ZEITGEIST Just about to finish Always on time...

after a bit of roleplaying over facebook, my group is thinking about teleporting back to flint to have a meeting with Inspector Delft and deliver the broken lamp, then going back to Vendrice with a big ammount of explosives to attack the train/obscurati meeting. I would like to know if you have any ideas of how this kind of inter country travel is supposed to work at Lanjyr.

They had their teleportation visas and it seems they won't have problem going back home (I supposed Flint has a teleportation circle) but what about coming back to a foreign country? Is it any kind of border control? I know this facilities are intended to be heavily guarded but I was thinking about a complex system involving sending rituals betwen the circles and cross-cheking identities. Just to make my players know they wont have an easy time escaping by the circle...

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If you're interested this how I imagined the whole "official teleportation system" and how I described it to my players

1º You arrive at Circle A, show the travel visa to the agents and they check if its ok. Then someone trained on arcana checks for magical items and weapons, you have to give away all of them.
2º You pay the tariff, never less than 250 gp, it doesn't matter the ritual cost less, it's something any government would use to make money.
3º One Mage from Circle A sends a Sending to Circle B, informing about the traveller, its teleport visa Status and asking permission. Why? Well because when unused those portals are surrounded by gold.
4º After the Mage from Circle B answers to the Sending in a positive way, Mage A performs the ritual
5ª You cross the portal to point B, with no magic items nor weapons with you. Those points are closed cells, much like a prison. The teleportation agents from point B looks at the traveller, if they see nothing wrong they will open the cell, cross the portal to Circle A, and came back with the traveller equipment.
6ºAfter you left the facilities you get back your equipment.

Why did I do that? well first, I like the whole travelling by sea or train aspect of the zeitgeist universe and i don't want to lose it that early in the campaign. Second, it was also to prevent ridiculous exploits like going back to flint, pick up a few barrels of explosives from the RHC headquarters and then blow something like a train station in example...
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