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Kalanyr Stomps all over Ariel....


First Post
[15:50] *** Now talking in #ybfight
[15:50] *** Topic is 'YB Fight Channel'
[15:50] *** Set by GrayDoom on Thu Mar 07 22:55:16
[15:51] <Ariel> I want enough monet yo put on mastet phoenix sometime soon...
[15:51] <Ariel> *mastery
[15:51] <Kalanyr> How long is the fight?
[15:51] <Darkwolf> how long?
[15:51] <Ariel> ok I want a 6 flag speed standard chast match please..
[15:51] <Darkwolf> and what restrictions?
[15:51] <Kalanyr> No RL
[15:51] <Kalanyr> 1 HD
[15:51] <Darkwolf> !mb ybmove
[15:51] <MeowthBot> Darkwolf: The mantis slashes over the volcano; avoids the foray of the void!
[15:51] <Ariel> roight..
[15:51] <Darkwolf> !mb ybmaster
[15:51] <MeowthBot> Darkwolf: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the mesa south-west of the Swamp of Hopelessness on the evening of the lizard.
[15:52] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[15:52] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The crab rends the wastelands; shreds the slash of the lightbeam!
[15:52] <Ariel> say done when youre done..
[15:52] <Kalanyr> Mastery:Jaguar! Chi Strike! Done
[15:52] <Ariel> here we go...
[15:52] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[15:52] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The scorpion sucker punches the steppes; leaps over the speed of the ember!
[15:52] <Ariel> done
[15:53] <Kalanyr> gtg breakfast back ASAP
[15:53] <Darkwolf> scorpions have a hard time sucker punching...even with their tails..while jaguars..they can rend..let several of my D&D char's tell you..
[15:53] <Darkwolf> Point and style Kalanyr
[15:53] <Ariel> *sigh*
[15:53] <Darkwolf> 2 flags Kalanyr; 0 flags Ariel
[15:54] <Ariel> go kal.
[15:54] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[15:54] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The toad wounds the steppes; guards against the pain of the honor!
[15:54] <Kalanyr> Master:Dagger! Done!
[15:54] *** King_of_the_Frogs has joined #ybfight
[15:54] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[15:54] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The panther severs the garden; fends off the blood of the rainbow!
[15:54] <Ariel> hehehe...panther..
[15:54] <Ariel> done
[15:55] <Darkwolf> Kal needs to get sig panther..it comes up way to often in his fights
[15:55] <Darkwolf> Point Ariel!
[15:55] <Ariel> oight..
[15:55] <Ariel> roight..
[15:55] <Darkwolf> 2 flags Kalanyr; 1 flag Ariel
[15:55] <Ariel> still you kal......
[15:55] <Darkwolf> (Don't let Lady Wei see that Ariel.... ;p)
[15:56] <Ariel> see what??? ;)
[15:56] <Darkwolf> panther severing her garden..
[15:56] <Ariel> kal??
[15:56] <Ariel> hehehe
[15:56] <Darkwolf> breakfast...
[15:56] <Darkwolf> him...
[15:56] <Darkwolf> getting.
[15:56] <Ariel> I see..
[15:57] *** King_of_the_Frogs is now known as Lady_Wei
[15:57] * Lady_Wei pouts
[15:57] <Ariel> uh ohhh...she saw..
[15:57] * Ariel hides
[15:57] *** Lady_Wei is now known as King_of_the_Frogs
[16:03] <Ariel> well come on kal......yeesh..
[16:03] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[16:03] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The vine tracks upon the marsh; dances before the violence of the honor!
[16:03] <Kalanyr> Done
[16:03] <Ariel> there he is..*S*
[16:04] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[16:04] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The dagger rends the mesa; quells the offensive of the void!
[16:04] <Ariel> *sigh*
[16:04] <Ariel> BOING
[16:04] <Ariel> I do get one yen tho..
[16:04] <Ariel> from arena fighter..
[16:04] <Darkwolf> Auto Point Kal...
[16:05] <Darkwolf> 3 flags Kalanyr; 1 flag Ariel; 1 yen to Ariel
[16:05] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[16:05] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The rose petal vanquishes the vineyard; scatters the terror of the rainbow!
[16:05] <Kalanyr> HD:Rose Petal!
[16:05] <Kalanyr> Done
[16:05] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[16:05] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The rat invades the ruins; avoids the slash of the lava!
[16:05] <Ariel> done
[16:06] <Darkwolf> If rose petals vanquish a vineyard does it become a garden?
[16:06] <Ariel> no it become ruins....
[16:06] <Ariel> hehehe
[16:06] <Darkwolf> Point and Style Kalanyr
[16:06] <Darkwolf> 5 flags Kalanyr; 1 flag Ariel
[16:06] <Ariel> this sucks...
[16:07] <Ariel> do I go first now???
[16:07] <Darkwolf> yes
[16:07] <King_of_the_Frogs> What were you expecting? This is KALANYR!!!
[16:07] <Ariel> k....
[16:07] <Ariel> yea I know..
[16:07] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[16:07] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The phoenix flies higher than the castle; conceals the touch of the flame!
[16:07] <Ariel> (sig style phoenix)
[16:07] <Ariel> done
[16:08] <Ariel> nice synegry move I IMO
[16:08] <Kalanyr> yep yep
[16:08] <Ariel> I=in
[16:08] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[16:08] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The hammer kicks underneath the palace as it devastates the Hall of Bones; shreds the pain of the stars!
[16:08] <Kalanyr> Done
[16:08] <Ariel> ewwww....
[16:08] <Kalanyr> Am I Really that scary Sab?
[16:08] <Ariel> yes.....yes you are..
[16:08] *** GrayDoom has joined #ybfight
[16:08] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o GrayDoom
[16:08] <Darkwolf> you kick underneath...while the phoenix flies...
[16:08] <Darkwolf> Point and style Ariel!
[16:08] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[16:08] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The tiger kicks facing the heavens; dodges the chi of the dark sunbeam!
[16:09] <Darkwolf> 5 flags Kalanyr; 3 flags Ariel
[16:09] <Ariel> ah ah ah ah stayin alive....stayin alive..
[16:09] <Kalanyr> Sig Loc(Heavens)
[16:09] <Ariel> uh oh..
[16:09] <Kalanyr> Done
[16:09] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[16:09] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The blizzard moves below the steppes while it ruthlessly annihilates the Spring of Life; guards against the terror of the snow!
[16:09] <Ariel> done...
[16:09] <Ariel> that's nasty..
[16:10] * Darkwolf goes around handing out tiger popsicles to whomever wants them...
[16:10] <Darkwolf> Point Ariel
[16:10] <Ariel> lol
[16:10] <Darkwolf> 5 flags Kalanyr; 4 flags Ariel
[16:10] <Ariel> !mb ybmov
[16:10] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[16:10] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The dagger scourges the marsh; waves away the throw of the moon and flips higher than the chi of the rain!
[16:10] <Ariel> crap..
[16:10] <Ariel> *sigh*
[16:10] <Ariel> I hate that...
[16:10] * Darkwolf waves bye to Ariel
[16:11] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[16:11] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The phoenix leaps with the ruins; absorbs the gaze of the honor!
[16:11] <Ariel> har har
[16:11] <Kalanyr> Nastery:Thuder
[16:11] <Kalanyr> Thunder
[16:11] <Kalanyr> :p
[16:11] <Ariel> BG
[16:11] <Kalanyr> BG?
[16:11] <Darkwolf> saw that coming...
[16:11] <Ariel> bribe judges....
[16:11] <Ariel> hehehee
[16:11] <Darkwolf> uh...try BJ...not BG
[16:11] <Kalanyr> Now you have 0 yen
[16:11] <Ariel> oops..
[16:11] <Ariel> I know...
[16:11] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[16:11] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The irresistible fan shouts in the midst of the knoll; reduces the punch of the flame!
[16:11] <Kalanyr> Done
[16:12] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[16:12] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The kama slashes close to the wetlands; removes the efforts of the willow!
[16:12] * Darkwolf sings "Simply irresitible!!"
[16:12] <Darkwolf> Point and match Kalanyr

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