D&D 5E Keith Baker Presents Closing Doors On Eberron

There's one more Eberron book coming


Keith Baker has announced that his Eberron-based publishing company will be ending production after 4 years. The company, led by Eberron creator Keith Baker, produced four incredibly popular books on the Dungeon Master's Guild--Exploring Eberron, Chronicles of Eberron, Dread Metrol, and Eberron Confidential. There is one more book planned--Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone will be released by Visionary Production and Design who will also be continuing publication of the four existing books.

Eberron is an official D&D world, and was introduced to 5E with Eberron: Rising form the Last War in 2019.

We appreciate all the support and enthusiasm that our fans brought these past four years, and it is with a heavy heart that we must inform you that on June 30, 2023 KB Presents will be closing its doors. It has been a joy and honor to bring you our version of Eberron and we are incredibly proud of what we have created.

As we pursue new challenges and opportunities, we leave the existing works under the stewardship of Visionary Production and Design (https://twitter.com/visionarypnd). This includes the following Dungeon Masters Guild titles:

Exploring Eberron: Exploring Eberron - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Chronicles of Eberron: Chronicles of Eberron - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Dread Metrol: Dread Metrol: Into the Mists - An Eberron / Ravenloft Crossover - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild
Eberron Confidential: Eberron Confidential - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild

If you would like to continue supporting the former KB Presents production team, you can find us at:

Laura Hirsbrunner, Editor: Laura Hirsbrunner
Imogen Gingell, Designer: Imogen Gingell
Wayne Chang, Producer: Adventuring Zone
Keith Baker, Lead Designer: Twogether Studios

Our final book, Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone, is slated for release in the latter half of 2023 and will be published under Visionary. We appreciate your taking this journey with us and we look forward to our paths crossing once again.

Thank you!

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From Baker's point of view, I get it. He doesn't have the rights to Eberron, so he's going to invest his efforts into something he does own the rights to. (Now that he's famous enough to have an audience, of course...)

I'm sorry to see one of the genuinely new settings since the 2e days go.
The setting is not gone. It is an active setting currently in 5e and with a popular official product and some of the most popular products on DMsGuild.

It is relevant now and will be for a long time since we are getting 5e forever now. So, not gone now or the near future as far as I can tell.

Rising from the Last War is still selling well. Outselling pretty much anything that isn't D&D on amazon:

Best Sellers Rank: #4,377 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
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I do hope the DMsGuild fee structure get's revised so that it is more profitable for creators. Then maybe KB would be interested in a return in 10 years or so.


Whilst Keith is certainly a talented writer who deserves a wider audience, I can't help feel this might be a bit of a Reichenbach Falls moment.
An opportunity for him to write one of the best-loved tales in the series? (Baskervilles.)
Eberron still has a thriving fan community that is continuing to create excellent content for 5e, and it seemed like Keith was still going to be answering lore questions on his blog. It's nice to think of KB products as more or less "official" Eberron content but it's not like the setting is vaporizing in the mists (I mean aside from Cyre :cool:)
Too soon, too soon.


After that book, Eberron will no longer be supported.
I assume you mean no additional support?

As is, it has some of the best setting support in 5e. A thick dedicated campaign guide and 3-4 books (with another coming) on DMsGuild with the original creator involved. Not to mention the existing and future fan made Guild content. How do you see that as "no longer" supported?

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I assume you mean no additional support?

As is, it has some of the best setting support in 5e. A thick dedicated campaign guide and 3-4 books (with another coming) on DMsGuild with the original creator involved. Not to mention the existing and future fan made Guild content. How do you see that as "no longer" supported?
I'm being technical I guess. If WotC came out and said, "after this next book, we're no longer publishing new books for D&D", it would mean that WotC is no longer supporting D&D, even with all the stuff they put out in the past still being out there. The living, ongoing association between WotC and D&D would be over. That's what I'm talking about. I'm not saying it hasn't received a lot of support (comparatively). I'm not even saying what we have is or isn't enough (although the ending of an association of an author with their work is always a little sad). I'm just calling the situation as I see it.


This is pure speculation on my part, and I am probably completely wrong here. But I cannot help but wonder if the upcoming Vecna storyline, which will take place across worlds, will make some subtle changes to Eberron lore -e.g., other worlds are more aware of it now and it is thus closer to the multiverse rather than mostly working on its own planar system- that made him think that it's better to have more control over a world lore-wise

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