D&D General Just read The Wyvern's Spur, sequel to Azure Bonds.


Reeks of Jedi
I just finished reading The Wyvern's Spur, published in 1990. The sequel to Azure Bonds.

I wrote about AB here:
D&D General - Just Read: Azure Bonds. A Faerun novel from '88

The 2 mains of the story are a side character intorduced in the first book Giogi and one of the mains of AB , the Halfling Thief.. er Bard, Olive.

The main plot being, Giogi Wyvernspur is tasked with recovering the stolen family heirloom, The Wyvern's Spur. Which by the by the whole thing ties back into a main plot point of the first book.

While Alias herself doesn't appear her identical twin sister does. A wizard named Cat. Oh and her other twin, Jade who is a Thief.

On thing I find weird though, is Halflings are presented as almost Kender. Love to steal etc. Also the big deal about Olive being a "Bard" with no real reason for "Halflings cant be Bards". Like why? Because they don't go to a barding college? It's almost like it's making fun of old school race/class combos. At least Olive is like "Just because you've never seen a Halfling Bard doesn't mean they don't exist." Which again, she isn't a "bard" in the magical sense. She's a performer who is also a Thief.

Gigio is a great Noble Noble. If you aren't playing the trope of "Noble ran away form home" trope, I think Gigi would be a great noble noble to emulate. Rich, pampered, & ready to fight for what he believes in.

Reading these boosk really makes me want to run a Faerun campaign involving the Harpers and I've giving serious thought to running the Curse of the Azure Bonds module in my current 2E game.

I love the story. Loved the characters. So far the Azure Bonds Trilogy is some of the best old school D&D novels I've read. I can't recommend them enough.


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I found azure bonds 20 years ago on a sell out table for 3 euro. And got the sequels cheap on ebay. I really liked the. Cool characters, and having some D&D inside jokes.

On thing I find weird though, is Halflings are presented as almost Kender. Love to steal etc. Also the big deal about Olive being a "Bard" with no real reason for "Halflings cant be Bards". Like why? Because they don't go to a barding college? It's almost like it's making fun of old school race/class combos. At least Olive is like "Just because you've never seen a Halfling Bard doesn't mean they don't exist." Which again, she isn't a "bard" in the magical sense. She's a performer who is also a Thief.
No self respecting Bardic College would ever admit a Halfling until the year 2,000! It probably is a joke about old school race/class combos, because those restrictions did exist at the time the book was written. It's a running question asked in the book "Why can't I be a bard? Just because they won't accept me to a bardic school? Just because I'm a halfling?"

As for the Kender thing, Dragonlance was pretty popular around that time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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