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Kal and Ariel Challenge Sollir for Keeping them in Suspense!


[17:47] <Kazzt> !mb ybmaster
[17:47] <MeowthBot> Kazzt: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the grotto north of the Palace of the Dragon Kings on the morning of the vine.
[17:48] * Kalanyr rolls arounf laughing
[17:48] <Judge_In_Red> why you laughing kal???
[17:49] <Judge_In_Red> I want a 7 flag speed standard match...
[17:49] *** Judge_In_Red is now known as Ariel
[17:49] * Kazzt Judge_In_Blue
[17:49] <Ariel> lol
[17:49] *** Kazzt is now known as Judge_In_Blue
[17:49] <Judge_In_Blue> =P
[17:50] <Ariel> you're up kal..
[17:50] <Kalanyr> Log up
[17:50] <Ariel> you're up kal..
[17:50] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:50] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The raven seeks in the midst of the ruins; negates the violence of the rain!
[17:50] <Ariel> I'll post advancement in a bit..
[17:50] <Judge_In_Blue> done?
[17:50] <Kalanyr> Done
[17:51] * Judge_In_Blue needs to go corrupt someone who has the dragon style
[17:51] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:51] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The mongoose kicks below the caves; guards against the quickening of the steam!
[17:51] <Ariel> done
[17:51] <Judge_In_Blue> point Ariel for more offense
[17:51] * Kalanyr needs to go Redeem someone with the Heavens Location
[17:51] <Judge_In_Blue> 1 flag Ariel, 0 flags Kal
[17:51] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:51] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The falcon dodges facing the forest and so it slaughters the Baths at Lo Xiang; dominates the quickening of the moon! *yen*
[17:51] <Judge_In_Blue> go for it!
[17:51] <Judge_In_Blue> thats just mean...
[17:51] * Judge_In_Blue knows what is happening next
[17:51] <Kalanyr> Holy Day:Falcon
[17:52] <Ariel> is kazz't now DM 0
[17:52] <Kalanyr> Done
[17:52] <Judge_In_Blue> amazing
[17:52] <Judge_In_Blue> I thought it was gonna be, mastery: thunder, then chi strike
[17:52] <Ariel> sollir???
[17:52] <Ariel> kazz't's new rank please???
[17:52] <Kalanyr> It was but I developed a sense of letting Ariel have a chance in hell
[17:52] <Judge_In_Blue> Dark Master 0
[17:52] <Ariel> DT
[17:52] <Kalanyr> PoF
[17:53] <Kalanyr> Not that much of a chance
[17:53] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:53] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The kama mangles the vineyard; silences the aggression of the four winds!
[17:53] <Ariel> done
[17:53] <Judge_In_Blue> well kamas are good at mangling vineyards, and I like the four winds alot, so point...
[17:53] <Judge_In_Blue> JK, I'm not insane
[17:53] <Judge_In_Blue> point Kalanyr
[17:53] <Judge_In_Blue> x2
[17:53] <Judge_In_Blue> 2 flags Kal, 1 flag Ariel
[17:53] <Ariel> I am tho.....muahahahah hehehe
[17:53] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:53] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The phoenix scourges the palace; reduces the gaze of the foul!
[17:54] <Kalanyr> Mastery:Thundery+Chi Strike!
[17:54] <Kalanyr> +Done
[17:54] <Ariel> roight..
[17:54] <Ariel> *sigh*
[17:54] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:54] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The rat assails the steppes; dodges the kick of the air!
[17:54] <Judge_In_Blue> so predictable
[17:54] <Kalanyr> Thundery=Thunder
[17:54] <Ariel> done
[17:54] <Judge_In_Blue> hrm
[17:54] <Kalanyr> Um Sig Immunity(Phoenix) Sollir
[17:54] <Judge_In_Blue> I know
[17:54] <Ariel> oh...btw...advancement up...I kept it simple.
[17:55] <Judge_In_Blue> k
[17:55] <Judge_In_Blue> Thunder resides in the air, though scourging is slightly better then assailing
[17:55] <Judge_In_Blue> point Ariel
[17:55] <Judge_In_Blue> 2 flags all
[17:55] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:55] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The staff flips within the spring when it roughly eliminates the arrow; dominates the stab of the soul! *yen*
[17:55] <Judge_In_Blue> Kalanyr's bad luck has worn off!
[17:55] <Kalanyr> Mastery:Dagger
[17:55] <Judge_In_Blue> *officially*
[17:56] <Kalanyr> Done
[17:56] <Ariel> DT
[17:56] <Kalanyr> PoF
[17:56] <Ariel> figures...heh
[17:56] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:56] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The wolf quells the lake; avoids the punch of the lightning!
[17:56] <Ariel> (sig stlye wof)
[17:56] <Ariel> ST lake
[17:56] <Ariel> done
[17:57] <Judge_In_Blue> Well if the staffs in the water when it eliminates the arrow, and the wolf destroys that water its not that good for the holy warrior is it?
[17:57] <Ariel> nope..
[17:57] <Judge_In_Blue> +location...
[17:57] <Judge_In_Blue> 3 points Ariel
[17:57] <Judge_In_Blue> 5 flags Ariel, 2 flags Kalanyr
[17:57] <Kalanyr> 3 Flags?
[17:57] <Ariel> ummm....I don't have unholy warrior sollir..
[17:57] <Ariel> the local was just weight..
[17:58] <Kalanyr> 4 Flags Ariel 2 Flags Kalanyr
[17:58] <Kalanyr> It should be
[17:58] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:58] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The toad slides in the midst of the pillars; parries the onslaught of the weapon!
[17:58] <Kalanyr> sigh
[17:58] <Kalanyr> Done
[17:59] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:59] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The owl cuts the knoll; negates the energy of the plant!
[17:59] <Ariel> done
[17:59] <Judge_In_Blue> hrm
[17:59] <Judge_In_Blue> k Kal
[17:59] <Judge_In_Blue> point Ariel for the better offense
[17:59] <Judge_In_Blue> 5 flags Ariel, 2 flags Kal
[17:59] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:59] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The crane annihilates the river; quells the chaos of the sun!
[18:00] * Kalanyr goes to see if Sollir has discounted all his masteries
[18:00] <Kalanyr> Not Done Yet
[18:00] <Kalanyr> Mastery: Jaguar + Done
[18:01] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[18:01] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The dragon destroys the island; parries the throw of the earth!
[18:01] <Judge_In_Blue> Good, using Rathans logic you wouldof lost that round
[18:01] <Ariel> done
[18:01] <Judge_In_Blue> hrm, truely a hard judgement
[18:01] <Judge_In_Blue> annihilate>destroys
[18:01] <Judge_In_Blue> hrm, water is harder to negate than land
[18:02] <Judge_In_Blue> hrm
[18:02] <Judge_In_Blue> hrm
[18:02] <Judge_In_Blue> 2 flags Kal
[18:02] <Judge_In_Blue> 5 flags Ariel, 4 flags Kal
[18:02] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[18:02] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The blizzard quells the coast; dominates the punch of the stone!
[18:02] <Ariel> (Sig local coast)
[18:02] <Kalanyr> Done
[18:02] <Ariel> back up off MY coast kal...
[18:02] <Ariel> heh
[18:02] <Ariel> done???
[18:03] <Kalanyr> <Kalanyr> Done
[18:03] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[18:03] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The mantis breaks the ricefield; dominates the assailment of the dark sunbeam!
[18:03] <Ariel> done
[18:03] <Judge_In_Blue> Blizzards would quell the coast pretty well
[18:03] <Judge_In_Blue> 0 points Kal
[18:03] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[18:03] <Judge_In_Blue> 5 flags Ariel, 4 flags Kal
[18:03] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The panther decimates the mesa; negates the terror of the flame!
[18:03] <Judge_In_Blue> more panthers *sighs*
[18:03] <Kalanyr> Holy Day: Panther!
[18:03] <Kalanyr> Done
[18:03] <Judge_In_Blue> how about Kalanyr the Panther?
[18:03] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[18:03] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The monkey cuts the madlands; dodges the onslaught of the steel!
[18:04] <Ariel> (sig local madlands....)
[18:04] <Ariel> done
[18:04] <Judge_In_Blue> 2 points Kal, stronger offense, both defenses kinda silly
[18:04] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[18:04] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The lizard moves from the knoll; parries the chaos of the clouds!
[18:04] <Judge_In_Blue> hey
[18:04] <Judge_In_Blue> watch it there
[18:04] <Kalanyr> ick
[18:04] <Judge_In_Blue> 5 flags ariel, 6 flags Kalanyr
[18:04] <Kalanyr> Done
[18:04] <Judge_In_Blue> thats what you get for not waiting for the judge!
[18:04] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[18:04] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The spear kicks the tundra; leaps over the edge of the rainbow!
[18:04] <Ariel> done
[18:05] <Judge_In_Blue> point Ariel, better offensive, Kal's move a bit unimpressive
[18:05] <Judge_In_Blue> 6 flags all
[18:05] <Kalanyr> hey wait one second
[18:05] <Kalanyr> why am I going first?
[18:05] <Ariel> cause you have a holy day left don't you???
[18:06] <Kalanyr> Falcon+Panther=No
[18:06] <Kalanyr> You go
[18:06] <Ariel> ok..I'll go first then this time..
[18:06] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[18:06] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The hammer vanquishes the savanna; scatters the onslaught of the arrow!
[18:06] <Ariel> lol
[18:06] <Ariel> done
[18:06] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[18:06] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The panther slides upon the mountain; shields against the touch of the rainbow!
[18:06] * Kalanyr sighs
[18:06] <Ariel> hahahaha panther....
[18:06] <Ariel> pathers panthers everywhere.....
[18:06] * Kalanyr hopes it slides ontop of Ariel
[18:06] <Ariel> where do thwey all come from.....wait it that one humping kals
[18:07] <Ariel> leg now???
[18:07] <Ariel> lol
[18:07] *** Kalanyr is now known as Panther
[18:07] <Ariel> lol
[18:07] * Panther eats Ariel
[18:07] *** Panther is now known as Kalanyr
[18:07] <Judge_In_Blue> point and match Kalanyr
[18:07] <Ariel> WHAT???
[18:07] <Judge_In_Blue> Hammers+Savanna's don't make as much sense as Panthers on Mountains
[18:07] <Judge_In_Blue> day is panther
[18:08] <Judge_In_Blue> as well
[18:08] <Kalanyr> Redeeming Light!
[18:08] <Judge_In_Blue> although anquishing is better then sliding
[18:08] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[18:08] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The spider dances in the midst of the pillars; removes the energy of the eyes!
[18:08] <Kalanyr> sigh
[18:08] <Kalanyr> go
[18:08] <Ariel> done??
[18:08] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[18:08] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The vine leaps within the well; guards against the terror of the foul!
[18:08] <Ariel> done
[18:08] <Judge_In_Blue> lol, cute
[18:08] <Kalanyr> This round officially sucks
[18:08] <Ariel> lol
[18:09] <Judge_In_Blue> I have to decide who sux more now
[18:09] <Judge_In_Blue> gosh this is hard
[18:09] <Judge_In_Blue> Spider=Vine
[18:09] <Judge_In_Blue> Dances=Leaps
[18:09] <Judge_In_Blue> In the Midst=Within the Well
[18:09] <Judge_In_Blue> er Within the
[18:10] <Judge_In_Blue> Kalanyr's move is making me sleepy
[18:10] <Judge_In_Blue> how boring, hes taking away the energy from my eyes...
[18:10] <Judge_In_Blue> *goes to sleep*
[18:10] <Judge_In_Blue> post log
[18:10] * Ariel kicks the judge awake
[18:10] <Judge_In_Blue> i'll post judgement in the thread
[18:10] * Kalanyr thinks Judge_In_Blue likes a grand exit as well as entrance
[18:10] * Kalanyr humbly goes to post the log

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Ariel, congratulations! [color=222222]You are where you started, in this crazy day, at Brown Belt 3 albeit with a record of 15-25, talk to Wicht about what styles you have since I'm confused myself.[/color]

Kalanyr, sorry. [color=222222]You are now a Lord of Light 4 with a record of 38-24 and now the proud owner of the real estate of the hells, the downside? Kazz't is pissed.[/color]










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