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Kalanyr Beats Upon the Weak and Improvished some more


Start of #ybfight buffer: Sun Mar 31 00:16:25 2002
*** Now talking in #ybfight
*** Topic is 'YB Fight Channel'
*** Set by Noir on Sat Mar 30 23:09:07
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Reiella
<Reiella> I can judge then
<Vandorin> cool
<Kalanyr> thx
<Reiella> stats and stuff
<Vandorin> Dark Apprentice 1
<Vandorin> Foul Spirit, Unholy Warrior, Sneaky Trick, Signature Style (Owl)
<Kalanyr> back in a sec
<Kalanyr> getting my stats
<Vandorin> k
<Vandorin> you should make an alias or a script for them...
<Reiella> Archmage gets to set
<Vandorin> ya
<Vandorin> 6 flag speed match
<Kalanyr> lol
<Reiella> !mb ybmaster
<MeowthBot> Reiella: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the cemetery north-west of Dancing
Buddha's Shrine on the day of the lotus blossom.
<Reiella> go kill each other or something
<Kalanyr> lol
<Vandorin> lol
<Vandorin> hmmm...
<Kalanyr> will be there in a sec
<Vandorin> k
<Kalanyr> lots to do at once
<Reiella> whose going first?
<Reiella> kal right?
<Kalanyr> me
<Vandorin> I think so
<Reiella> k
<Kalanyr> I have very little choice
<Kalanyr> x2 HD +1 Chi Strike vs 1 ST
<Kalanyr> does neone have a log of me vs Noir?
<Vandorin> nope
<DW-AFK> oops
<DW-AFK> I do..
<DW-AFK> you realize you got 6 ranks off of me today...
<Vandorin> lol
<Kalanyr> yep
<Kalanyr> and I lost most of em again
<Kalanyr> ;)
*** GrayDoom (graydoom@=Yr16-103.port3.gettysburg.supernet.com) Quit (QUIT: )
<DW-AFK> you realize I lost all the ranks I got from my last victory over you...
<Kalanyr> Did I get any yen in that fight?
<Kalanyr> I spent the ranks I made of you Redeeming Tabris
<DW-AFK> I dont think any was genned...its up on the boards
<Kalanyr> Kalanyr of the Marsh
<Kalanyr> Guardian at the Gate of the Hells
<Kalanyr> Dagger Master
<Kalanyr> Master of the Thunderous Jaguar
<Kalanyr> Lord of Light 5 52-39 Yen 0
<Kalanyr> quote:
<Kalanyr> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Kalanyr> Powers
<Kalanyr> Apprentice of Light: Pure Spirit, Holy Warrior, Holy Day, Signature Style(Thunder)
<Kalanyr> Warrior of Light: Master of Emotions, Mastery(Thunder), Chi Strike
<Kalanyr> Knight of the Light: Signature Style(Dagger), Purity of Focus, Redeeming Light
<Kalanyr> Master of Light: Mastery(Dagger), Right of Domain(Hells,Gate,Marsh)
<Kalanyr> Lord of Light: Signature Style(Jaguar), Mastery(Jaguar),Purity of Focus
<Kalanyr> Aura of Light: Holy Day, Signature Location (Heavens)
<Kalanyr> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Kalanyr> !Mb ybmove
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The transcendent snake splits the island; lies within the assailment of the reptile!
<Kalanyr> Hmm
<Kalanyr> HD:Snake
<Kalanyr> Done
*** Ariel (gerrett_00@=I6588-891-249-05.midmaine.com) has joined #ybfight
<Ariel> (hola)
<Vandorin> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Vandorin: The owl wracks the glade; reduces the thrust of the fire!
<Vandorin> done
<Reiella> Hmmm. quite honestly I like Kal's move better. lies within the assailment of the reptile befits a
snake sneaking on an advesary...
<Reiella> Point/Style Kal.
*** Retrieving #ybfight info...
*** Reiella changes topic to 'YB Fight Channel || 2 Flag Kal 0 Vandorin'
<Vandorin> grrr...
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The vine punches higher than the well; redirects the beauty of the four winds!
<Kalanyr> Done
<Vandorin> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Vandorin: The fan flips in the midst of the wastelands; absorbs the quickening of the heart!
<Vandorin> done
<Reiella> Hmm, a fan would be flipped fairly often in the wastelands to provide some cool.... a vine would
also normally be found above a well. in truth though, a fan absorbing the quickening of the heart seems
better to me than a vine redirecting the winds
*** Reiella changes topic to 'YB Fight Channel || 2 Flag Kal 1 Vandorin'
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The crab ferociously assails the madlands; absorbs the onslaught of the ki!
<Kalanyr> hmm
<Kalanyr> Done
<Vandorin> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Vandorin: The scorpion slaughters the volcano; defends against the kick of the fell dagger!
<Vandorin> done
<Kalanyr> Meowth will not be happy
<Kalanyr> that was His Volcano
<Reiella> No Meowth will not.
<Vandorin> no it wasn't!
<Vandorin> I swear!
<Vandorin> It was ANOTHER volcano
<Reiella> defending against the kick of a dagger? I can understand the kick of a staff, or a sword, but a
dagger just seems too short.
<Vandorin> maybe it's a metaphor?
<Reiella> a ferocious crab... absorbing ki. a rare sight, but in the madlands you begin to expect anything...
Point Kal
*** Reiella changes topic to 'YB Fight Channel || 3 Flag Kal 1 Vandorin'
<Reiella> well that's how I actually understand staff/sword kicking (trips)
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The transcendent spider slashes facing the canyon; absorbs the blood of the stars!
<Kalanyr> Done
<Reiella> Kal is having fun with trascendence
<Vandorin> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Vandorin: The monkey rains upon the swamp; conceals the onslaught of the eyes!
<Kalanyr> (This is one of those times I really wish light had Supreme Mods)
<Reiella> hehe
<Reiella> Ya know
<Vandorin> done
<Reiella> this will be the third time I've used this justification
<Reiella> COCONUTS
<Reiella> point Vandorin
*** Reiella changes topic to 'YB Fight Channel || 3 Flag Kal 2 Vandorin'
<Vandorin> LOL
<Kalanyr> hehe
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The monkey tranquilly thrusts the tower; waves away the drive of the earth!
<Ariel> lol
<Vandorin> ewwww
* Kalanyr looks funny at the bot
<Kalanyr> Done
<Vandorin> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Vandorin: The manta ray tramples the caves; shields the beauty of the arrow!
<Vandorin> st: caves
<Vandorin> done
<Kalanyr> PoF
<Kalanyr> (because I can)
<Vandorin> PoF==?
<Ariel> (I sooo hate PoF....grrrr)
<Kalanyr> Purity of Focus
<Vandorin> k
<Vandorin> what it do?
<Reiella> negates tricks
<Kalanyr> Ariel's Favourite Annoyane
<Ariel> counters you st....
<Kalanyr> Yep
<Vandorin> ok
<Reiella> Hmm a caves underwater, yes... m akes sense
<Reiella> manta ray trampling, I have a bit more trouble with, and even then most of the effect would have been
waved away with the rest of the earth's drive.. even underwater.
<Reiella> Coconut Kalanyr
*** Reiella changes topic to 'YB Fight Channel || 4 Flag Kal 2 Vandorin'
<Ariel> coconut's???? why????
<Reiella> last round was a coconut round
<Vandorin> monkeys
<Ariel> I see..
<Reiella> <MeowthBot> Vandorin: The monkey rains upon the swamp; conceals the onslaught of the eyes!
<Reiella> was called coconuts to me :)
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The manta ray lies next to the badlands; parts the motion of the rosewood!
<Kalanyr> sigh
<Kalanyr> Done
<Vandorin> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Vandorin: The fox swims underneath the spring; shreds the motion of the willow!
<Vandorin> done
<Reiella> well those trees there aren't going to be moving much
<Vandorin> lol
<Reiella> swims underneath the spring reads better to me than a beached manta ray
*** Reiella changes topic to 'YB Fight Channel || 4 Flag Kal 3 Vandorin'
<Reiella> point Vandorij
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The tree carves the lake; strikes before the descent of the rain!
<Kalanyr> Mastery:Dagger
<Kalanyr> Done
<Vandorin> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Vandorin: The panther punches the forest; avoids the quickening of the body! *yen*
<Vandorin> done
<Ariel> ahhh another panther ka...
<Ariel> kal..
<Ariel> lol
<Kalanyr> I wanna be Kal the Panther!
<Ariel> lol
<Vandorin> lol
<Reiella> Dagger carving the lake. striking before rain falls would help to actually carve the lake as you
<Reiella> punching a forest just seems a bit ... odd to me, avoiding the quickening of the body however is
useful when your advesary uses a quick weapon as a dagger...
<Reiella> In truth though, I just like carving lake; descent of rain synergy better.
<Reiella> which would be point, style, and match Kalanyr. unless I missed a defensive something
<Vandorin> ummm...
<Reiella> 6 flag speed correct?
<Vandorin> ya
<Vandorin> :'(
<Kalanyr> yep
<Kalanyr> and it was Loc:Cemetary
<Reiella> k
<Reiella> some of the verbs just read a bit too oddly to me :x
<Reiella> rather some of the combinations do
* Kalanyr racks up another low tier victory
<Vandorin> arg.
<Kalanyr> Wanna go again AM?
<Vandorin> ok
<Vandorin> :)
<Kalanyr> I feel like making LoL 9
<Vandorin> lol
<Kalanyr> or giving you a huge boost
<Reiella> Kalanyr advances to Pansy of Light 7... Vandorin only falls to Dark Apprentice out of favor?
<Kalanyr> Either way is good
<Kalanyr> DA 0
<Vandorin> 0
<Reiella> no dark apprentice 0
<Kalanyr> Pansy of Light
<Kalanyr> I prefer Laughed at a Lot
End of #ybfight buffer Sun Mar 31 00:16:25 2002

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