D&D General Extra Credits: The History of D&D Hasbro Refused to Learn


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If we're talking sales, the comparison I want to make is with 5E. The video said 5E out sold all the other editions COMBINED? Is that true?

1st I've heard of it. Somesales numbers for 5E have come up earlier in his thread.

Depends on what exact numbers are and how accurate estimates are for 1E and B/X sales. I'm not sure if WotC knows how many of those were sold apparently TSR was terrible at records. And how you count PHB vs starter sets vs all the starter sets for B/X.

3.0-4E didn't sell that well relative to the golden age so if the 5E numbers are accurate (800k starter sets in NA 800k-1 million phb by 2017 no modern edition has sold 800k phb) its plausible.

First I've heard the claim and the video didn't source their claim. The numbers for 5E are out of date but ballpark figured are close to lower estimates for B/X red box vs starter set and 5E phb vs 1E phb as of 2016 6 years ago.

If the numbers posted earlier in the thread are accute all the pre 5E modern editions together are similar to high end golden age estimates.

I wouldn't shout it from the rooftops tops but if year on year growth claims are accurate (rpg market has gone from 13 million pre 5E to 150 million) it may be close depending on what you've counted and exact numbers of golden age stuff sold and if you count all the B/X sets and all the 5E starter etc.

RPG market also doubled in size since 2017ish it was 67 million around then iirc.
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Book-Friend, he/him
It’s kinda wild to me that this took this long to be brought up in this thread.

I was wondering when someone would ask.
Yeah, I don't think we know for sure if 5E has outsold all earlier Editions combined. Just that the majority of people today started playing with 5E. After nigh 50 years, not everyone who bought an earlier Edition is still around, so I don't think "outsold them all combined" follows.

Sold the most ever? Probably, and likely by a fair bit.


I crit!
Yeah, I don't think we know for sure if 5E has outsold all earlier Editions combined. Just that the majority of people today started playing with 5E. After nigh 50 years, not everyone who bought an earlier Edition is still around, so I don't think "outsold them all combined" follows.

Sold the most ever? Probably, and likely by a fair bit.
Yea. This video.


11 pages in, and all I can say is that when 5E was being put together, it felt like it was a "last hurrah" sort of situation, where it felt like the D&D designers were expecting that 5E was going to be it, there would be no more D&D to come. And surprisingly, near 10 years later we're looking at upcoming revision and more popularity for D&D overall than even back in its heyday in the early 80's.

Be happy the game still lives, instead of wallowing in its dark days.


11 pages in, and all I can say is that when 5E was being put together, it felt like it was a "last hurrah" sort of situation, where it felt like the D&D designers were expecting that 5E was going to be it, there would be no more D&D to come. And surprisingly, near 10 years later we're looking at upcoming revision and more popularity for D&D overall than even back in its heyday in the early 80's.

Be happy the game still lives, instead of wallowing in its dark days.
On the other hand, they've since declared that 5e is it, and they are sticking with it for the foreseeable future. So you were right!

Are we discussing whether the glass is half full or half empty?

Other point is Hasbro is interested into sell not only more TTRPG sourcebooks but also other type of products: toys, videogames, comics, novels... This is important because here the target is the no-fandom consumer, for example the children...but they are going different strategies because they are different portions of markets.

Voidrunner's Codex

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