Knock, Continual Flame, See Invisibilty
3- Fire Ball, Lightning Bolt, Dispel Magic, Fly, Clairaudince/Clairvoyiance
4- Polymorph Self, Polymorph Other, Scrying, Wall of Fire
5- Summon Monster V,Dismissal , Frostbrand [Firebrand from MoF, only Frost dmg]

Spells Memorized
0-Light [x2], Detect Magic [x2]
1-Mage Armor [x2],Magic Missles [x3], Ray of Enfeeblement, Burning Hands*
2-Create Magic Tattoo, Darkvison, Melfs Acid Arrow [x2], Agamazarr's Schorcher [x2], Aganazarr's Scorcher*
3-Fireball [x1], Lightning Bolt [x2], Fly, Fireball [Prepared With Acid]*
4-Polymorph Self, PolyMorph Other [x2],Dispel Magic, Wall of Fire*
5-Summon Monster V [x1], Teleport, Frost Brand [Prepared as Acid], Frostbrand*
All Spells Marked With * are Extra Spells granted by spec
Create Magic Tattoo used to provide +2 restiance bonus on all saves.

Apperance:Standing tall for a Half-Elf, Halark tends to draw a few stares outside of Waterdeep. He wears his hair cut short, and nearly always has his Robe of Usefull Items on. He wears a Kelmvorian holy symbol set with two large Jade stones under his clothing. Other then his robe, he dresses in normal clothes, with his Spell Book and Spell Component pouch underneath the robe. The mahogany quaterstaff he carries is mainly to simulate the effects a "magic staff" would have on the masses. He only brings his crossbow when he knows he is going to face trouble, or when going on long overland treks.

Personality: Halark is normaly a pretty good person to be around. He has a good sense of humor, and loves riddles. Genrally tolerant of whatever people due, as long as it dosn't violate Kelmvorian dogma, or is out and out evil. However, when it comes to matters of the church, he becomes deadly serious. Quite a few merchants and nobles have underestimated his powers at both politcs and magic, and payed for it. He posses an intense hatred of worshippers of Velshroon and the Undead, due to his past and his choice of god.Faith is one of the driving forces in his life. If Kelmvor told him to burn Waterdeep down stone by stone, he would.

History: Halark was born to a Sea-Elf mother and a Cali:):):):)e father. However, when Halark was 3, on a return voyage from Calisham, a Cleric of Velshroon and his undead minons attacked and sunk the ship. His mother was killed, and his father drowned. He was barley rescued by a group of Sea-Elves, who took him to Waterdeep. He wandered the streets, aimlessley looking for something. He found the Church of Kelmvor, and stumbled inside. The preists there nurtured and clothed him,and trained him in their ways. However, he showed absolutley no talent for divine casting. Thats when he started studying wizardy. He quickly showed amazing talent in his studies, even if he was a little over focused on Evocation. During his training, Halark also showed quite a bit of skill at polotics and trade. After graduating from a Watedeep Wizarding School, he quickly became an agent for the Church. After recovering an artifact that was stolen by a strange Saurial, he returned to Waterdeep. Thats where he met his future compaion, Dorcha. For a year after his return, he worked poltical games and made treaties, trade agreements, and pacts for the church. Then, the High Preist of his temple told him to look for a missing artifact in Chult. On the boat, he met someone whose voice he thought he knew, who called himself Winter. Another Kelmvorite, a cleric, came with him aswell. A strange Water Genesai was guarding Winter, and Halark spoke with him for some time about the ocean and its wonders. A man who he went to wizarding school with, Taesshan, was also on the boat. Whisper and Dorcha both decided to come with him on his quest for the artifact.
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Prince Undinar Deptholas, water genasi Living Spell

Prince Undinar Deptholas
male Water Genasi Fighter 6/Living Spell 3
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 178lbs
Skin: deep sea green, scaled
Hair: green kelp-like
Eyes: black
Age: 29
Region: Vilhon Reach
Patron Diety: Deep Sashelas
Alignment: CG

Str: 16 (+3) [18 (+4) with Gauntlets] (14 [6 points] +2 level)
Dex: 14 (+2) (14 [6 points])
Con: 16 (+3) (14 [6 points] +2 racial)
Int: 14 (+2) (14 [6 points])
Wis: 12 (+1) (12 [4 points]
Cha: 10 (0) (12 [4 points] - 2 racial)

Hit Dice: 6d10+4d8+30
HP: 101 [Max@1st+75%after]
AC: 20 [10 + 5 Armor + 3 Shield + 2 Dex] (Check Penalty 0)
Initiative: +2
BAB: +9 Grapple: +13
Melee: +13 [+4 Strength]
Ranged: +11 [+2 Dex]
Speed: 30’, Swim 30'

Fort: +10 [+6 base, +3 Con, +1 Survivor] (+4 vs poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning)
Ref: +5 [+3 base, +2 Dex]
Will: +7 [+6 base, +1 Wis]
+2 save vs. water spells and effects

Trident of Serenity +15/+10 melee [1d8 + 1d6 + 5 damage [+4 Strength, Frost], x2, 10', P]
Masterwork Mighty (+4) Aquatic Composite Longbow +12/+7 ranged [1d8 + 4 damage [+4 Strength], x3, 110' (60' underwater with aquatic arrows), P]
--- 20 arrows, 20 aquatic arrows

Feats: Survivor (region), Dodge (1st), Mobility (F 1st), Expertise (F 2nd), Quickdraw (3rd), Spring Attack (F 4th), Whirlwind Attack (F 6th), Elemental Bloodline (6th), Weapon Focus (Trident) (9th)

Skills: (fighter - 36, living spell - 12)
Knowledge (arcana) +6 [8 cc ranks]
Knowledge (planes) +6 [8 cc ranks]
Spellcraft +6 [8 cc ranks]
Swim +11 [8 ranks]
Climb +11 [8 ranks]
Spot +3 [4 cc ranks]
Wilderness Lore +5 [4 cc ranks + 2 Survivor]

Languages - Aquan, Common, Elven, Undercommon

Racial qualities: Darkvision 60ft.(ex), Breathe Water(ex), Spell-like abilities: create water 1/day as 5th level druid, +2 Con, -2 Cha, swim 30'.

Class qualities:
Living Spell
- arrow 1/day, touch attack +11, 4d6 cold damage, Refl. save for half (DC 15)
- sphere 1/day, 20' diameter sphere, 2 versions, lasts 3 rounds.
-- Outward (2d4+3 cold damage to all within 10', Refl save for half (DC 15).
-- Inward (same damage unless target remains perfectly still)
Planar Magic Weapon I (frost).

Sure Striking Trident of Serenity *RoF - 4lbs [11,315gp]
Aquatic Longbow and arrows *RoF - 3lbs [1,058gp]
Sharkskin Armor +2 *RoF - xlbs [4,235gp]
Darkwood Shield +1 - 5lbs [1,257gp]
Gauntlets of Ogre Power +2 - 2lbs [4,000gp]
Travel Cloak *MoF - 2lbs [1,200gp]
Adventurer's Outfit - 5lbs

In backpack backpack - 2lbs [2gp]
Coral dolphin figurine of wondrous power *RoF - xlbs [10,000gp]
Wings of the Manta Ray this slick, matte, blue-gray leather cloak acts as the wings of flying but only underwater (essentially increasing the swim speed of the user to that used in the fly spell) - xlbs [5,500gp]
Potion of heroism [900gp]
potion of spider climb [50gp]
potion of cure light wounds [50gp]
50' silk rope - 5lbs [10gp]
2 net bags - 1lb [2sp]
Jewelled flask - 1.5lb [85gp]
Waterskin - 4lb [1gp]

Coin: 336gp, 8sp
Encumbrance: Light (34.5lbs + armor)

Appearance: Undinar's skin is a deep sea green. He has small scales from the back of his neck to the base of his spine, they are a softer blue green color. His face, the front of his neck and his chest are a lighter shade of green. His hair is short kelp like strands of very dark green, it is usually swept back. He has deep black eyes and his hands and feet are slightly webbed. He can usually be seen wearing his sharkskin armor which is a deep grey and covered with many small teeth. The trident he carries is a pale white and looks like it is made of bone. The tines are deadly sharp but it radiates an aura of peace and serenity. Outfitted for adventuring he wears his long brown cloak which has many pockets and he carries his darkwood shield.

Personality: Undinar is a patient man, he believes that the slow pace of time will eventually wear away at everything like the riverbed that digs its way through the plains. He yearns to find a place that will accept him, which is why he has accepted his grandfathers quest. He can seem a little standoff-ish as he has trouble relating with land-dwellers. When he makes friends that accept him he will stick by them through thick and thin. He speaks with a slow voice that reminds those he speaks to of the sound of waves lapping at the shore. Peace, calmness and tranquility are words that would best describe him.

Backstory: Undinar's tale stretches back several years and across planes. He was originally found sleeping as a baby on the ocean floor by an aquatic elf. His adoptive mother told him that he was a gift sent by Deep Sashelas to the community. He lived with the community deep beneath the waves off Vilhon Reach in the Sea of Fallen Stars for many years. The elves cared for him as if he were indead a gift from their god.

Undinar trained at an early age in the defence of his adoptive clan. The community was often harrased by a cult of Sahuagin. The Sahuagin, who rode sharks, raided the kelp farms and coral beds of the elven community with impunity. Undinar helped the dolphin-riders - the city watch as it were - to rid the area of the foul creatures. When he was 15 he led a raid on their caves and fought against the leader of the cult, a foul priest named Sesshom. Together with the dolphin-riders he drove the cult from its caves and from the area near his home.

A few years later he was out patrolling the waterways beneath the sea and he came across a hermit, living out of the shell of a giant sea-crab. The hermit, named Lotharliss, recognized something in Undinar. Lotharliss was a half-water elemental who lived on his own caring for the coral reef near his home. They spoke many times after that initial greating and Lotharliss finally told Undinar what he had seen that first day, that they were related. According to the hermit, Undinar was one of his nephews.

Lotharliss told Undinar of the great water genie, Madripos, who often came to the Seas to explore and adventure. Madripos was a great king in another world and he had a large number of children and grandchildren scattered through out the seas of many planes. Lotharliss had once visited his father, who was very welcoming to any of his progeny.

Intrigued by the tales of his grandfather Undinar decided to seek him out. His departure from the elven community was a heart breaking one. He left with the blessings of the community and especially his adoptive mother. Upon leaving the dolphin-riders gifted him with the Trident of Serenity which he had used during the raid on the Sahuagin and a fine suit of sharkskin armor. He returned to Lotharliss who agreed to help him travel to the distant seas of King Madripos.

Undinar travelled a long long ways from his home. After many years he managed to find his way to the Kingdom of Madripos, the Marid. On the distant plane of Water, the Palace of the King stood in a giant coral city that hung as if suspended from someplace above. Undinar was welcomed into the court where he was introduced to the great King. Madripos always welcomed any of his progeny and listened to their tales with great interest. Undinar told his life story and the entire court listened intently. When he was finished Madripos spoke,

"You have sung a beautiful story my grandson. We have all enjoyed it very much." After much applause from the gathered creatures of the deep, the king continued, "My son Lotharliss did us a great service by helping you find our kingdom. The one thing that I dont think he told you was that to truely join us and sit in a place of honour in my court, I require something from you. Each of the beings around you have all contributed to this great palace in some way or another. My quest for you, if you desire it, is to find a rare treasure to be placed with the others arrayed around this room."

Undinar looked around the room and saw many bottles that sat upon coral shelves. Intrigued he looked back to the king, who continued, "I would like you to bring me a bottle of water from your native home. I require not just any water however, I would like you to find water from the Sacred Spring of Umbatoa which lies at the heart of a great jungle on the surface of your world. If you wish it, I will send you directly back so that you might begin your search."

Pondering the task set before him, Undinar looked around the palace at the majesty of the creatures assembled there. They all stared at him wondering if he would accept a quest that would take him far from the waters he knew to the realm of land-dwellers. He looked back to the King, his grandfather and replied, "I will accept your quest grandfather. I wish to return here and reside among such amazing company, in your presence."

With that, the king replied, "So be it." Undinar was wisked away from the grand palace. He whirlwind journey deposited him in a place more familar, the coral reefs of Lotharliss. He set off immediately for the land wanting to find out what he could of this great jungle. He had yet to set foot on land and with some trepidation took that first step on the journey that would compel him forever more.

Travelling through the massive city, Saradush, Undinar was struck by how land-dwellers always built their structures towards the heavens, as if there was something to envy up there. As this was the first of such cities that Undinar had seen, he decided that it might be possible to find someone to help direct him towards the spring. Having asked around, always noticing the strange looks he got, he found his way to the arcane library. There he met an interesting individual who agreed to help him with his request for information. Taesshan, the librarian who agreed to help, managed to find a tome that spoke of the Spring deep with in a place called the Jungle of Chult. He spoke of some mystical properties which Undinar didnt really understand. Thanking Taesshan for the information, Undinar made ready to continue on his journey. He was somewhat suprised when the dark-skinned human asked to join him, saying that he wanted to further research the mystical properties that the tome had spoken of. A week later the two of them left the city of Saradush becoming fast friends in their travels.

Patron Diety: Undinar follows Deep Sashelas, the patron diety of aquatic elves. Deep Sashelas was the diety revered by the aquatic elf community which adopted Undinar. Ever since he has remained true to his adopted family and their religious practices.
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Morrin Estilan
Male Aasimar Cleric 9
Western Heartlands
Patron Deity: Kelemvor
Alignment: Lawful Good
Height: 5' 10''
Weight: 172lbs
Hair: Pale blonde
Eyes: Glowing Gold
Age: 28

Str: 14 (+2) {6 Points}
Dex: 10 (+0) {2 Points}
Con: 12 (+1) {4 Points}
Int: 10 (+0) {2 Points}
Wis: 19 (+4) [21 (+5) with Periapt of Wisdom +2 worn] {8 Points, +2 Racial, +2 Level}
Cha: 18 (+4) {10 Points, +2 Racial}

Class and Racial Abilties:
Turn Undead, Darkvision 60ft, Light(Sp) once per day, Acid/Cold/Electricity Resistance 5, +2 Racial Bonus to Listen and Spot checks, Uncanny Dodge

Hit Dice: 10d8+10
HP: 72
AC: 23 (+0 Dex, +10 Armor, +3 Shield)
Init: +0
Speed: 30ft(20ft in armor)
Armor Check Penalty: -6
Turn Undead: 11 per day(3, +4 Cha, +4 Extra Turning)

Fortitude +7 [+1 Con, +6 Class]
Reflex +3 [+0 Dex, +3 Class]
Willpower +12 [+5 Wis, +6 Class, +1 Bullheaded]

BAB: +6/+1
Melee Atk: +11/+6 (1d10+4, 19-20/x2, +2 Bastard Sword)
Ranged Atk: +6/+1

Concentration +5 (4 ranks)
Diplomacy +9 (5 ranks)
Knowledge(arcana) +4 (4 ranks)
Knowledge(religion) +5 (5 ranks)
Read/Write Language(Common, Chondathan)
Speak Language(Common, Chondathan)
Spellcraft +8 (8 ranks)

Bullheaded (region)
Extra Turning (1st level)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency(bastard sword) (3rd level)
Weapon Focus(bastard sword) (6th level)
Divine Vengence(9th level)

+2 Light Fortification Full Plate[10,650gp], +1 Large Steel Shield[1,170gp], +2 Bastard Sword[8,335gp], Periapt of Wisdom +2[4,000gp], Silver Holy Symbol of Kelemvor[25gp], Cleric's Vestaments[5gp], Bedroll[1sp], Backpack[2gp], Waterskin[1gp], Holy Water(4 flasks)[100gp], Divine Scroll of Cure Light Wounds x2[50gp], Cloak of the Blackflame[11,800gp], Wand of Cure Serious Wounds[11,250gp], Divine Scroll of Neutralize Poison[700gp], Diving Scroll of Raise Dead[1,625gp], Divine Scroll of Lesser Restoration[150gp], Divine Scroll of Detect Undead[25gp], Bones of the Munificent Oracle[2,250gp], 161gp, 9sp

Cleric Domains:
Fate Domain: Gain Uncanny Dodge ability of a 3rd level Rogue.
Law Domain: +1 Caster Level for Law Spells
Cleric Spells Per Day: 6/6+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1
Cleric Spells Prepared:
0-lvl(DC 15): Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic
1-lvl(DC 16): Bless, Comprehend Languages, Detect Undead, Divine Favor, Invisibility to Undead, Obscuring Mist, True Strike(Domain Spell)
2-lvl(DC 17): Bull's Strength, Consecrate, Gentle Repose, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Calm Emotions(Domain Spell)
3-lvl(DC 18): Daylight, Dispel Magic, Negative Energy Protection, Searing Light, Magic Circle Against Chaos(Domain Spell)
4-lvl(DC 19): Dismissal, Divine Power, Greater Magic Weapon, Order's Wrath(Domain Spell)
5-lvl(DC 20): Break Enchantment, Raise Dead, Dispel Chaos(Domain Spell)

Morrin is an Aasimar of fairly average height and build. Despite his lineage, his pale blonde colored hair is fairly scruffy, though no longer than his shoulders. A few strands of his hair fall down over his eyebrows, which are the same color, though they seem to be closer to a golden tint. His eyes are most likely the cause of this effect. They are pure golden with no whites in them at all, and they seem to almost glow. His expression usually shows through as a strong warrior, though he is much more caring towards some individuals.
When Morrin is not wearing his silver armor, with its large imprint of Kelemvor's symbol on the right shoulder, he wears simple grey robes, and prefers to keep the hood of the robe up.

Morrin is calm man with a good amount of patience. He is fairly quiet unless there is something important to be said. The only thing that ever causes great anger in him is seeing the creation or the affect of the creation of Undead creatures. He loathes them to the point that he will do anything in his power to hunt down and destroy any he finds.

Raised in a small village east of Baldur's Gate, Morrin grew up in a boring town with a boring life. He never thought about his difference from the other children, since some of them were also of other races...though there were mostly humans. Morrin always found himself looking up to the stars as a child, wondering where the Gods looked down upon them all. He was facsinated by the very idea of such great powers.

At a young age, travelling to Baldur's Gate to get a few things for his mother, Morrin encountered another traveller. He was a warrior in shining plate mail, with a huge sword and a strong build. The man was calm, and very kind, though he seemed to hold a strong aura about him. After asking the man who he was, the great warrior told Morrin his name was Faeris Elliswin, and he was a Paladin of the God Kelemvor. Faeris spoke with Morrin along the way to the city, and after Morrin's inquiries about the warrior's faith and God, Faeris convinced Morrin that to truly learn, he should join the church. Morrin was delighted by this idea, and quickly followed through with it, becomming a young acolyte in Kelemvor's service.

After many years of learning and studying, Morrin was finally allowed to travel the land. Faeris had stayed with him through those years, and they now travelled together. Morrin was amazed by the outside world, and found himself searching for adventure everywhere. On one day, though, the adventure came to him. They had set up camp on the way to Waterdeep and during the night, were attacked by a group of skeletons and zombies. Faeris was killed in the fight, giving Morrin a chance to escape. Morrin was absolutly heartbroken and enraged at seeing those foul creatures killing such a noble warrior. It took weeks, but Morrin hunted down all of the undead in the area, and found a Necromancer who was the cause of it all. Morrin killed the Wizard, not caring at all about the excuses he gave.

He returned a year later to his old place of learning near Baldur's Gate, telling the other priests of the fate of Faeris and his exploits. The other priests did not become angry with Morrin, as he had feared would happen from his act of rage, and decided it was time he moved on on his own. He was sent to the great Jungles of Chult to find a lost relic of thier faith. Apparently, one of the priests from the Temple had gone thier years before with the relic, and never returned. So...Morrin accepted this quest, and quickly made his way to a land he knew little about.

Wish List: Good question...probably just more Wonderous Items and Wands...maybe a better weapon/armor. Scrolls are always fun. :)
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Male Finhead Saurial Fighter 4 / Rogue 4
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 165lbs
Scales: Forest green fading into a russet underbelly
Eyes: Yellow
Age: 18
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Homeland: Dalelands (Lost Vale)
Patron Diety: Finder Wyvernspur - the savior and preferred god of Saurials

Str: 10 (0)
Dex: 20 (+5) [22 (+6) with Gloves]
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 17 (+3)
Cha: 10 (0)

Hit Dice: 4d10+4d6+2d8+10
HP: 64 [Max@1st+75%after]
AC: 26 [10 + 5 Armor + 6 Dex + 4 Natural + 1 Deflection]
Initiative: +12 [+6 Dex, +4 I.I., +2 Blooded]
BAB: +8/+3 Grapple: +8
Melee: +8 [+0 Strength]
Ranged: +14 [+6 Dex]
Speed: 30’

Fort: +6 [+5 base, +1 Con] (-5 vs. cold environments, -4 vs. gas)
Ref: +12 [+6 base, +6 Dex]
Will: +5 [+2 base, +3 Wis]
+4 save vs. Sonic spells and effects

Claw/Claw/Tail +8/+8/+3 melee [1d3 (Claws), 1d4 (Tail) damage 20, x2, 5', P/S]
Firecracker +15/+10 ranged [1d8 + 1 Enh. + 1d6 Fire + 1d6 Shock, 19-20, x2, 80' (+1 atk & dmg w/in 30'), P]
--- 5 Bolt Clips (Loaded, In belt, 50 bolts)
--- Rapid Shot AB +13/+13/+8
--- Rapid Shot w/in 30' +14/+14/+9 [1d8+2+1d6(Fire)+1d6(Shock)]
--- Rapid Shot + Sneak Attack w/in 30' +14/+14/+9 [1d8+2+1d6(Fire)+1d6(Shock)+2d6(Sneak Attack)]

Feats: Point Blank Shot (Racial), Blooded (Regional[Dalelands]), Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Repeating Crossbow (1st), Rapid Shot (F 1st), Rapid Reload (F 2nd), Quickdraw (3rd), Precise Shot (F 4th), Improved Initiative (6th)

Skills: (Saurial - 7, Rogue - 60, Fighter - 16)
Balance +12 [4 ranks, 2 synergy]
Disguise +10 [+10 Hat, 0 ranks, 0 CHA]
Hide +12 [6 ranks]
Move Silently +22 [6 ranks, +10 Boots]
Swim +8 [8 ranks]
Climb +9 [9 ranks]
Spot +11 [6 ranks, +2 Blooded]
Listen +9 [6 ranks]
Search +8 [6 ranks]
Open Locks +9 [3 ranks]
Disable Device +8 [6 ranks]
Intuit Direction +5 [2 ranks]
Escape Artist +13 [7 ranks]
Handle Animal +4 [4 ranks]
Ride +10 [4 ranks]
Tumble +12 [6 ranks]

Languages - Draconic, Common, Elven

Racial qualities: Cold Turpor, Protection From Sonics, Vulnerability to Gas, Scent, Low-light Vision.

Class qualities:
Sneak Attack +2d6, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge(AC)

Firecracker +1 Flaming Repeating Crossbow of Shock- 16lbs [18,250gp]
Mithral Chain Shirt +1 - 10lbs [2,100gp]
Gloves of Dexterity +2 - 1lb [4,000gp]
Cape of the mountebank [12,960gp]
Boots of elvenkind [2,000gp]
Dusty rose prism ioun stone [+1 deflection bonus to AC, 4,000gp]
Hat of disguise [2,000gp]
Ring of feather falling [2,200gp]
3 silent portal disks [Magic of Faerun, 1,080gp]
Potion of sneaking (150gp), 2 potions of spider climb [100gp]
1 garnet cut into the shape of a cardinal [10gp]

In backpack backpack - 2lbs [2gp]
masterwork thieves' tools - 2 lbs [100gp]

Coin: 48gp

Appearance: As pic, but add a grey-to-black suit of extremely fine mithral armor made to fit his Saurial form. He also carries a crossbow strapped loosely to his back that he can draw at a moment's notice. It is black with a yellow crossbar. Bolts fired from Firecracker leave telling smoke trail and burst loudly upon impact, showering a small area with sparks.
Personality: Whisper is loyal to those that are good to him. Fiercely loyal. He also has little respect for laws and rules- if he or a friend needs something, he'll steal it. If someone starts causing trouble, a well-placed crossbow bolt solves the problem. His concience is a seemingly fickle thing, drawn from the darker side of a culture most races on Faerun would not understand. He prefers to avoid killing, especially innocents, but doing so to protect himself or his allies would not disturb him in the least.
Backstory: Whisper grew disenfranchised with the Lost Vale and the culture there. He wanted something more exciting and the lure of the outside world led him to the surrounding Dalelands. A group of elven bandits had a fence in Darrowdale that eyed Whisper practicing with his crossbow one day. He connected the Saurial to their leader and he fell in with their ways.

It was there that he began to earn a name for himself in their ranks. Still, it wasn't the adventure he sought, and their ways did always sit well with his concience. One day, they bit off a bit more than they could chew attacking a Spellcaster-carrying caravan. Whisper made off with Halark's spellbook before the carnage began. When he found out they were hunting for it, he located them and made his presence known.

It was then that he pleaded with them to give him another chance. They could have their treasure back if he could join them. He would even lead them to the bandit's hideout for he had the feeling that they would hunt him down if he left with their secrets. Besides, he decided, they deserved as much.

Whisper follows the new group loyally during their travels. He has a tendency to stoop to what others may consider "questionable" means when hearing that a friend is in need of something. He finds a true friend in Halark and has come to look up to the sea elf as a sort of big brother-figure.
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First Post
Male Human Wizard 7/Nar Demonbinder 3
Region: Narfell
Patron Deity: Oghma
Height/Weight: 5'9"/160lbs.
Alignment: N

Ability Scores
Strength: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Dexterity: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Constitution: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Intelligence: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Wisdom: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Charisma: 18 (+4) [10 points, +2 level]

Enhanced Intelligence: 18 (+4)

Combat Information
Hit Dice: 7d4+3d6+10 (hp 44)
Armor Class: 14 (10 +1 dex, +2 deflection, +1 armor)
Initiative: +5 (+1 dex, +4 improved initiative)
Speed: 30 feet
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Melee Attack +5 (+1 punching dagger, 1d4+1, 20/x3)
Ranged Attack +6 (+1 seeking heavy crossbow, 1d10+1, 19-20/x2)

Fortitude Save: +4 [+2 wizard, +1 NDB, +1 Bullheaded]
Reflex Save: +4 [+2 wizard, +1 NDB, +1 dex]
Will Save: +10 [+5 wizard, +3 NDB, +2 Iron Will]

Other Information
Skills: Concentration +13 (10 ranks wizard, 2 ranks NDB), Diplomacy +8 (4 ranks NDB), Knowledge (arcana) +11 (8 ranks wizard), Knowledge (the planes) +13 (10 ranks wizard), Intimidate +13 (5cc ranks wizard, 2 ranks NDB, 2 bullheaded), Sense Motive +6 (2cc ranks wizard, 4 ranks NDB), Spellcraft +15 (9 ranks wizard, 3 ranks NDB)

Feats: Bullheaded (region), Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (conjuration), Iron Will, Still Spell, Eschew Materials, Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Reactive Counterspell

Languages: Common, Draconic, Abyssal, Celestial, Elvish
Special Abilities: Extra feat, extra skill points, favored class (any), sense demonic taint, inimical casting, iron sign, master summoner

Equipment: traveler's outfit, bag of holding (type 1), bedroll, winter blanket, scroll case, ten sheets of paper, ink and inkpen, belt pouch, fifty feet silk rope and grappling hook, waterskin, five tindertwigs, everburning torch (in the form of a small gem, with a leather loop to be hung around the neck), spellbook, +1 punching dagger, +1 seeking heavy crossbow, bolt case with fifty bolts, ring of protection +2, headband of intellect +2, bracers of armor +1, potion of cure serious wounds, two potions of cure light wounds, potion of neutralize poison, potion of blur, bag of imps, scroll of summon monster VI, iron sign, 610gp.

Spells Known
Wizard: 0th (all); 1st protection from evil, shield, mage armor, mount, obscuring mist, summon monster I, unseen servant, comprehend languages, true strike, burning hands, tenser's floating disk, forcewave, magic missile, ventriloquism, ray of enfeeblement, expeditious retreat, feather fall, jump, magic weapon; 2nd obscure object, protection from arrows, resist energy, melf's acid arrow, glitterdust, summon monster II, web, detect thoughts, locate object, see invisibility, invisibility, minor image, mirror image, blindness/deafness, alter self, knock, levitate, pyrotechnics, rope trick, ; 3rd dispel magic, nondetection, summon monster III, clairaudience/clairvoyance, tongues, hold person, suggestion, daylight, fireball, lightning bolt, blink, fly, gaseous form, haste, slow, water breathing; 4th improved invisibility, rary's mnemonic enhancer.
Nar Demonbinder: 4th Beltyn's burning blood, dimensional anchor, dismissal, magic circle against good; 5th flame strike, summon monster V; 6th planar binding.

Spells Prepared and Spells Per Day
Wizard (prepared) (4/5/4/3/1); DC = 14 + level, 15 + level for conjuring
Nar Demonbinder (per day) (-/-/-/-/4/2/1); DC = 14 + level, 15 + level for conjuring

Currently Prepared (wizard): 0th detect magic, mage hand, message, prestidigitation; 1st shield, forcewave, tenser's floating disk, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement; 2nd protection from arrows, see invisibility, web, detect thoughts; 3rd dispel magic, clairaudience/clairvoyance, lightning bolt; 4th rary's mnemonic enhancer

Appearance: Taesshan is slightly below average height and has a wiry build uncommon to the Nar barbarians. He has darkly bronzed skin, grey eyes, and closely-cropped black hair. Taesshan usually wears a collared brown cloak over a dark red robe, bound with a braided cord. Tied to the cord on the right is a red leather belt pouch with runes around the pouch's neck, which is next to a second, more plain leather belt pouch, and on the left hang several heavily-padded potion bottles. A brown cloth headband encircles his head around the temples and forehead, with flat orange crystals affixed on each side. In addition, he always wears well-worn traveling boots and gold wristbands, and under Taesshan's left cheekbone there is a small spiraling tribal tattoo. He walks in a proud, almost arrogant manner, and speaks in a smooth, cultured voice that holds the hint of an accent.

Background: Born under the name Taesshan Coyote's-Claw, Taesshan was the son of the Nar barbarian tribe Jakale's spiritual leader and witch-doctor. Consequently, he was taught in the ways of his father's path, expecting - and expected - to take over the role of shaman when his father grew too old. Young Taesshan showed reasonable aptitude for both tradition and leadership, two essential skills for any budding spiritualist in the tribes of Nar, and therefore was selected to perform the shaman's first rite of passage, where he would set out upon a quest to meditate and make contact with the spirits of the tribes, and thus determine his suitability for this position. On his eighteenth birthday, Taesshan journeyed into the wilderness, carrying only a waterskin and a spear, and wearing only a loincloth. After three days had passed, he was encountered one of the tribe's spirits - but not the one he had thought. Verzelash-Tak, a minor demon of moderate cunning and mediocre power, had been shadowing the nomadic tribe after being cast from his home in the Abyss, and when Taesshan left for his spirit-quest, Verzelash-Tak found its first opportunity for advancement. It approached the young man, masquerading as the tribe's totem, telling him his rite was nearly complete - requiring only a small ritual and pledge of eternal service to the demon itself, in the guise of the totem. While neither the ritual nor the pledge held any real power, the demon hoped to have at least a willing subject to work upon. Taesshan, unknowing, agreed to the service and returned to his tribe, where he resumed normal activity for nearly a month.

However, soon he began having terrible dreams, images of carnage dancing in his head, and would frequently find himself awakened in a cold sweat, always left with the image of two glowing green eyes staring out at him malevolently from a fog. Verzelash-Tak was trying to possess him, but lacked the power to do so. Raging and frustrated by its failure, one night the demon manifested itself in its true form, laughing at what it had done, and demanding a further service - that Taesshan murder his father. Struck by an unreasoning fear but unwilling to follow Verzelash-Tak further, he stole a horse and fled the camp, hounded the entire way by the cackling demon. Taesshan drove his horse across the plains for an entire day before it collapsed from exhaustion, and still found the demon in close pursuit. With no other option, he entered a nearby ruin, many of which were scattered across the landscape as a result of the Orcgate Wars of centuries past, but were always avoided by the tribes because of superstition and the very real danger posed by the traps, monsters, and uncontrolled magic set loose within.

Inside the ruin he found respite from the demon, but knowing the demon awaited him outside, Taesshan delved deeper into the twisting passages, seeking food, water, and shelter. What he found instead was a library, filled with spellbooks, powerful scrolls, and arcane texts. He'd learned rudimentary reading skills from his father as the part of preparation for his position, and was fascinated by the knowledge to be had. He sat down and began studying the books, later finding an underground reservoir and a cache of dried food to sustain him. One day, several weeks of study later, as Taesshan wandered through the ruins, he accidentally triggered a portal, the key of which was the spellbook he carried. Taesshan found himself in a bustling metropolis, and would have been quickly accosted by thieves and ruffians had an elderly wizard not noticed the bewildered young man standing in the middle of the street, holding a large black book that didn't quite coincide with the rest of the tribal garb he was wearing. The wizard, a kindly old man named Awareh, offered to help Taesshan, in exchange for the book, a valuable addition to his arcane library.

He spent the next several weeks studying under Awareh, and by the time the wizard had arranged transport back to the plains of Nar, Taesshan found that he didn't want to go. Instead, he made an offer of apprenticeship - Taesshan would help Awareh, who was becoming too old to move about much, in exchange for which Awareh would teach him the rudiments of magic - and an understanding of the book he had found. Awareh agreed to the first but refused the second, and would not say why. Taesshan eventually settled for what he could get, and spent the next few years in the tutelage of the wizard. He learned not only the rudiments of magic, but also the ways of civilized culture because of the plethora of duties and errands he helped Awareh with, and Taesshan soon acquired an urbane manner in addition to smoothing over his accent.

However, on one night, several years later, Taesshan found himself unable to sleep, and in passing thought of the book he'd found. He wondered what it might contain, that Awareh would refuse to tell him. Taesshan, on a sudden impulse, resolved to find and and read the book, knowing he now knew enough to understand it. He snuck into the wizard's library and quickly found the book, to discover inside, the journal of a Nar demonbinder who lived during the Orcgate Wars. Taesshan was fascinated by both the man's twisted mind as well as the record he kept of his activities - detailed enough to emulate the techniques practices detailed within. He put the book away that night, but returned several nights later, making it a habit to come at least once a week to study the newfound knowledge. Within a few months, he was showing a natural talent for the book's practices, and surprised Awareh by showing him things he'd never been taught. Feeling this was a sign that it was time to move on, Awareh enrolled him in a college of magic, where Taesshan showed a fair aptitude for summoning - at the same time learning caution, building on his experiences with the demon in his naive youth, enough that he would never call anything frivolously, and he would never try to bargain with a demon except to deceive it.

Patron Deity: Taesshan has chosen Oghma as his patron deity because he considers knowledge the tool that brought him where he is today.

Other Party Members: While working in the college of magic's library, Taesshan encountered Undinar, a water genasi who seemed somewhat wrong-footed by the entire city. Having been assigned to help Undinar, he found that the information the genasi was looking for - a tome detailing a mystical Chultan spring - also had been mentioned in the demonbinder's journal. Undinar thanked him and left, but Taesshan later remembered exactly what had been written - the water, due to a strong connection with the elemental plane of water, would provide a most powerful component in the forging of a brazen sign. He asked for and was granted an indefinite leave of absence from the college, and then proceeded to track down Undinar, who was still in the city. Taesshan offered to go with him in his journey, explaining his reasons. While Undinar never seemed to understand exactly what his purpose was in seeking the spring, the genasi agreed, grateful for aid in the unfamiliar surface world. They made their way down to Mezro, quickly becoming good friends as they did.
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Winter - Male Human Rogue 2/Sorcerer 8; CR 10; Medium-size humanoid; HD 2d6+8d4+0; HP 30; Init +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Imp Init); Spd 30ft; AC 15 (touch 15, flat-footed 12); Atk +6 Melee (1d6 15-20/x2 10ft +1 frost keen throwing rapier) or +8 Ranged; SA Sneak Attack +1d6, Evasion; SQ Bonus feat at 1st level, +4 Skill points at 1st level, +1 Skill point at all levels after; AL CN; SV Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +6; Str 10 Dex 16 Con 10 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 20.

Skills: Bluff +10, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +10, Forgery +7, Gather Information +10, Hide +8, Move Silently +8, Read Lips +7, Sense Motive +7, Perform +10 (Lute, Pipes, Violin, Vocal, Harp), Open Lock +8, Concentration +13, Spellcraft +15, Scry +15, Profession (Diplomat) +11, Craft (Tailor) +8.

Feats: Improved Initative, Eschew Materials, Silent Spell, Expertise, Twin Spell, Smooth Talk, Arcane Preperation.

Languages: Common, Chultan, Chondathan.

Spells Per Day: 0/0/0/0/0/0/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/3/3/3/3/3/4/4/4/4/4/; known 0th- Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Dancing Lights, Detect Poison, Prestidigiation, Mending, Silent Portal; 1st- Change Self, Mage Armor, Message, Magic Missile, True Strike, Know Protectons; 2nd- Detect Thoughts, Invisibilty, Alter Self, Force Ladder; 3rd- Haste, Fireball, Khelban's Suspended Silence; 4th- Scrying, Spell Enhancer.

Posessions: Needle (+1 frost keen throwing rapier), Ring of Mind Shielding, Ring of Protection +2, Cloak of Charisma +2, Instrument of the Winds, Kiira, 180gp.

XP: 45,000.

Appearance: Winter stands just shy of six feet tall. He dresses in lavish clothing, mostly high-collared crushed velvet jackets, with long tails, and loose tunics tucked into trousers. His hair is long, fine, and platinum; blonde eyebrows arch over dangerously blue eyes. At his side is eternally belted Needle, a beautifully crafted blue-steel rapier.

Background: Winter was born unto nobility, a son of a minor noble house in Waterdeep. He grew up used to sneaking about his home, catching secrets, using them as ammunition against fellow courtisians. Unfortunately, his years of subtlery as a child lashed back upon him in his teens. Escaping his fate, Winter fled his home, and lived as a freelance diplomat and lawyer in Waterdeep, changing his name to it's present state.

Personality: He's used to being a noble, and acts the part. While not sniveling and whining, he does enjoy getting what he wants. He's a man of action, and a man of subtlety, playing everything he can off everything else to make his wishes occur.

The True Lineage of one Tyler Bannister
“Leave Waterdeep!” he shouted, banging a mailed fist on the oak table before him. He was Piergierson, the Warden of Waterdeep, and more importantly in this instance – the only unmasked Lord. Tyler, known as Winter so long as he could remember, nodded slowly, nibbling at his bottom lip nervously.

“You’ve done nothing,” the Warden said, “yet it’s come to a vote that one of the Lords be outside of Waterdeep at all times.”

“But I love Wate-,” Tyler interjected.

“I know,” sighed the Warden, “yet it is to a vote, and even I agree. Things would simply be safer that way, so that should some great evil befall us, we cannot all be stopped. It was decided that you are the most able, and with due cause, Winter.” There was a bit of sarcasm in his voice, but it was lighthearted, and appreciative.

“Fine,” Winter said, “but I will do my own things. If I’m not in the city, I’ll not get embroiled in these dreadful politics.”

“Decided, then.”

(Past purposefully left vague. :D )
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Cohort for Halark Greywave

Dorcha Vasson
Male Human Fighter 6/Devoted Defender 3
Patron Diety: Kelemvor
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Height: 5' 8''
Weight: 180lbs
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Gray
Age: 25

Str: 18 (+4) [6 points, +4 magical]
Dex: 15 (+2) [8 points]
Con: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Int: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Wis: 14 (+2) [4 points, +2 levels]
Cha: 10 (+0) [2 points]

Class and Racial Abilties:
1 feat at first level, 4 skill points at first level and 1 skill point at each additional level, Harm's Way, Defensive Strike, Deflect Attack +1.

Hit Dice: 6d10 + 3d12
HP: 75
AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +5 Armor, +3 Shield, +2 to AC only when defending another)
Init: +8 [+4 Improved Initiative, +2 Dex, +2 Thug)
Speed: 30ft (20ft in armor)
Armor Check Penalty: -3

Fortitude +10 [+8 base, +0 Con, +2 from cloak]
Reflex +9 [+5 base, +2 Dex, +2 from cloak]
Will +7 [+3 base, +2 Wis, +2 from cloak]

BAB: +9/+4
Melee Atk: +16/+11 (1d8+8, x3, +2 warhammer)
Ranged Atk: +9/+3 (1d8+4, x3, 110ft. range, mighty composite longbow)

Climb +7 [3 ranks, +4 Str]
Handle Animal +10 [8 ranks, +2 Cha]
Heal +3 [1 rank, +2 Wis]
Intimidate +6 [4 ranks, +2 Thug]
Knowledge (religion) +7 [4 ranks, +3 Int]
Listen +7 [3 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 Alertness]
Profession (fisherman) +5 [3 ranks, +2 Wis]
Search +10 [7 ranks, +3 Int]
Sense Motive +9 [7 ranks, +2 Wis]
Spot +12 [7 ranks, +3 Int, +2 Alertness]
Swim +12 [8 ranks, +4 Str]

Thug (region)
Alertness (human)
Weapon Focus: warhammer (1st level)
Dodge (1st level fighter)
Weapon Focus: composite longbow (2nd level fighter)
Mobility (3rd level)
Spring Attack (4th level fighter)
Power Attack (6th level fighter)
Quick Draw (6th level)
Weapon Specialization: warhammer (9th level)

Common, Chondathan, Elven, Dwarven, Giant.

Belt of Giant Strength (+4) [16,000gp], +2 breastplate [4,350gp], +2 warhammer [8,312gp0, +2 cloak of resistance [4,000gp], +1 mithral large sheild [2,020gp], MW mighty composite longbow (+4) (30 arrows), potion of neutralize poison [750gp], 2 potions of cure light wounds [100gp], backpack, bedroll, 50ft. hemp rope, light war horse, bit and bridle, saddle, belt pouch, flint and steel, 3 sunrods, two flasks of alchemist's fire, iron holy symbol of Kelemvor, fishing net.

Dorcha is an evenly proportioned man that appears, at first glance, to be rather old. His hair is iron-gray and matches his eyes. His face is deeply lined, and it seems his face is set into an expression of sterness. He wears a simple, though well-crafted breastplate, a belt with iron studs, and a fine, silver-gray cloak. He carries a well-made mithral sheild that is emblazoned with Kelemvor's holy symbol, and a very sturdy-looking warhammer. His unstrong longbow is attached to his backpack.

Dorcha is a somewhat deceptive man, though he himself rarely lies. He appears older than his years due to his prematurely gray hair and his deeply-lined face. Though he weilds a warhammer as his weapon of choice, typically a slow and ponderous weapon, he darts around the battlefield with the reflexes of a shark.

He has a deeply-ingrained sense of duty both to the dead and the living. He feels the dead should rest in peace, and the living should remain unharmed until their time comes. He also has a powerful love for the sea, and like the wizard he guards, can't bear to be away from it for long.

He tries to scare people off rather than confront them or fight them, and is a good judge of character. It's not advisable to try to pull something over on him, as he doesn't appreciate pranks. He's about a stone's throw away from being a stick-in-the-mud, and though he won't stop Halark from having some fun, he'll probably just try to blend into the background and sigh heavily.

Dorcha was a poor fisherman's son living in Waterdeep. He was always a very strong lad, but he was but one of five sons, and the youngest to boot. His father fostered him out to a childless uncle to earn his keep. However, his uncle didn't fish for fish, but rather fished for bodies. He was part of an auxiliary layman's order in the church of Kelemvor that was responsible for retreiving the bodies of drowning victims from the harbor of Waterdeep for proper burial. It was a surprisingly tough profession, as unscrupulous people would try to steal the bodies away for either their possessions or for some illegal activities. Dorcha learned early how to be swift and to present a strong enough face to drive off those jackels that fed (figuratively) upon the dead.

The church noticed his concern for the dead, as well as his strength and his clever hands. Though he did not have a vocation, he still had a strong sense of responsibility. The church took him in and trained him as a guard for the graveyards, in order to protect it from the bolder thieves and vandels that would try to exhume the dead or deface their monuments. However, his intelligence and utmost attention to duty convinced the head of the church guard to bring him in to guard the living rather than the dead.

He was tutored in the dogma of Kelemvor as well as in special defensive techniques to protect high-ranking officials of the church. His somewhat deceiving appearance and quick feet made him an ideal guard. While learning about the church structure, Dorcha came into contact with Halark Greywave, an intensely religious half sea elf wizard in the service of the Lord of the Dead. Dorcha was very impressed with Halark's command of such powerful magic in the service of his chosen god, as well as feeling a kind of kinship for another who understood the lure of the ocean. He attached himself to Halark, and has been his bodyguard now for nearly a full year.
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Wynter Wolf

First Post
Erik Von Horne
Male Human FTR 5/ BondBlade 5
Region: Dale Lands
Patron Deity: Torm
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 5' 11''
Weight: 195lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Age: 24

Str: 20 (+5) {10 Points, +2 lvl, +2 gauntlets}
Dex: 12 (+1) {4 Points}
Con: 16 (+3) {6 Points, bracers +2}
Int: 12 (+1) {4 Points}
Wis: 12 (+1) [4 points}
Cha: 12 (+1) {4 Points}

Class and Racial Abilties:
Awaken the Blade I, II, III ,Its a kind of magic I, II ,Weapon spec, Brothers in arms, Soul ofsteel
My one and Only, By your side I

Hit Dice: 10d10+20(+10)
HP: 107
AC: 25 (+1 Dex, +10 Armor, +4 Shield)
Init: +7 { +1 dex, +4 improved init, +2 Blooded}
Speed: 30ft(20ft in armor)
Armor Check Penalty: -6

Fortitude +11 [+3 Con, +8 Class]
Reflex +3 [+1 Dex, +2 Class]
Willpower +3 [+1 Wis, +2 Class] 2 saves Mind affecting

BAB: +10/+5
Melee Atk: +20/+15 (1d8+10, 17-20/x2, Razor Sentinel)
Ranged Atk: +11/+6

Craft Weaponsmith +14 (+13 ranks, +1 int)
Jump +40 (+11 Ranks, +5 str, +30 boots, -6 armor)
Swim +15(+10 ranks, +5 str, )
Spot +5 (+2 alertness, +2 blooded, +1 wis)
Listen +8 (+5 ranks, +2 alertness, +1 wis)
Sense Motive +6 (+5 ranks, +1 wis)
Ride +9 (+8 ranks, +1 dex)

Languages: Common, Chondathan, Elven

Blooded, WF longsword, Alertness, Quick draw, Power Attack, Improved Crit LongSword, WS Long Sword, Cleave

Razor Sentinel: +3 Defender LongSword, Considered +4 for DR
Int 6 WIs 17 Chr 14
Grants x2 rolls for sense motive and listen
Speaks: Common, Elven, Telepathic

+2 Full Plate of the deep, +2 Large Steel Shield, Hewards Handy Haversack, Gauntlets of Ogre power, Bracers Of health +2, , 2 potion Cure serious, 3 potion cure moderate, Everburning torch, Horn of Good and Evil, Necklace of Fireballs type I, oil of timelessness, potion of spider climbing, Ring of jumping
Bed roll, Blanket, 1 wk trail rations, 2 gallons water.

Money 152gp

Well kept hair in a pony tail shoulder length, Neat appearance.

Personality: TO others Erik seems quite preocupied with the sword on his belt. Tho when you can talk to him he seems nice enough
He seems a little distrustfull of Arcane Spell casters.

Raised in Dagger dale Erik learned the art of crafting weapons from his father. At the age of 16 Erik joined the militia and blooded
himself early on during orc and zhentarim raids. Erik showing skill raised up in the ranks of the militia to seargent. When
on a cold winter night Erik on patrol encountered a Zhentarim agent. the battle ensued Erik versus the mage Erik knew he was outclassed but
he knew that he must win. Callin on the Guidance of Torm the only God he could think of at the time. He struck out at the Wizard as
the Wizard started casting, His aim true the sword struck deep, spoiling the spell causing it to missfire. The mages soul was sucked out of his
Body thru the sword as Erik felt the pull of his soul into the sword. In a brief painfull teror filled moment it was over. The wizard was dead
and Erik felt as if a piece of him was missing. Time grew to tell Erik the truth about what really happened. Now Erik wanders the Realms
seeking adventure the days as a militia man behind him. Erik still seeks the guidance of Torm in his travels.

Wish List: Surprise me. hehehe I like odd items
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