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A cloaked figure quickly appears, driving a sharp pin into this parchment, and with that is no more. Upon the yellowed page written in flowing script of scarlet ink.

"So many questions and we lack answers. What do we want? Who are we really? Thoughts, desires, fears, hates, loves... The face you wear when no one is looking. To be the water you stare into, unguarded."

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A card

A garish motley clad figure cartwheels past, in its wake a small white piece of paste board with gilded edges and neat typeface is pinned to the bottom corner of the parchment.

"Thousands of questions from young to old,
Answered one by one before we fold.
Endings hold not what we seek,
The journey holds the truths we reap.

Alone we wear a private mask,
Witheld from all its only task.
Which face, in the world, we choose to air
Testifies of what stripe we each are bared."

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