D&D General Just raised over $25k in under 15 hours for my new dice collection kickstarter. The Cyberpunk neon collection

3 years ago I was depressed, lost my job, and was in a bad place. Got into dice making, and just launched my third dice kickstarter. The Cyberpunk collection. We have raised over $25k in under 15 hours. It has really taken on of. I have been working on this collection for 10 months now, and to see all the reaction has been amazing

If any of you want to join in on the fun, and get yoursleves some unique, dice that will be sure to brighten up your gaming sessions then checkout the kickstarter at


This has been a great journey in dice making, and I think they reults speak for themselves. The dice have turned out trully beautiful. And I think they would grace any tabletop session:)

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