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Jungle Deeps and Ocean Depths Characters


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the Shadowdancer

Julian Hemlock
Male Half Aquatic Elf/half human(Chondathian) Rogue 7/Shadowdancer 3
Region: Chult
Patron Diety: Deep Sashelas
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 5' 6''
Weight: 140lbs
Hair: Green
Eyes: Orange
Age: 33

Str: 14 (+4) [6 points]
Dex: 16 (+2) [6 points +1 @4th & 8th levels] [18 with gloves]
Con: 14 (+0) [6 points]
Int: 14 (+3) [6 points]
Wis: 12 (+2) [4 points]
Cha: 12 (+0) [4 points]

Class and Racial Abilties:
Low light vision, +1 to listen, spot and search, +2 to diplomacy and gather information, Sneak Attack + 4d6, trapfinding, evasion, improved uncanny dodge, Trap sense +2, Hide in Plain sight, shadow illusion, summon shadow

Hit Dice: 7d6 + 3d8 +20
HP: 71 (33+18+20)
AC: 19 (+4 Dex, +2 bracers, +2 ring, +1 amulet)
Init: +4(+4 Dex)
Speed: 30ft run/ 20 feet swim
Armor Check Penalty: 0

Fortitude +6 [+3 base, +2 Con, +1 cloak]
Reflex +13 [+8 base, + 4 Dex, +1 cloak]
Will +5 [+3 base, +1 Wis, +1 cloak]

BAB: +7/+2
Melee Atk: +11/+6 (1d6+5, 19/20x2, +2 short sword - incl 1 pt electrical)
Ranged Atk: +12 (1d4+1, 19/20x2, 30ft. range, +1 hand crossbow)

: (100 as rogue, 24 as shadowdancer)
Balance +8 [2 ranks +4 dex +2 tumble synergy]
Bluff +7 [6 ranks +1 chr]
Climb +7 [5 ranks, +2 Str]
Diplomacy 8 [1 rank +2 sense motive +2 bluff+2 race+1 chr]
Disable Device +12 [8 ranks +2 int +2MW tools]
Disguise +7 [5 ranks +2 bluff +1 chr]
Gather Information [+2 race +1 chr]
Hide +17 [13 ranks +4 dex]
Jump +9 [5 ranks +2 str +2 tumble]
Listen +3 [1 ranks, +1 Wis, +1 race]
Move Silently +12 [8 ranks +4 dex]
Open Locks +16 [10 ranks + 4 dex +2 MWtools]
Perform (Dance) +6 (5 ranks +1 Chr)
Search +11 [8 ranks, +2 Int, +1 race]
Sense Motive +6 [5 ranks, +1 Wis]
Spot +16 [13 ranks, +2 Int, +1 race]
Swim +14 [4 ranks(cc), +2 Str+8 racial feat]
Tumble +17 [11 ranks +2 jump +4 dex]

Water Adaptation(region - bonus) You can breathe water as well as air. You gain a swim speed of 20 feet, which means you can move through water at that speed without making Swim checks. You gain a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check. You can always take 10 on Swim checks even if rushed or threatened when swimming. You may use the run action while swimming, provided you swim in a straight line.
Dodge(1st level)
Mobility (3rd level)
Combat Reflexes (6th level)
Spring Attack (9th level)

Common, Elven, Aquan, Chondathian

amulet of natural armor +1(2000 gps), Ring of protection +2 (8000 gps), Hat of disguise (1800 gps), Gloves of Dexterity+2 (4000 gps), hat of disguise (1800 gps), Bracers of Armor +2(4000 gps), +1 short sword(2310 gps)

The Darkstrike - This +2 short sword is made from a deep purple metal known as darksteel, so saturated with electricty that it grants the sword an extra +1 electricty damage with every hit. The quillions are made of blackened steel, smooth as glass, and black leather is wrapped around the hilt. A smooth, round onyx with a curious lightning-bolt burst of white is in the pommel. 11,310gp

Foefinder - This +1 precise hand crossbow allows the weilder to fire into melee without the -4 penalty that comes from not having the Precise Shot feat. It is crafted of smooth pale wood with subtle carvings of arrows in flight. 8,400gp

Chime of Opening (3,000gp) in haversack

Cloak of Protection +1 - This cloak is made of smooth eelskin, clasped with carved and guilded driftwood. 1,000gp

2 potions of cure moderate wounds (600gp) in haversack

5 days iron rations, waterskin and masterwork theives tools in haversack. And 471 gps

Appearance: From Julian's appearance, it is clear he is not a typical half elf. Those familiar with aquatic elves might guess from his orange hair and the faint sheen on his skin from tiny scales, that he has such beings in his heritage. Julian is often gregarious and outgoing, from years of covert operations. But it is difficult for him to share personal thoughts.

Julian sometimes wonders who he really is. His life is full of fronts. The various fronts he uses when disguised. His gung-ho military front he uses with his superiors, or ex-superiors. His compliant student front he used with his shadowdancer trainers. Everyone wants something from him. He doesn't know what he wants.

Julian barely knew his mother and father. His birth was a result of an arranged coupling, between a admiral in the Chult navy, and a paid sea elf. Chult was interested in breeding special agents to use to strengthen their navy, fight pirates and combat sahaugin.

Julian’s military training started young. He quickly learned to fight with whatever weapon was available. He learned to sneak, to climb, to swim, to feign innocence, and to kill while doing any of these.

The military
His natural amphibious abilities made him a natural for the navy. He was taught to to sneak onto pirate ships, assume a disguise, and kill key crew members. He was also taught to fight sahaugins.

The shadowdancers
Who knows what they want, the shadowdancers. They can’t be found, but they can find you. When Julian’s skills were sufficient, he was contacted by members of this order. For once, Julian met people who respected his abilities and seemed only interested in teaching him, and not using him. It is rare for the shadowdancers to find eligible recruits and Julian was an outstanding one.

At this point, Julian was powerful enough that he was no longer easy to command. He began taking unexplained absenses from his duties. Projects he was assigned would take a long time, and his military handlers became worried he’d someday just not return. This is exactly what happened. The years of endless violence, or fighting the wars of other people, had taken their toll. Julian deserted. He knew there could be consequences for this. He needed a protector. There was a water elemental leader he knew. If he could do some service for him, he could help shield Julian from the military.
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Female Riverfolk Rogue 2 / Bard 1 / Wizard 2 / Druid 5
Patron Diety: Mielikki
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 5' 9'
Weight: 105lbs
Hair: Gray/Brown
Eyes: Blue
Age: 135

Str: 10 (0) [2 pointsl]
Dex: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Con: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Int: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Wis: 16 (+3) [6 points, +2 levels]
Cha: 12 (+1) [4 points]

Class and Racial Abilties:
Swim Speed 30ft
Water Breathing
Low Light Vision
+2 bonus v "Water Spells"
Speak to Fish 1 min/day
Sneak Attack +1d6
Bardic Music
Bardic Knowledge (Base 6)
Inspire Courage +1
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Resist Nature's Lure
Wild Shape 1/day

Scribe Scroll

Animal Companion
Summon Familiar

Hit Dice: 3d6+2d4+5d8
HP: 71
AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +4 Armour, +2 Deflection)
Init: +1 [+1 Dex]
Speed: 30ft
Armor Check Penalty: 0

Fortitude +7 [+4 base, +2 Con +1 Cloak]
Reflex +8 [+6 base, +1 Dex, +1 Cloak]
Will +13 [+9 base, +3 Wis, +1 Cloak]
+2 v "Water" spells
+4 v Fey Spell Like Abilities

BAB: +5
Melee Atk: +6 +1 SureStriking Scimitar 1d6 18/20x2
Ranged Atk: +7* MW Longbow 1d8 20x3
* +1 within 30 feet


Bluff 11 [+1 CHA +3 CoP = 15]
Concentration 6 [4]
Decipher Script 7 [10]
Diplomacy 7 [+1 CHA + 2 Bluff + 2 K/N&R +2 Sense Motive +3 CoP= 17]
Gather Information 13 [+1 CHA, +3 CoP =17] (+2 in Chult & Rashemen)
Intimidate 0 [+1 CHA +2 Bluff + 3 CoP= +6]
K/Chult 5 [8]
K/History 5 [8]
K/Nature 7 [+3 INT +2 Class = 12]
K/Nobility and Royalty 5 [8]
K/Rashemen 5 [7]
Perform - Stringed Instruments 13 [+1 CHA, +3 CoP = 17]
Sense Motive 5 [8]
Sleight of Hand 7 [+1 DEX +2 Bluff = 10]
Spellcraft 13 [16]
Survival 0 [+3 WIS +2 Class = 5] (+2 K/Nature Aboveground)

Practiced Spellcaster - Druid
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Ethran - Regional

Common, Sylvan, Rashemi, Chultan, Druidic, Alzhedo


Mithril Chain Shirt
+1 Sure Striking Scimitar
MW Longbow
Hat of Disguise
+2 Ring of Protection
Quiver of Mielikki
Cloak of Resistance +1
Bag of Holding Type 1
Scroll Organiser
MW Potion Belt
MW Bandoleer
Ring of Invisibility - This is a ring crafted of clear crystal, smooth as glass.
Circlet of Persuasion - This circlet resembles an electrum braid set with small garnet roses.
515 gp left


Save DCs: 11+ Spell Level
Caster Level: 1
Spells per day: 2

Spells known:
Mage Hand

Save DCs: 13 + Spell level
Caster Level 9
Spells per day: 5 / 4 / 3 / 2

Save DCs: 13 + Spell Level
Caster Level: 2
Spells per day: 4 / 1

Spells known: 8
Animate Rope
Comprehend Languages
Disguise Self
Expeditious Retreat
Feather Fall
Nystuls Magic Aura
True Strike

Tall, thin and elegent. Willowy would be the word. Normally dressed in practical, earthy cottons unless she is attending a function - in which case she will dress in an understated, but fashionable, way.

Her eyes are like deep, still pools and her flowing hair has the colour of the sandy bottom of a crisp clean mountain stream.

Normally perfectly charming and open. Not the sort of person you'd suspect of anything underhand. Which means it's rather a suprise to discover that Gudenny can be as guilefull and deceitfull as many a less savoury spy or assassin. The fact is however, that how she appears at first glance is how she really is - and the her "work" persona is a front.
It's a very effective front none the less.
She isn't really the most focused of individuals, enjoying nothing more than to fulfil her rather minimal responsbilities and then enjoy herself - being equally at home at a noble reception, playing and carousing in a low tavern or retiring into the jungle for some quality time away from nature.


There are some Rashemi for whom the dajemma becomes a way of life; there are some of the wychlaran who accept exile from their own land so as to better learn about those that might pose a threat. Gudenny is both of those. While her spirit folk nature allowed her an innate understanding of the guardians of Rashemen that her human collegues could master with only dedicated study it also kept her from a true understanding of human nature.
Her study left her with a desire to find out more about the world and when she finally took to the road on her dajemma she hardly ever looked back; tromping as far west as Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate before moving south into Calimshan and thence onto Chult and Lantan.

Those three regions, for all intents and purposes, consitute her beat as intelligence gatherer and informal ambassador. Rashmen really has few interests or enemies in the South East of Faerun; but thanks to her it has a couple of allies. Perhaps her most important function however, is to provide guidance and consular support for those few intrepid Rashemi whose wanderings take them this far south - as well as home cooking and a warm welcome. Her followers can normally see to the latter, so she has plenty of free time to do as she pleases
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First Post
Nicodemus Tiberius Annakin Spellweaver Tinker Annarat AKA Nick
Male Gnome Rogue (3)/Sorcerer (2)/Gnome Artificer (5)
Region: Lantan
Patron Deity: Gond
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 3’5
Weight: 45 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Gray
Age: 58

Str: 8 (2 points, -2 Racial)
Dex: 14 (6 points)
Con: 16 (6 points, +2 Racial)
Int: 16(10 points)
Wis: 12 (4 points)
Cha: 14 (4 points, +2 Level)

Class and Racial Abilties:
+2 Con -2 Str
Small (+1 Attack, +1 AC, +4 Hide Checks, ¾ lifting/carrying limit)
Weapon Familiarity (Gnome Hooked Hammers)
+2 bonus save vs illusions
+2 Listen and Craft (Alcemy) Checks
+1 DC for illusion spells
+1 attack vs kobolds or goblinoids
+4 AC vs monsters of the giant type
Spell like Abilities 1/day: Speak With Animals, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound (Caster Level 1st) (DC 12 + Spell Level)
Familiar (currently none)
Trap Sense +1
Sneak Attack +2d6
Artificer Item
Bonus Item x2
Bonus Feat (Skill Focus: Disable Device)

Hit Dice: 8d6 +2d4 + 30
HP: 73
AC: 17
Init: +2
Speed: 20 Feet
Armor Check Penalty: 0

Fortitude +5 (+7 vs illusions)
Reflex +11 (+13 vs illusions)
Will +5 (+7 vs illusions)

BAB: +6/+1
Melee Atk: +6/+1 Warhammer 1d6 x 3 Crit
Ranged Atk: +9/+4 Pistol

Skills: (89 ranks)
Craft (Alchemy) +10 (5 ranks, +3 Int, +2 Racial)
Craft (Blacksmithing) +19 (+13 ranks, +3 Int, +3 Skill Focus)
Craft (Weaponsmithing) +11 (8 ranks, +3 Int)
Craft (Metalworking) +11 (8 ranks, +3 Int)
Profession (Engineer) +7 (4 ranks, +3 Int)
Disable Device +17 (11 ranks, +3 Int, +3 Skill Focus)
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +8 (5 ranks, +3 Int)
Use Magic Device +8 (6 ranks +2 Cha)
Open Lock +8 (6 ranks, +2 Dex)
Bluff +7 (5 ranks, +2 Cha)
Move Silently +8 (6 ranks, +2 Dex)
Knowledge Arcana +5 (2 ranks, +3 Int)
Search +13/+15 (10 ranks, +3 Int, +2 Synergy (K A and E) when searching for secret doors or compartments)

Education (Regional)
Lightning Reflexes (1st level)
Skill Focus (Craft: Blacksmithing) (3rd level)
Point Blank Shot (6th level)
Quick Draw (9th level)

Spells Known
0-Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1-Silent Image, True Strike

Artificer Powers Known
0-Acid Splash, Detect Poison, Flare, Horizikaul’s Cough, Light, Ray of Frost
1-Feather Fall. Jump, Shocking Grasp, Spider Climb
2-Cat’s Grace, Flame Dagger
3-Lightning Bolt

Common, Gnome, Lantanese, Draconic, Ignan, Dwarf

Pistol (Bonus)
10 Bullets
Masterwork Thieves Tools
Warhammer +1 (2, 312 gp)
Leather Armor +2 Death Ward (8,000 gp)
Cloak of the Manta Ray (7,200 gp)
Wand of Web (4, 500 gp)
2 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds (1,500)
Boots of Jump(ing) (Artificer Bonus Item)
Ring of Cat’s Grace (Artificer Bonus Item)
Beljuril-encrusted wand of scintillating sphere - Cast at 5th level, with a DC of 17. 16,250gp
5 potions of cure light wounds. 250gp

Nick is a Gnome of medium height (for a gnome) with dark tan skin and brown hair. He wears leather armor with many gadgets and devices on it that may be unfamiliar to those not familiar with a Gnome Artificer.

Nick is like a lot of gnomes. He is curious about the world around him and in how things work. He is constantly in search of new knowledge and inventions. He follows Gond as Gond’s ideology is one in which he can easily relate. He prefers non-lethal device creation, but is not beyond using more lethal means to protect himself or his family and friends. He has a tendency to hum while working on a new device. He says it’s because it helps him concentrate. He often seems to be in his own little world, but when someone brings up a subject that interests in him, he can talk hours and hours about it till someone asks him to be quiet.

Nick grew up in Lantan and was always interested in mechanical devices. From an early age he was putting things together and taking things apart. He found the local thief’s guild and applied for membership. While straight theft was not interesting to him, he enjoyed the challenge and fun of opening locks and taking apart devices. Eventually, as he learned of his own innate magic power, he decided to focus on that for a while before learning of the artificer’s guild. He joined them and had been advancing steadily. However, he grew bored, and has recently decided to find an adventuring group so he can learn more of the world and perhaps have a little fun on the side.


First Post

Male Human Barbarian7/Frenzied Berserker3
Region: Damara
Patron Deity: Tempus
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 230lbs
Hair: dark brown/black
Eyes: blue
Age: 21

Str: 18 (+4) {10 points}[+2 gauntlets of ogre power]
Dex: 16 (+3) {6 Points}[+2 gloves of dex]
Con: 18 (+4) {10 Points}[+2 pts from level]
Int: 12 (+1) {4 Points}
Wis: 10 (+0) {2 points}
Cha: 8 (-1) {0 Points}

Class and Racial Abilties:
From Barbarian:
-Fast Movement +10 ft.,
-Rage 2/day, lasts for 9 rounds
-Trap Sense +2,
-Uncanny Dodge,
-Improved Uncanny Dodge
-DR 1/-

When Raging, Hrothgar’s Stats are: Str 22, Con 22; melee attack +18/+11(+2 greatsword 2d6+11); Hp: 153; fort save +14.

From Frenzied Berserker:
-Frenzy 1/day, lasts for 6 rounds
-When Frenzying, Hrothgar’s stats are: Str 24; melee attack +19/+19/+14(+2 greatsword 2d6+12)
-When Raging and Frenzying Hrothgar’s stats are: Str 28; melee attack +21/+21/+16(+2 greatsword 2d6+15)

-Diehard(as the feat)

Hit Dice: 10d12+40
HP: 133
AC: 24= +7armor, +3dex, +1nat, +3def
Init: +3
Speed: 40ftArmor Check Penalty: -2

Fortitude +14 = 8base +4Con +2resistance
Reflex +8 = 3base +3Dex +2resistance
Willpower +7 = +3base, +2(bullheaded) +2resistance

BAB: +10/+5
Melee Atk: +16/+11 (+2 Greatsword 2d6+8/19-20x2)
Ranged Atk: 14/+9 (+1 Composite Longbow +4, 1d8+5/x3)

Skills: 78 points
Climb +17 (13 +4str)
Intimidate: +12 ((13 ranks, -1 Cha) unless intimidating through strength which is +17)
Listen: +13 (13 ranks)
Jump: +21 (13 +4str, +4 from speed)
Survival: +13 (13 ranks)
Swim +17 (13 +4str)

Languages: Common, Illuskan, Giant

Bullheaded(regional)Power Attack, Cleave, Intimidating Rage, Instantaneous Rage

Elven Chain +2
+1 Composite Longbow +4
200 arrows
+2 Greatsword
Ring of Protection +3
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Cloak of Protection +2
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
2x Water Breathing
Trail rations fo 10 days
200 ft of rope
Bracers of Giantbane

Money 106 left

Appearance: Very tall, broad shouldered man. Hair is slightly unkempt and hangs down to his chest. Sometimes it is kept in a ponytail, but this is only for situations that require the highest amount of decorum. It's usually kept back behind the shoulders. He has a thick dark mustache that grows down about to his chin then tapers off. His skin is pale, like that of a people who do not get lots of sun. He shoulders are massive, as wall as his hands. He is a giant compared to some in faerun. Some humans that is. He used to wear think coats of fur, but as he traveled south, weather got warmer.
He wears a suit of Elven chainmail, however unlike normal chainmail, this suit does not slow Hrothgar down. He has a typical helmet that would be appropriate for his people, but never wears it. It seems to hamper his hearing he says. As far as voice, think typical Viking/Russian/Slavic sound. Good harsh accent and he refers to himself in the third person sometimes. Kind of like Minsc in Baldur's Gate. Though not as dumb. mostly.

Hrothgar is jovial to a fault. Except for when you cross him or one of his companions. His anger is always just under the surface. However, you could not tell that by the way bellows out a laugh, and hoists steins of ale. He believes strongly in companion of friends or family. His one hatred that goes deep is oppression and giants. Specifically frost giants. His tribe was in constant fear of their raids.

Hrothgar born in Damara, was raised by loving parents. He had always displayed a large amount of strength, but terrible anger as well. He learned to partially placate his anger. This however made his temper simmer to a boil, and explode in high stress situations. Upon reaching adulthood, he decided that he should travel Faerun in search of a way to channel his rage into something positive. Townsfolk were relieved. While travelling he became a worshipper of Tempus. He had always believed that battle was one of life’s joys oddly enough. What does not kill him maketh him stronger. The gods reforge through fire, etc. That sort of thing. Hrothgar journeyed southward to see about this thing called a “jungle” was. Very naive, and only being used to thick snow Hrothgar does not know much of the world outside Damara.


Male Human Barbarian 5 / Fighter 2
Patron Diety: Melikki
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 5' 87'
Weight: 156lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown
Age: 25

Str: 15 (+2)
Dex: 9 (-1)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 4 (-3)
Wis: 11 (+1)
Cha: 15 (+2)

Class and Racial Abilties:
Cannot be shaken

Hit Dice: 5d12 + 2d10 +14
HP: 63
AC: 9 (-1 Dex)
Init: +3 [+4 Improved Initiative, -1 Dex)
Speed: 40ft
Armor Check Penalty:----

Fortitude +11 [+7 base, +2 Con, +2 Feat]
Reflex +0 [+1 base, -1 Dex]
Will +3 [+1 +2 Feat]

BAB: +7/+2
Melee Atk: +9/+4
Ranged Atk: +6/+1

Heal +4
Hide +1 [2 ranks, -1 Dex]
Intimidate +6 [4 ranks, +2 Cha]
Listen 0
Move Silently -1 [-1 Dex]
Sleight of Hand 2 [+3 ranks, -1 Dex]

Bullheded (region)
Blind Fight
Combat Reflexes
Great Fortitude
Improved Initiative
Power Attack

Common, .

7200 gp.



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