Just watched Sandman

It was surprisingly intense. It kind of felt like a few interconnected mini series, just managed to feel deep for all that.

I was familiar with the some of the basic lore like The Endless, just from looking up background on the TV series Lucifer, but never read the comics.

It's was strange to see Lucifer and Mazakeen so very, very different in this series, Lucifer as a woman is like the least meaningful difference, it's the whole ton or nature of the character. Lucifer's Lucifer is fundlementally a good person forced into a naughty word job, this Lucifer is very, very much darker, dare I say evil.

If the two Lucifers met, I suspect it would end in a brutal battle.

Anyways, it was a great show. I could see Rose Walker getting a spin off.

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I didnt get past the pilot for Fox's Lucifer. I thought they skipped the graphic novels in favor of making yet another police procedural, but this time starring Satan. Does it actually go into the graphic novels? Sandman felt much truer to form.

I have only geeked out on three comics enough to collect them:
Knights of the Dinner Table, Sandman, and Berserk.

So being a superfan, the casting was just too much for me to look over; it just wasn't my Sandman. I do have to acknowledge how good of a job they did at adapting and following the comics though; I honestly thought it was an impossible task.

I thought it was superb. As a major comics guy (I've owned a comic store for almost 30 years) and someone who bought the comics as they came out, I think the cast was perfect.

Sure, whatever, they may not have always "looked" like the characters from the comics, but they sure "felt" like the characters from the comics. They were all great.

Lucifer from the comics is a very VERY different character from the FOX show. I love Tom Ellis' portrayal of a cheeky devil with a heart of gold, but he's not remotely Lucifer.

Also, Lucifer in the comics has no genitalia, and is meant to be genderless. Makes no difference if Lucifer is played by a man or a woman. (S)he's an angel (or was).

As far as if (s)he's evil or not goes, well, (s)he's the Devil. And not a friend to Morpheus (who is also not exactly "good", just the protagonist).

I didnt get past the pilot for Fox's Lucifer. I thought they skipped the graphic novels in favor of making yet another police procedural, but this time starring Satan. Does it actually go into the graphic novels? Sandman felt much truer to form.

The basic premise is from the comics, bit yeah it's very much it's own thing, but it's so good that it's worth watching anyways. Think of it more as a show that takes some loose influences from the Lucifer comics then an actual adaption of the comics.

One thing that was weird though. On my Netflix, it was rated Adult. Huh? Other than some naught language that was not in any way Adult.

Adored the show though. Loved it. And got one of my kids into Gaiman because of it. Yay.

I actually wrote to Mr. Gaiman once to use one of his short stories in my class. (How to Talk To Girls at Parties). He was incredibly gracious about it. Let me use the story no questions asked. Very cool.

But yeah. Anything Gaiman has done I just love. I never read the comics before. I think I may just have to hunt them down.

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