Kaylmba: African inspired RPG


Seems to be a rather high goal for just a translation, although I do not know how the shipping crisis affect the cost of book printing.
Why, how much do you think translation costs? Because if I'm doing a rough estimate (about 500 pages, with about 500 words on each), then the goal of 43,000 euros isn't very much to cover what is probably 1000 hours of work, even without the costs of printing.

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Why, how much do you think translation costs? Because if I'm doing a rough estimate (about 500 pages, with about 500 words on each), then the goal of 43,000 euros isn't very much to cover what is probably 1000 hours of work, even without the costs of printing.
And yet I have seen kickstarter for entirely new RPGs also asking for the same value (Into the Motherlands for example to stay with Afro Fantasy)

Honestly it's just going to come down to value to the purchaser.

I love the artwork, and I have so little exposure to african inspired anything that I'm sure I'll get value out of the book just by reading it.

At least the system appears to be well developed. There's little in the way of promotion and explanation of it which I think is one of the real weak points of the campaign.

A bit more info on the system from the kickstarter FAQ:

Kalymba's rules are based on the +2d6, a TTRPG system that's very popular in Brazil for being easy to understand, play and adapt. To play Kalymba, you just need a handful of d6 dice, a character sheet for each player, and Kalymba's core rulebook.

Kalymba's rules system has no pre-established classes, so you're free to create unique characters through point-buy.

You'll have 10 points to distribute between your six attributes (Strength, Agility, Vigor, Intellect, Ginga, and Ori), and 25 points to distribute between your skills (there are six categories: Physical Skills, Social Skills, Knowledge Skills, Resistance Skills, Senses, and Occupational Skills). You also have 3 points to buy Special Abilities to make your character even cooler.

Tests are made by adding [2d6+Attribute+Skill], even the combat ones. The higher the result, the better your character's performance on that particular action.

At the end of each adventure, you'll gain experience points (XP) so you can tier up and then level up. There are five levels: Kid, Brave, Veteran, Hero, and Legend, and each level has four tiers (1, 2, 3, 4). When you tier up, you receive skill points and special ability points. When you level up, you receive an attribute point and expand the range of abilities you can buy. It's kinda simple, and the book has a table for that, don't worry.

Using your special ability points, you can also learn new mandingas (spells) and/or receive orisha gifts (abilities given by the gods to their favorite devotees).

So for now the project will be cancelled.

It seems many of them got sick over this period. I hope they have a full recovery soon.

The creators are going to regroup on the project and plan to relaunch in February with a lower funding goal and some advertising.



Sorry to hear about the "pause" due to getting sick. Hopefully they take it easy, recover, and come back stronger! :)

As for Kaylmba... sounds pretty cool. I like the art...I don't like that they think "colour art" is a bonus; IMNSHO, they should leave it black and white. I like colour for the cover, but interior should be all b/w...maybe with a half dozen "full colour insert full-page artworks' in the middle, or one at the beginning of each major chapter or something. With b/w art it lest me decide just what "dark brown with rusty highlights" look like in stead of looking at a picture and thinking "that's just brow with blond highlights to me...". Besides...it lets me whip out my coloured pencils, markers, pastels, or whatever and do some "adult colouring", as the kids call it nowadays. ;)

The system seems simple, and that's fine. I just hope that there is info about how to maintain a campaign for years of play. Economics, government systems, random encounter tables (or creating them yourself), stuff on environmental considerations, weather, building structures, maintaining a "keep/tower/castle", etc. If not in the core book, at least announce it will be forthcoming in a future book/s.

If I had the $$$ right now I'd back it. Got 'surprised' with a $1500 bill for something I forgot I had to pay for. Yay! Just in time for Christmas! LOL!


Paul L. Ming

aramis erak

As for Kaylmba... sounds pretty cool. I like the art...I don't like that they think "colour art" is a bonus; IMNSHO, they should leave it black and white.
Given that the characters should largely be many of the darker shades of brown, B&W line art is pretty much a literal whitewash... Line art does a poor job of conveying of such skin. The color art would be a very much more representational art. I think too much emphasis is put on representational art and not enough on overcoming subcultural stigma, but this is a case where, due to the subject matter vs intended audience, color is just shy of essential.

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