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[KAUAI]The Rod of Seven Parts: Of Hexes and Gems


Once the dwarf is touched by the healing power of the wand he raise to his feet.
It could be inside his stomach, you gut the beast while I touch the gems with the rod, keep it clean!

The albino dwarf jog in the water that spill into the room, pulls out the rod and walks around the room, he taps with it on the gems and tries to see any reaction

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7 HP back to Gamad from Voadam's wand of cure light wounds.

Gamad, feeling somewhat better, retrieves the matte black rod segment and walks the circumference of the hexagonal chamber, tapping first the yellow gem on the northern doors, then--after skipping the now broken green gem on the eastern doors--the blue star sapphire inset into the runework on the southern doors. When tapped by the segment, the yellow-begemmed set of double doors does not react in the slightest. At lightest touch of the rod to the sapphire, however, the star inside the blue gem winks out of existence and the low rumble of stone grinding on stone resounds within the water-slogged hexagonal chamber as the set of southern doors forms a crack down the middle then part and slowly open.

Having tapped the rod to the blue gem, Gamad instantly feels his stomach go queasy with unease as his skin feels like liquid oil. Shrugging off whatever taint the rod or any magic inherent within the rune might attempt on him, Gamad blinks and finds himself facing the oddity of a solid stone wall. A corridor lined of limestone flooring, walls, and ceiling looms just inside the now open southern doors. Fully 20 feet wide and unlit, the corridor, Gamad judges, stretches perhaps 50 feet both right and left. The hallway ends in both directions when it abruptly jogs 90 degrees to the south. In the dim light shed by Voadam's gold coin, Voadam, Brakkus, and Chev find themselves confronted with a wide shadowy hallway inside the open southern doors. Gamad and Maelicent, whose eyes benefit from keen underdark senses imparted by blood alone, can see quite well into the darkened stone hall.


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Voadam holds up his coin to provide more light. "Stone flooring, this will be tough to track. Do you see any evidence of soot tracked from the gem room Maelicent?"

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A smile breaks across Voadam's bearded face, still flushed red from burns as it is. "It was the Rod that was the key. Hah!" As he peers over the floor hoping to find a trace of tracked soot to follow he considers the implications "And it did not open the eastern sun gem door. Hmm, somehow the magics here seem keyed to the Rod, if the next segment was taken down this way that would explain the Rod opening only this door if the magic was linked to the two segments. This seems to indicate the rod had been hidden away here instead of randomly scattered across the planar divide after the Chaos War and the wolf spider's failure. It could have been hidden away here and the secret of its presence kept from our Vaati patron's knowledge. If so, then someone wants to keep it hidden and may be acting to block our obtaining it."

Mista Collins

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Glad that the group has found away to open the doors, Chev walks over to the dwarf. "Good work, Gamad. Excellent suggestion, Voadam. Now lets continue and see if we can find this segment and get back to some civilization."


Wait, we can still gut the fallen beast, I suggest we not leave hidden places where the rod might be.
The dwarf rolls the cursed stick in leather and tucks it into his pack

Busy with extracting a particularly large tooth the size of his own hand, Maelicent looks up and grunts but presses forward with his butchery. "Inna moment. Almost got it..." The goblin bends back over and continues stabbing and slicing away at the crocodile's maw.

Voadam bends closer to the floor and commences searching for tracks. Some of the water filtering beneath the eastern doors of the hexagonal chamber pools past the southern doors and spills into the stone hallway. Before the water invades and makes tracking all the more difficult, however, Voadam sees enough to know that the behemoth came from beyond these southern doors, that it tracked no soot (because the soot is all confined to the interior of the hexagonal chamber), and that likely the beast trekked up the 20-foot-wide corridor from the east.


First Post
"I can help gut the croc quick," says Brakkus while hefting his guisarme. "If you don't mind me ruining the parts you might find good eating, that is."


The Gudwulf warrior peeks up over the bulk of the bloody carcass at the sound of the large stone doors grinding open in the next room. The goblin set's his jaw firmly in frustration and embarrassment at this latest example of his ignorance of magical matters; just a few moments earlier he'd asserted his belief that the doors wouldn't open and close by themselves, and yet he was now watching that very thing happening before his small beady eyes. In response all Maelicent manages to do is grunt and to spit venomously into the stream of bloodied water streaming past the dragon's carcass.

Idly sliding the most recent pried dragon's tooth into a coat pocket, Maelicent ignores the wet red stain slowly soaking through the fabric and leather around that pocket; it will simply be the latest chromatic addition to the russet colored overcoat's panoply of stains. "Ayeah. So what'cha about then? Ya want we should keep goin or ta butcher this thin? Cleanin it'll take quite a bit. We'd have ta roll it over first." The Gudwulf warrior strides in long steps up along the creature's back and back down towards the base of its tail; the trip taking the goblin roughly seven or eigh full strides. "Workin through all its guts from maw ta arse ta look fer a lil stick won't be easy or clean. Guts go deosil an widdershins all about fer yards an yards before coming out ya know." Maelicent looks over the enthusiastic giant-kin's polearm with a smirk. "...An tha tree blade a yer's won't do nothin but make a damned mess o it all."

Voidrunner's Codex

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